
Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
We (3 of us acually showed up for this ride – last year it was 2) arrived in the Manistee Lake area about an hour before dark last Saturday. We camped right on the MCCCT at the entrance of the wooded section that would serve as the beginning of our route in the AM. Night came as did the COLD Michigan night air. My sleeping gear was glad to see me, it had been 6 months since it was used out in Utah – still could smell the Utah desert in it (way cool).
Got down to about 15 below (not really but it seemed like it). I had a hard time sleeping cause the 2 guys I was with were BAD snoring fools. One of them would actually snore on both inhale and exhale – LOUD!
It really was funny cause both of those guys said they didn’t sleep well either because of my snoring – hmmmm.
Saturday: up and pulling out by 7:30. Wearing winter gear. Within 3 hours I was down to my Jersey with the rest of my stuff “stored” under it in wrap around fashion. I looked like I had a couple spare tires around my waste. My buddys were both wearing enduro jackets and they ROASTED the whole day after it warmed up. I still like “layering” so you can “unlayer” when necessary. They said I looked to goofy for their taste LOL.
From Manistee Lake to the Wolverine area the trail consisted of mostly two tracks, old rail bed, a little pavement and a little single trail. Beyond Wolverine is where the REAL trail begins (my opinion). Some of the prettiest, narliest, briariest, tightest stuff in Michigan (that I have rode so far) is in this area – WHAT A BLAST!
We had lunch in Wolverine (good food – I hade chopped steak, ymmm) and hit the best of the day. North of the trail head near Weber Lake is a section that I call “Cedar Point Plus”. This is a roller coaster of a ride that if you take at speed you can get some real nice air on! Some of the “hills” have whoops on the face of them that you can launch off from and actually clear the whole hill top and land near the bottom of the hill on the other side. You gotta watch out for rocks though – actually up there they call them boulders cause that’s what they are!
Some of the trickiest stuff was the winter leafs covering the rocks/logs/stumps/roots that would throw the bike sideways without notice. Always something exciting on cross country runs!
We made Indian River by 5:30 (those guys I was with kept stopping – we could have been there by 3) and had dinner at a gas station (yuck). Decided to head back and pick up the trail the next AM. Rode street (I was the only one with a working taillight) trying to get back before dark. Pulled iinto camp just before dark.
I noticed right away how it had warmed since the night before – it was at least 45 and a clear sky. We went to town, ate at Big Boy, got gas/oil! Went back and hit the sack with plans to pack up in the moring and drive the Jeep to Indian River.
AM came, we packed and drove to I. R.. Had a really good breakfast in town and this was where one of my buds announced he was ill (bummer) – IT WASN’T THE FOOD, he ate nothing. I was really bummed because, well, because I am addicted to riding! I was nice though and helped get my friend packed into the Jeep for the long treck home!
Home by 4 Monday – good biking with good friends builds good memories!
Carpe Diem


Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 29, 2002

Thanks for the report. I will need to live vicariously (sp?) through other's ride reports for the next month until I get moved and get the wifey all settled in our digs in Howell. Also, it's nice to learn of good trails to go and explore.

Thanks again,


Mi. Trail Riders
Feb 3, 2001

Let me know when you get settled in Howell.  I work there and Rick Shaw lives close by.  He and I get together for lunch every once in a while.



Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 29, 2002

Thanks for the offer. I'm moving on 05/17/03 and I work in Farmington Hills, so I get to join that crazy weekday commute on I-96. Hopefully, I can get out on the trails after Memorial day.

Where do you guys normally do lunch?


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