
Apr 19, 2002
My Cells are more than 2 years old. They're in good shape and not worn out (I don't get to ride enough). I don't think they need to be replaced, but what parts have been updated and could I buy them to bring the braces up to the newest revision? Also, what might be the additional cost and could I install the pieces myself to avoid shipping time?



Apr 19, 2002
I checked all the back posts earlier and I know that I can get everything replaced except the frame for $100, which seems like a fair deal. The thing is, these braces aren't worn out at all, they look like new. I don't want to pay to replace anything that might not be necessary. All I want to know is what parts have been revised or improved over the last two years, and can I get them and replace them myself. If not, then I'll send them off for refurbishing.


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
OK I can't help with hinges or major parts but if you want the new fiber stops to replace the wire cable ones email me and I can mail a set to you. I would really suggest at least replacing the old ones (even if they haven't already broken yet)
[email protected] (leave out the ?)

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