who here actually races MX on KDX?

Nevada Sixx

Jan 14, 2000
ok,, i may be about to get a new 200 with the idea that stiffer springs, a tall hard seat, 2 extra teeth on the rear, boysen reeds, and mx plastic will make my bike competitive in beginner 250 mx races,, sounds like the ultimate one only bike to me...

For those who actually ride ALOT at the mx track,, tell me about your experiance with whoops and small doubles (25+ft).. Did your bike do it? Did it corner ok?


Mar 25, 2001
iwill tell you from the start it should have no problem jumping 25-40 feet. i have jumped the 40 foot double at my house plenty of times wiht my 93' KDX 250. the whoops should be that much of a problem, depending on how large they are. Big woops may be a problem but all in all they should be bad especially wiht stiffer front springs. as far as being competaive wiht the 250's in beginers class, thats debateable. It more or lesss depends on the rider rather than the bike, for instance at the lsat supercross race about 3 of 125's were pulling off the same lap times as the fast guys(carmicheal, pastrana) and they are 125 ccs less! so i would say if you want to try it go for it. IF you can't win sell the bike or keep it for woods(as that is what it is made to do) and then get a kx250. just my .02


Nov 13, 2001
Here is my .02.

The KDX is a nice playbike out of the box IMHO. It can be modified to become a highly competitive enduro/hare scramble machine. It can also be modified to become a decent MX playbike. I would also venture to say that a highly qualified rider could push the KDX onto the podium in MX or SX. However, for the average weekend warrior, the KDX would probably suffer more under the stress of competitive MX/SX. Rims, frames and other componenets of the KDX are not designed to hold up under many of the stresses that amatuers put on their MX/SX machines (from what I have been told). In addition, I often hear of the KDX being praised for it's performance in tight woods conditions. Shock and fork valving/springs, most important IMHO, are typically setup for woods or 'Other'.

Now I am an old MX 'C' class weekend warrior. I have purchased a new 2001 200 and set it up with an FMF rev pipe, power reeds, carb mod and many other goodies. I am not thrilled about the tight woods so I am setting up for 'light' MX stuff with the woods being my compromise. Will I be doing the 90ft triples, NOT. Will I handle in the corners as well as a MX bike, doubt it. But I will have a ton of fun on the MX track while still able to keep up with my buds in the woods. Best of both worlds for me with tons of fun.

Just my take on one of the best bikes to come down the pike.:D
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Aug 25, 2000
dkb races MX on his KDX.

At least he raced his KDX in the Arena Cross in Dayton, Ohio this year.

Nevada Sixx

Jan 14, 2000
are you saying that kx rims and kdx rims are not the same?
kdx rims must be pretty good if they can run over ruts.
when i say jump,, i mean bike is only about 5 feet or so off the ground at most, and that the air space in between the double..


Sponsoring Member
Mar 30, 2001
The only place I ride my KDX is on MX tracks. I sometimes race and finish decent. And I raced in the local arenacross last year and I'm gonna do it again this year.


Nov 9, 2000
You should not have to much of a problem racing mx on a KDX. I have a 99 KDX and ride the local mx tracks to help keep me in shape. It does a good job (.41 fork springs, power reeds, p/c pipe). I have jumped a 80 ft tabletop several times. You just have to be smooth and make sure you land on the landings of the doubles and table tops.If you start overjumping things it starts getting pretty rough! Besides that it is the same as if you had a mx bike IMO.

Nevada Sixx

Jan 14, 2000
at our local track, the beginner class is not allowed to jump some of the large doubles, and the 250 beginner riders seems extra slow to me as compared to 125 beginners,, that's why i think a kdx hopped up and a good rider can still beat them. the forks on a kdx remind me of the forks on a late 80s kx,, i know the 01 kdx i rode landed smoother than my 89 125 on a small jump i did.
So what you guys are saying,, is that a kdx can be done up to a decent beginner motox bike?


Nov 13, 2001
Nevada Sixx

I recall an image of Jeff Ward lapping local pro racers at Budds Creek. It was a 125/250 Calcutta scramble and Jeff was on a big wheel KDX80. KDX 80.. Jeff Fredette could probably put his KDX on the podium of almost any 'local pro' MX race anywhere across the country. Hmmmm.

Case a few doubles and let me know how your KDX rims hold up, I'll probably be doing that myself. I have heard that the stock Kawi rims are like 'butter'. I will soon find out myself.

IMHO, if you want to race MX, I would go KX. If you want to race offroad and have fun with light MX, go KDX. But most important, have FUN!:cool:


Dec 2, 2001
I'll tell you how my kdx did today on the mx track.It is all stock suspension with a few performance mods(pipe etc).Well i came away after about 30 laps completely thrilled.The bike handled all the jumps well and the times i overshot or came up short weren't bad either.There are (2)45ft tables,(2)30ft tables,(2)35ft doubles,(1)75ft jump to table and various other bumps,rythm and 1 short step up.
I did all the jumps except the 75ft jump over the tabletop,i jumped about 30 ft onto the tabletop.The jump used to be a 75 ft triple but lots of the riders were getting hurt on the jump and killing the race times that they leveled the double and triple hill into a tabletop and left the first hill.

I was impressed,this is my first 2 smoke bike and my first with real suspension and after about 10 laps of feeling the track and bike out i started clearing the jumps with no trouble.
I did however drop in one corner and dented my pipe all to hell and broke off my front brake lever,so i had to ride the rest of the day with no front brake and a weird poweband b/c of the pipe.The track has lots of rocks that get churned up from the ground while you ride.

I DEFINITELY advise to invest in the best tires you can get for the tracks you plan to ride/race on.All the power and suspension won't mean crap fi you're slipping in every corner(where most races are won/lost) and spinning tires.MO

Iplan to race on this same track in the over 30 class and maybe the open outlaw class.That 60 bucks for two classes though may just settle for the over 30.I may not be able to win but i doubt i'll get embarrased either.The bike seems up to the task.

Nevada Sixx

Jan 14, 2000
that sounds like a cool track,,, im glad you all are giving me info on actual ride reports from people who have real experiance on mx track..

i know what you mean about tires,, seems like the kdx is a little top heavy,, do you think that comes into play in corners?

Ace McCool

May 1, 2000
I frequently ride the motocross track on my KDX and it does surprisingly well. Usually it does all right against the "real" MX bikes, only place they can get you is accelerating out of the corners, but the KDX's short wheelbase makes it very nimble on tight tracks.
If you feel confident in the KDX and your ability then I say go for it. In certain tracks I would imagine that the KDX might even have an advantage (more linear powerband and more plush suspenision.) From trails to MX to maintenence its hard to beat a KDX.
Good luck and let us know how you do!


Sep 3, 2001
Lately I've been playin on the local MX tracks in Ca.My KDX220 does pretty well but I'm finding that I don't care for the six speed gear box on the track.I go through a lot of gear changes from 2nd to 4th.On my old 89YZ 250 I could put it in 3rd and not have to shift nearly as much.My bike is geared for the desert trails we have out here so maybe I'll pop on a 12T sprocket and try it again.Still for all around fun the KDX does well and could be a contender in the beginner to intermidiate levels.Beyond that I think the MX bikes will eat you up.


Mar 30, 2002
I raced my first 30+ moto at scenic highlands in ohio. 5th place out of 13. very muddy . my kdx 200 2002 did great on the holeshot kept me in 4-6 place throughout. too muddy for me to be airborne it rained non-stop all day. bike had plenty of power, boysen reeds / fmf gnarly pipe/ head polished/ free frisbee airbox lid/ I think it surprised alot of guys.

Nevada Sixx

Jan 14, 2000
well, i guess midrange speed acceleration will cause me to lose,, but when i say jumps,, these are jumps that a skilled kid on a cr 80 can jump,, so the kdx should be able to handle it too, right?

to give description,, the take off is a mound about 4 feet high, and the landing mound is about 25-30 feet away, fairly smooth and large. So i guess during the middle of the jump, they bike may be 5 feet or so in air at most. There is also about 60 feet or more for a run and go. What do you think?


Jul 20, 2001
i have a question about this topic. i was under the impression that the kdx200 would be able to race in the 125 class. and the 220 would have to compete at the 250. im not sure on this now.


Mar 25, 2001
yes the bike would easily clear that kind of distance wiht that height. I have jumped 45 feet off of a little 3 foot sand jump in 3rd gear before. should be no problem.

Nevada Sixx

Jan 14, 2000
i think any thing over a 125 has to go to the 250 class, unless it's the open bike division or trail/enduro division heat of the mx race, in those classes you can race whatever you got. you can race a 250 four stroke in the 125 main class though. is that right guys?


Sponsoring Member
Mar 30, 2001
According to the AMA rulebook:

125 Class
  • 0-125cc 2-stroke
  • 0-250cc 4-stroke
250 Class
  • 150cc-250cc 2-stroke
  • 251cc-550cc 4-stroke
Effective Jan. 1, 2003, the displacement limit for 4-strokes in the 250 class will be 251cc-450cc.


Sep 28, 2001
Run MX on my KDX??? SURE!!

I race anything within a 2 hour car ride. MX<SX<Hare Scrambles, Enduro, Turkey Run, you name it my scoot and I are there.
Some times I'm competive in MX sometime nope!

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