Thanks DRN


Sponsoring Member
Mar 9, 2002
I just wanted to say thanks to a couple of people out there for a great ride on this past Saturday. TTR-Guy I don't know why you ride a thumper, 'cause you rip on a 2-stroke. Gospeedracer I hope that your dog never catches a bike, the bike may get hurt. Corey your burgers taste way better than the pile of mud coming off your back tire! Thanks again and I promise I won't crash as much next time, :eek: take it easy!!


Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
Twas a great weekend for riding. GSR and I stayed and rode for about 3 hours or so again Sunday morning. I have to say that was one of the faster groups I have ridden with in the woods in quite some time! Moose you're gonna have to bring that Irish guy with you next time. Oh and thanks for checking out my noggin after that little branch incident :) My nose is still sore on one side! Corey, it was fun riding with you, your dad (who just rips) and David again. Thanks a ton for showing us around Turkey Bay. For anyone who hasn't been there it is absolutely awesome and is now my 2nd favorite place to ride ever. Kennedy Meadows in CA is ahead just slightly but really more due to the scenery, temparature and lack of bugs and 4 wheelers. I think I actually prefer the trails at Turkey Bay slightly. I can't wait to do it again :aj:


Sponsoring Member
Jul 19, 2000
I have to say, that was the best ride I've ever had at Turkey Bay. I want to thank everyone who came out to ride on our home turf...TTRGuy, GSR, Moose95, Yamahauler, Darby, KYKTM835 and crew. GREAT RIDE! We rarely get to ride with a large group (it's usually myself, my dad, and David). It's good to do our part in offsetting the q-u-a-d to bike ratio at Turkey Bay. ;) Hopefully the TTR swallowing mudhole wasn't enough to scare Aimee off from Turkey Bay. You guys are welcome to ride with us Anytime you want! Just let us know, and we'll be there. All you Indiana guys missed out on a great time. :silly:

Hey Eddie...was that a rabbit? hehehe

Matt, anytime you want to get your crew together and ride, shoot me an email. You're too close, not to be up here more often!

I can't thank everyone enough for such a great ride. :)


Sponsoring Member
Mar 9, 2002
Hey Guys, thanks for having me. Next time I'll bring the rest of the crew no matter what's on their schedules :aj: ! My brother (IrishEKU) is really wishing that he didn't have to put his bike together when he gets back from his OCS training, maybe me and my buddy will do that for him...what's a torque wrench? :eek: Ha, ha, better leave that to him he's a better mechanic than anyone I know personally. TTRGUY next time I won't forget my aidbag, now how to apply steri-strips to a nose? :think: I padded my hand today and got the IMS Pro-Line Foot Pegs, now for that sticker that says "rubber side down". CAL the next couple of weeks looks pretty bad for us, we've got some field time coming up, but IRISHEKU will be back somewhere around the week of the 24th, so perhaps that following weekend? What do you think TTRGUY? I'll make sure I put the word out to the boys from Campbell and we can get a crew together and this time we'll get some more footage. At least more than that picture I took of the building where I expected the Blair Witch to come out at any moment! :) Take it easy and let me know. Happy Trails and DRINK WATER!


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN

I HATE work!


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
Originally posted by CAL
Hopefully the TTR swallowing mudhole wasn't enough to scare Aimee off from Turkey Bay.
Naw, that didn't scare me, just surprised the heck outta me! :eek: That's never happened before. Who would have thought the bike would sink and I'd stand up with the bike below me?! Well, not me at least. I couldn't help but laugh, it was hilarious.
Now it's those dang trees and branches that scare the stuffing out of me! I think I know how MXSparxs feels now! :scream: This desert rider doesn't like to play that game very much. On Sunday, I was extremely close to supermaning it into a huge puddle when I clipped my bars on a tree while trying to go AROUND the puddle. I don't know how I saved it because the 'splashdown' was already playing out in my head.
Turkey Bay is pretty cool, even if there are waaay too many trees there for my liking, ;) Now if there just weren't so many dang quads! I just can't understand why they feel it's so necessary that they peel out and spin dounuts in the parking/staging area. :|
Moose95, it was great to meet you. I look forward to meeting that brother of yours as well. I can't really say I look forward to riding with you guys again, more like I look forward to being ABLE to ride with you guys sometime! :confused: But I sincerely do appreciate the babysitting services. Thank you all for taking it down about 15 notches and helping me out of a few jams. Thanks CAL for getting the TTR out of that mud hole and thanks to your Dad for getting my bike down that one hill.
See you guys again soon.


Sponsoring Member
Jul 19, 2000
Originally posted by TTRGuy
I can't wait to do it again :aj:

Originally posted by gospeedracer
See you guys again soon.

Let's do it again! How about tomorrow!? Just kidding. We are meeting some guys from Missouri and Georgia there this Saturday. Come on if ya wanna!!

Speedy, you already back in St. Louis? Hope everyone in CA, yourself included, is doing ok.


Sponsoring Member
Mar 9, 2002
I'll be out on Sunday around Noon. Any chance of you being out there? Gospeedracer, any time you and TTRGuy are in the area, just drop a line and I'll do what I can to get out there with you guys! Next time perhaps I'll bring Lucy some company!


Sponsoring Member
Feb 16, 2001
Hemet, CA.

Did GSR let you ride a real bike? :p

Come on man, I want to read about the maiden voyage of your new 520! :cool:

bundy aka....bunster


Sponsoring Member
Jul 19, 2000
Originally posted by Moose95
I'll be out on Sunday around Noon. Any chance of you being out there?

Sorry, I can't be out there this Sunday afternoon. My wife has been out of town all week and will be home late Sat. night. Sundays are hard for me anyway. If I can plan for them I can make it work, but it only leaves a few hours inbetween church services. But I rarely turn down the opportunity to ride, no matter how short of a ride it will be. ;)

We'll hook up again soon.


Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
Alas no new bike in my future for awhile man. I wouldn't be able to decide what the heck to get anyway right now. Would you quit with the 'bunster' thing? You're giving me the heebie jeebies, enough already :p


Sponsoring Member
Jul 19, 2000
"Bunster" ??

You California guys worry me sometimes. :p


Sponsoring Member
Mar 9, 2002
CAL, Sorry I'll miss you this weekend. I have a buddy named Bob who'll be out there on Saturday. He'll be driving a geen Ford Focus 4-door with a green trailer. He's got a '01 KX125 and new to the off road game. He's a very good street rider (CBR929), but could use some help in the hill climbing (like me) catagory. I'll give him the description of your vehicle and bike. Hopefully you guys can link up. He's a great guy who you'd enjoy riding/bench-racing with. Good Luck and bust a berm for me! Thanks for the Mojo!


Sponsoring Member
Mar 9, 2002
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. My IMS foot pegs will be in on Tuesday!! Hopefully control will be a little more within reach, ha, ha!!


Sponsoring Member
Jul 19, 2000
Thanks Matt. I'll keep an eye out for him.

I hope you have boots with replaceable soles. Those IMS pegs are good at eating boot soles. :eek:
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