Not sure which post you are talking about, but...
1) The "Christian Riders" thread was allowed to run. The preaching began, it was closed.
2) Someone started another thread "part two". It was closed. The Admin and mods do not close a thread just to have someone open another one of the same subject.
3) There is no place on this board for religous, political (not relating to dirtbikes) or racial posts. This site is about dirtbikes... not your religion, color of your skin or political leanings... those three things have nothing to do with riding or maintaining a dirtbike.
If I see you on the track in your gear, I have no idea "what" you are , who you voted for or if you prayed before starting your bike. It should be the same here.
You do not enhance the credibility of your posts by pointing out your color, religion or political views. None of those things make you a better rider, none of those things change your status here or on the track.
Due to current world events, we let some of these threads stand... people wanted to vent, make some statements, etc. We let them go until they went bad or started to.
By letting these threads stand, we've apparently given the impression that the rules are up for debate. That's not the case.