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Timmy Timmy Timmy!
Sep 24, 2000
Last night I took the wife out to dinner and the conversation turned to the up coming 06 SX series. I told the wife that KW broke his arm testing at the Honda SX track and with the season 3 weeks away it puts any title run out of the picture. After a few minutes of discussing different riders and that Stewart won the two rounds in Canada. The wife boldly states that Stewart will win the SX Championship and RC is done with his dominating ways. When I asked her what made her so sure,she calmly stated
"women's intuition". :laugh:

Guess that settles all of our bench racing discussions and disagreements. So know what are we going to talk about? :rotfl:

Note: The wife is a independent contractor and her view from the tower is not those necessarily of this station or its owner!


May 4, 2004
My wife said Reed was gonna kick Ricky's butt last year! :rotfl:

ben s

Dec 17, 2005
I thought that Bubba was gonna clean up this year, but he crashed and burned. It's good to see him doing well again. RC and Reed looked a bit shocked at the Canadian rounds!
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Oct 25, 2005
Bets for the race that we will see Stewart being carried off by the ambulance cart? Im going with Anaheim 2 at the latest.


Dec 31, 1969
RMCoastie said:
Bets for the race that we will see Stewart being carried off by the ambulance cart? Im going with Anaheim 2 at the latest.
I'm game, what are we betting?


Oct 25, 2005
RMCoastie said:
Bets for the race that we will see Stewart being carried off by the ambulance cart? Im going with Anaheim 2 at the latest.

Okiewan said:
I'm game, what are we betting?

Doesn't matter, Im sure this thread well get big in the next couple of days though.


DRN's Resident Lunatic
Aug 3, 2004
I think that the bigger battle will be the 06 Nationals. But for sx, I'm predicting a championship for JBS, but if RC wins it, it will be because he was 2'nd place when he didnt win and JBS will crash out if he dosen't win.


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
Masterphil said:
I think that the bigger battle will be the 06 Nationals. But for sx, I'm predicting a championship for JBS, but if RC wins it, it will be because he was 2'nd place when he didnt win and JBS will crash out if he dosen't win.

2 races and the guys already got it in the bag :rotfl: :rotfl: 06 nationals will be same results .............more bellyaching out in the sun, wind and heat :blah:


Dec 31, 1969
You keep hanging on to the past ellandoh :)

I don't think anything is in the bag except the fact that JS is noticably faster than anyone out there... all the while apparently cruising around at a comfortable pace. Blame it on the RMZ and YZF, blame it on 6th place starts, whatever. IF he has really figured-out that slowing down is the way to go, it could be a long season for everyone else. We'll have to see what happens when the real pressure hits JS. No matter what, it makes SX worth watching this year.

As much as I'd like to see someone other than RC every weekend, watching a select few posters back-peddle all season long wouldl be more entertaining :p


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
im hanging on for dear life!! :)

if everyone just agreed around here this place would get stagnant real fast :boss:

ps. i'm sorta regretting that bet we made about bubba and this season :bang: the kid turned himself around in a big way, i'll agree with that . placing below 2nd looks bad for me , real bad......for now


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
Okiewan said:
Ah yes :) ...

L&O sweating kxf450 sized bullets :laugh: , season is more interesting though


Jan 9, 2000
I watched rd 2 and bubba very nearly wadded himself in the whoop section, the bars were twisting side to side, he is not cruising to easy wins- if bubba is still in one piece by round 5 i will be surprises, for me RC isnt looking right at the moment, no where near as comforatable as last season even, his corners are hindged his smoothness out of corners is lackign compared to bubbas, if he can get these things sorted he will be right there, if not he will have to hope bubba doesnt stay upright for too long-its a risk, im guessing RC will get smoother and faster and make a real race of it within the first 5 rounds.


***** freak.
May 5, 2000
marcusgunby said:
im guessing RC will get smoother and faster and make a real race of it within the first 5 rounds.

That's what I think, too.

Lookin' forward to it.



Dec 31, 1969
He's cruising.
Even with the "telling booble in the whoops", he looks way more comfortable and in control than anyone else out there. I'm sure Suzuki is struggling with the RMZ as Yamaha is with the YZF and Kawasaki just got lucky with their first time out KXF.... actually making Stewart look in control. Somehow, the GOAT and Suzuki can't get a bike dialed-in.


Feeble Sponsoring Member
Jun 29, 2005
Let's wait and see what happens when the real SX season starts, if there is one thing RC has proven, he knows how to come back swinging.


Mar 27, 2005
I'm thinking about the IMPORTANCE of the "world" SX rounds. Any of you that have trained the way it is necessary to be in peak physical & mental shape know that it is not possible to be "on" 100% of the time. Look at the schedule that RC has maintained the last 18 months, or so. Rebuilding his strength after an injury; developing TWO new bikes, winning back the SX crown, annihilating all in the outdoor series, and then running off to Europe to humble the rest of the worlds MX riders. Oh yea, he had to do that bull-ring thing they call the U.S. Open, as well.
I would imagine he has taken a little bit of time off and may not have finished the work he needs to do to return to "peak" fitness & drive. I suspect he'll be there when he needs to be. What do you all think? :worship: :nod:


Feeble Sponsoring Member
Jun 29, 2005
RC is still the man - but he will have his hands full this year - no reign lasts forever - especially in this sport. I don't think BS can win every race, and he can't stand to finish behind RC. My prediction is he will get injured again because he can't control himself when RC has a better day, I just hope he doesn't take anyone with him. My guess is next year and possibly this outdoors season will be the turning point if BS can stay healthy.


Jan 9, 2000
Okie i bet RC is real happy he has had a chance to work on the weaknesses, after all thats a real good reason to do the canadian rounds?I bet RC is stronger come first ama round?I cant beleive people are thinking RC cannot rise to the challenge-no rider has ever come close to proving he has more than RC when he digs deep.....when bubba didnt have what it takes, he ran to daddy and wouldnt race???

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
SpDyKen said:
I'm thinking about the IMPORTANCE of the "world" SX rounds. Any of you that have trained the way it is necessary to be in peak physical & mental shape know that it is not possible to be "on" 100% of the time. Look at the schedule that RC has maintained the last 18 months, or so. Rebuilding his strength after an injury; developing TWO new bikes, winning back the SX crown, annihilating all in the outdoor series, and then running off to Europe to humble the rest of the worlds MX riders. Oh yea, he had to do that bull-ring thing they call the U.S. Open, as well.
I would imagine he has taken a little bit of time off and may not have finished the work he needs to do to return to "peak" fitness & drive. I suspect he'll be there when he needs to be. What do you all think? :worship: :nod:

I agree with your points. RC was worn out at the time of the US Open (it was televised today and he admitted as much on the victory podium). Quite simply, he's not at the top of his game right now. The goal is the win the AMA SX title, then the US Outdoor title. I absolutely think he will do both.

Props to Bubba for coming into Canada with his guns blazing. I think he will win more races and push RC all season.

2-Strokes 4-ever

Feb 9, 2005
I'm thinking bikes are playing into this some too. (first year rule) Last year, outdoors, RC was on a full works ride, this year it's production based. Is Kaw using this advantage this year? I'm guessing this might be the reason Decoster was pushing for the 250........maybe he felt they didn't have enough time between the outdoors 05 bike and now, to fully develop the 06 450........? Bubba had a lot of off time to work with his 450. No excuses, just thinking these factors DO carry some weight. And not get too far off this thread's theme......."it's what my wife said."


Dec 31, 1969
Is Kaw using this advantage this year?
Bike is in production, can't use the rule as I understand it. It's for pre-production seasons?

I bet RC is stronger come first ama round?I cant beleive people are thinking RC cannot rise to the challenge
I don't hear..uh.. read.. anyone saying that? I hear that RC got handled easily in Canada < insert reason; bike, doesn't care about Canada, bad starts, etc > and that this could be a very competitive year for a change.

2-Strokes 4-ever

Feb 9, 2005
Okiewan said:
Bike is in production, can't use the rule as I understand it. It's for pre-production seasons?

That sounds logical.......although I did read somewhere that RC's 450 was way-off a production model, alum tank, frame changes. I think even KTM played this advantage with their 250f's (much different than the late release production model.)
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