Unwanted e-mails


Jun 4, 2001
I get dozens of unwanted e-mails - any way of blocking or otherwise stop them? Thinking of changing my address but that would only work for a while right?

I'm not talking about PM's here, regular e-mail mostly from companies I've never contacted or heard of.


Mar 29, 2001
yeah, you can block them, there are different ways to block unwanted mail, but it also depends on what type of email account you have.



I was able to go to my Email home page (MSN) and there were settings I could choose as to how to filter incoming mail. I was also able to enter addresses that I wanted to always receive mail from. Basically everyone in my personal address book. Took a little time but well worth it. I only get one every other day or less now. Like you, I used to get about 4-5 a day. Good luck!


Aug 2, 2001
What do you with the junk mail you get at home in your mailbox?

I cant believe people get so annoyed over Spam.

Here is what you do to get rid of it. If they are big companies then they will remove you. Most of the spammers are individuals or small companies. Once your name is on the lists you are done no way to really get off of them.

Set up a personal email account and dont use it to sign up for anything. You need to understand anytime you put your email address down and don't uncheck the send me offers box (sometimes even if you do) you are now a mark.

Also remember we all love free stuff and in order to cover the costs for free stuff and free information the sites lease your info to marketers. So you want to hit the delete button or do you want to pay for the free stuff you get?

I hear people all day whine about the spam. Now I dont support pornographic spam being sent. But if it is an offer for something then just hit delete if you dont like it.

Also go to www.removeyou.com enter in your email address and they will add you to the wash list. Responsible mailers will try to get you off of their list but there are still the thousands of other spammers out there. Spammers are not bad just making a living. As long as its not porn and they offer you a way off of their list I see nothing wrong with it. Neither does the government.

Hope this helps.




Aug 2, 2001
What big Lou says will help too, but sometimes you will miss important email from people you forgot to put on your list. Their are some good anti spam programs out there some free. Go to download.com and check them out. Same problems though, you can miss emails.

I am telling you as someone who "knows", just get an account and dont use it to sign up for stuff or give it out at websites. I have had an account for 2 years and the only spam I get are the ones hotmail gets paid to send.


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