Sep 15, 2004
Ordered a trail tech computer :cool: was wondering how the installation goes? do you need a kit for a kdx or what?The dealer told me I might have to drill holes in my caliper :yikes: ???This sounds like a pain in the ass to me! Is it that hard to install and calibrate??Do I need to buy anything else for this before I start?Thanks


Oct 25, 2003
The directions are pretty straightforward. Calibration was easy also. They give you 2 or 3 methods for measuring your front tire. This is the most crucial part of the set up. If it's not correct then ALL the funtions will not be correct. Be as accurate as possible and you will love the thing. The only problem I had with mine was when I pressure washed the bike the last time. It got saturated and took 3 days to come back to life.


Nov 9, 2004
Here's a tip that might help too! Instructions say to cut the front brake hose plastic routing circles to get the wire inside of and then to melt them back together. I just popped mine out of the metal circle that holds them and then gently with a large pair of pliers deform the plastic circle just enough to slid the end through. Then put it all back together. Looks like new. :cool:

Green Hornet

Apr 2, 2005

Yank-If you have the stock odometer still installed use it for calibration. Take your bike on a good ride, 10 miles + then use the calculations that come in the instructions. The slightest incorrect postion of the magnetic pick-up sensor and you will be surprised how screwy the readings get. I have mine set at 2247mm

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