Where to find LARGE boots?


Jun 27, 2000
A fellow that works with me just got into riding. He has been unable to find riding boots to fit . He needs size 18. Unfortunately he recently crashed and seriously tore up his lower leg and ankle. Crushed bones and torn tendons. He was wearing ankle braces and work boots to no avail. He plans on continuing to ride (after his 12 week rehab) but would really like to find some good boots. Any suggestions?


Oct 20, 2000
I spent a year trying to talk Alpinestars into making a pair of size 16 Tech 6's.Now they are available as a stock item.You can try them,but,unless your name is Mcgrath or Carmichael,they may not budge.Otherwise,you can check online for custom boot makers.I had a few responses to my e-mails(can't remember who),but then Alpinestars came through.
Good Luck!!
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