
Nov 18, 2000
I've been suffering through a rotator cuff injury for months. It starts getting a little better and then it gets worse again. Broke my wrist last November and thought while the wrist healed the shoulder would recover too. Unfortunately the rest didn't seem to help the shoulder. Has anybody here been through this and found something that helped?


Jun 4, 2000
I suffer from a nagging shoulder injury also. I heals then I fall on it and it hurts real bad, more than it should from a crash as light as they have been. I have been told if I exercise it that it will get stronger and resist injury. Haven't been able to get to the gym lately but maybe you can and see if working out helps.:confused:

Coach in ND

Mar 19, 2001
I had a nasty get-off a couple years back that left me with a minor rotary cuff tear. I have had problems with seperated shoulders from hockey and Football and this was the straw tht broke the camels back.

I got it checked out and went through 6 months of Physical Therapy, going 3 times a week. All said and done my shoulder feels great and I haven't had a problem since.



Nov 26, 2001
Hey I know the feeling. I went down about a year and a half ago and severely dislocated my shoulder. The bad thing about a shoulder dislocation
is that the rotator cuf isnt exactly elastic. It takes a lot of physical therapy
to get back into shape. After a few other dislocations to the same shoulder
Its taken a lot of physical therapy to get it back up to strength, but Im getting there.

My advice? Dont overdo it and keep exercising it. With time it will get back up to par.

Good luck.


Dec 31, 2001
Four years ago I cased a jump, dead on, come-to-a-full-stop case. Problem is I didn't go over the bars, I just kept hands on handlebars and hyper stretched fwd, slamming face and chest on bars/tank

The pain was terrible and couldn't move arm overhead for a week. Go to family doctor, takes x-ray, says "ice it, take these for pain, nothing's broken" It got better and two weeks later I started riding again.

One year later I fell on a corner, back to terrible pain. Pain went away in about a week, but arm doesn't move right. Go to family doctor again, tells me I'm getting old, x-ray again, says I have swelling and to ice it, nothing's broken. I decide to get a second opinion, because it hasn't felt right since the first crash.

Visit to surgeon and MRI yields damage to rotator cuff, torn bicep, other horrible things. Surgery happens three days later, five hours and two surgeons to put it together.

Kicker: the surgeon tells me that there was so much atrophy from the injury going unrepaired for so long, that half the tissue is gone forever, and I'll be lucky to get 80% strength back. "I should have come to him sooner, and if it happens again, they have to use tissue from my leg to fix it".

It took me 1 1/2 years to feel "normal" again. Lots of therapy, cracking sounds and pain.

Moral of this story: if you think it's damaged, have it checked out now by a surgeon, not the family doc. He may be a good guy, but he's not an expert.


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
4 yrs ago I tore my right rotator cuff away from the bone in 3 places as well as had 6 tears in the muscle. I was at the point where I couldn't lift my hand more then 1/4 way up. I had arthascopic surgery on it and then did about 5 weeks of PT. during the surgury they also removed several bone spurs inside the shoulder cup itself.
The results I have never felt better (both shoulders were always bad from High shcool football and college skiing injuries) and really want to go in and get the left shoulder redone also.
One exercise I tried that seemed to help a little was to walk your hand up a wall or use a pulley attached to the cieling to help raise the bad arm up and down to maintain some motoin.
BTW my injury that put me over the edge was caused -believe it or not- by a pheasant. We were crating birds to send out to a gamefarm in SD when I tried to catch a bird flying over my head. He slammed into my hand and pushed my whole arm backwards and caused the tears from the bone- the tears in the muscle were a mix of old and new:mad:
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