I just found this site today and I just want to say, whoevers site this is, it is awesome. Within 15 minutes i had an answer to my 426s bogging problem.The right jetting for my friends rm125 and answers to questions ive had for a while,until today.:p
If you really want to make good use of this site, check out the "places to ride/organized rides" forum, and hook up with fellow DRNers in your area. You'll meet some really great people!;)
Originally posted by mxbundy
[BAlthough you might regret it later.
I suggest you leave and never come back, or you will become hopelessly addicted like the rest of us poor souls.:p
Take this advice unless you are single, no kids, no girlfriend, and you can find a job easily. If you are all ready addicted to dirtbikes, DRN is you midnight, rainy day, can't afford to go riding FIX for what you yearn for. Don't forget to read the FAQs.
Be sure to check out the Ride/Race reports. Some members are really good at discribing some great rides. Have fun, don't forget the FAQs.
Thanks Patman for finally explaining the new smilie to us. Now that I see it on Richs' post, I realize it's 'the poopie-head'.
Too bad Rich can't use that for his avitar!:p