Those that use camelback hydrating systems read!

Can Can Kev

Feb 24, 2003
Well yesturday i went out riding because i got out of school early (minimum day) anyways we went to carniegie it was somewhat warm so i decided to wear my camel pack( my calem back doesnt have that plastic piece on the end it came off sio i just have the hose that i stick in my mouth) me and my friend went riding up into the hills and started going down some pretty knarly trails well the trail we though ran along this ridge turned into a straight down experience! :o and my rear end passed my front end and i ate it, well i had the came back tube in my mouth and when i crashed and tumbled down the hill ( bike sliding down with me) the tube got sucked down my throut causing me to barf all over the side of my bike i landed next to! ARRRGGG!!! so theres me with a wooze stomach riding back to the truck with barf on the side of my bike...
not a good day of riding!!!!!!! :(


Oct 16, 2000
That's pretty sick dude, be glad it wasn't worse, I hope that teaches you to never ride with something in your mouth. But I'm sure you guys will have something to talk about for years to come:)
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