
May 16, 2001
Joe Average....if you are an atheist, then you don't have to worry about much then. When you die you will just be dust. No problems. Why do you even concern yourself with such stuff...you have nothing to live,or die, for.

So just because some people are strong enough to admit that they have no idea what happens when you die, they have no reason to live? You only should try to make the world better if you'll score points to cash in on "judgement day"? Jaybird, your religious fanaticism is no different than the religious fanaticism that the terrorists used as justification for their actions. If everyone kept their "beliefs" to themselves nobody would have a problem.


Oct 7, 1999
Originally posted by KLX4smoke
Jaybird, your religious fanaticism is no different than the religious fanaticism that the terrorists used as justification for their actions.

BS KLX. That's the most offensive thing I've seen posted yet. Even for you that's a new high. <Steamin>


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
How dare you! I shouldn't comment further because you obviously are an idiot.
My true feeling about your lame post would most surely be edited, and with good reason.
I find you rude, offensive, and no idea of what it takes to be a man.
You sicken me.


***** freak.
May 5, 2000
Originally posted by KLX4smoke
If everyone kept their "beliefs" to themselves nobody would have a problem.

Why don't you set the example for us? :silly:


May 16, 2001
Jaybird tells a guy that he has no reason to live and you don't think that's religious fanatacism? Bin Laden's "jihad" (holy war) stems from the same self-absorbed religious BS.


Oct 7, 1999
Yep. I heard Jaybird tell people to kill each other. Devoted his life to killing people in the name of religion. Heard him take credit for the taking of dozens of human lives. Yep. I heard all that. As did you, right KLX? You should be ashamed. Perhaps the inability to tell the difference is at the core of some of your (in my opinion erroneous) beliefs.


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
I think some people need to go riding. :think


Oct 7, 1999
Originally posted by KLX4smoke
hurl all the teenager-quality insults at me that you want.

I guess you prefer the horrible, meanspirited, awful, grown-up type of insult, eh?

Really, up to this point you've had some sensical posts. But if you can't retract, or at least back off a little, on that accusation, then you are clearly in the wrong. By a longshot.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
As strange as it may seem, I'm gonna defend KLX4 on this.

Religious fanaticism played a big part in this. Just because Joe Average doesn't know what happens when you die doesn't mean he has nothing to live, or die, for.

I'm not the most religious character on the block, I'm not exactly sure what happens, and I don't want anyone here to tell me (I want to find out for myself :D). I have plenty to live for. One shares my bed. The other two sleep across the hallway. Another is my country and my flag. Don't tell me they aren't worth it.

KLX4 may have been a little harsh comparing Jaybirds religiousity (:confused: ) with the fanatacism of the perps, but I think his heart was in the right place. But, since we're leaving politics out of this, let's leave religion out for now as well. We are all Americans (and some allies :cool: ).

Let's shake hands again and go back to our corners.

Old CR goat

Sponsoring Member
Nov 10, 2000
Some of these posts are sad.
The suggestions of rewards, find other ways,....... It just won't work!

That's not what gave us the freedoms that we enjoy today and it will not presserve themfor tommorrow. Including being able to make stupid assed posts (KLX4) and get away with a just a scolding.


Jul 27, 1999
Beaverton, OR
it is inherently wrong period to level entire countries based one group's beliefs and actions

The Nazis were "one group" residing in an "entire country" who committed horrific acts against humanity.

Your logic has gaping holes, and frankly I don't have the time......


Aug 20, 2000
Nice post XR....religon runs to many wildfires ....and displaced anger...or misplaced as I like to say:p

But as far a terrorist .....there are countries that breed them, their children are terrorist, the women have them the men train them...Its their way of life since Christ (2 thousand years) thats all they know ....So its up to US as the "parents" of the world........to show them how its done .....And sometimes is take DRASTIC measures to get there true attention before they listen ......

GO George !


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Nothing that happens in retaliation to this heinous act has anything to do with anyones religious beliefs.

It has to do with doing what's right. And vengeance.


Mod Ban
Dec 10, 2000
Originally posted by XRpredator
I'd just as soon not see any nukes either. We've got lots of other neat toys that'll do a plenty good job.

Originally posted by JoeAverage
it is inherently wrong period to level entire countries based one group's beliefs and actions...
Don't we have these neat little "toys" called Neutron Bombs? No country-leveling neccessary...:think :eek:

CPT Jack

Jun 27, 2000
No LT, I disagree, Jaybird is the one who was out of line here. He attacked Joe Average for absolutely no good reason. Reread joeAverage's posts and then Jaybird's - Joe is clearly probing a discussion and Jaybird is clearly insulting him. That's how I read it.

"Can't we all just get along":eek:

There is so much I would like to post - I think we need to consider this situation from more than a singular perspective and really work it thru, but from what I've read so far I think we're not enough past the anger to look that far down the road yet. I'm talking more in terms of society and our long term future.

Personally I'm very sad and troubled over the situation we are now in - it being like quicksand. Where will be the end - the extraction point - and how can that be achieved once we've entered the spiral of violence? My biggest fear is that we will become Israel - or a Balkan faction - sucked into a never-ending conflict. This is not Vietnam - we won't be able to extract ourselves from this war we decide that we want to. So you can see the dilemma here right? I don't see any way to win because there is no "winning" - only degrees of loss.

Yes, I am troubled because now the egg is broken, we're already involved, and we have to make our choices. How far do we take our retaliation? How many young men are we prepared to lose to achieve our goals and exactly how much freedom are we willing to trade for our security?

Is anyone else out there thinking about these things? Maybe I'm trying to arrive at some kind of philisophical anwer ...or maybe I just need Prozac. In either case you guys are my sounding board. Let's please drop the John Wayne testosterone thing and seriously consider how we are about to shape the way we live.

CPT Jack

Jun 27, 2000
Oh, and don't get me started on religion!

Pat Burroughs

Sep 10, 1999
The idea that those who are not religious have no reason for living is perhaps the most ludicrous thing I've ever heard. How about simply making the world a better place? Or simply showing kindness and compassion to your fellow human beings, thereby enriching their lives? Or. . .gasp, dirt biking! Are these not valid reasons for living?

Perhaps KLX4 is guilty of exaggeration for emphasis, but he was right in being contentious with Jaybird's assertion.


Oct 7, 1999
Originally posted by CPT Jack
Oh, and don't get me started on religion!

This shows your bias. Please, Jack, "get started" on religion. I'll answer your arguments with well thought out ones that you're probably not used to getting. Nowadays religious people have been pummelled to the point of cowering in the face of the nonsensical, PC attacks against their faiths. I haven't. I welcome a discussion. And I'll bet you a steak that I've heard and thought on your arguments, while you have not heard and thought on mine. Bet?

Now, seeing as this isn't dying, let me respond: Amongst friends, or even amongst people of good will, for crying out loud, wouldn't you choose the more informative, generous rebuke? As in -- "hey, wait a minute. Atheists come to their own moral code for other considerations than a place in the afterlife." As opposed to: "Your fanaticism is no different from that of the terrorists that just killed thousands of people?

Give me a break. Do you really not see that there is a difference? And that, given the current state of affairs, it's a difference that should not be lightly discarded for rhetorical points?

This really hurts.


Oct 7, 1999
Originally posted by CPT Jack
I'm talking more in terms of society and our long term future.

Personally I'm very sad and troubled over the situation we are now in - it being like quicksand. Where will be the end - the extraction point - and how can that be achieved once we've entered the spiral of violence? My biggest fear is that we will become Israel - or a Balkan faction - sucked into a never-ending conflict. This is not Vietnam - we won't be able to extract ourselves from this war we decide that we want to. So you can see the dilemma here right? I don't see any way to win because there is no "winning" - only degrees of loss.

Is anyone else out there thinking about these things?

Please drop the John Wayne testosterone thing and seriously consider how we are about to shape the way we live.

You'd be surprised, apparently, to know that you're not the only one thinking long term, and not a slave to testosterone. So let me gently tell you: Most Americans I know are thinking long and hard on all the ramifications of our potential actions.

Gee, people are gonna' die. No kidding. Sometimes, good people must actually pay to protect their freedoms, and those of others. Heck, sometimes you must be willing to pay just to save the lives of your loved ones or other innocents. And to kill. Sorry, Jack, but since you're thinking hard on this, how about a dose of realism on the other side of the equation?

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