I don't know where you did your math at but it evens out when you think about the cost of opperating a server, hosting Dirt Week, renting the area for "DW", getting hats, fender stickers, patches and stuff made up. On top of that, providing the drive, initiative, and conviction to watch over, protect and keep this place running.
Total STM's:84 that equates to $6,636.00
Total LSTM's: 131 that equates to $14279.00
Total Supporters: 27 that equates to $324.00.
Total $ that is contributed? $21,239.00
I have to remind all those that would speculate: The LTM's pay it only one time. STM's pay it yearly as do subscribing members. It's nice to cry about it but Okie only gets a one time payment from those like myself. PERIOD, so you might as well drop that from the equasion. Because we have paid and don't have to worry about it. I'm sorry but the figures are way off.....Okie and family are spending out of pocket just to keep this place open, if you enjoy it please contribute.