Which Carb?


Mar 29, 2002
Keihin lists two PWK35's - PWK35/70R & PWK35 AIRSTRIKER/S65. I'm assuming late model KDX's have the PWK35/70R, but not sure. My questions are what are the differences between the two? Are there any performance advantages with the Air Striker? Any and all opinions/facts are appreciated.


Apr 8, 2002
Keihin (here in the USA) does not make a direct replacement for the KDX 200. The kaw. KDX carb is a mixture of both.

The body is like the PWK35/70R and has the jet block and slide of the PWK35 Air striker. But the Air striker body has two entry fins on the air cleaner side of the carb.

If you are wanting an after market carb, go with the Air-striker.

The Air-striker carb has in my opinion a better throttle response in the lower throttle settings.

Note! also you will need to use your stock KDX carb cap (where you throttle cable goes) as the after market has straight in cable holder.

Hope this helps :)
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