why does someone always gotta ruin it?


Oct 22, 2005
i just moved right on the outskirts of my town about 400 ppl. in this town ppl have always run atv's up and down mainstreet and dirtbikes and everything else under the sun and the cops will just wave. i never ride on the highway but was bringing my dirtbike in from where i used to live way out in the country to the other side of town where i live. i got almost to town and i got pulled over by state patrol she harassed me for running a stopsign at 60 which i did no license no insurance and no motorcycle endorsement. i sweet talked my way through it. i deserved to get pulled over cause i jumped the intersection there. i go idleing through town at about 15 mph to go all stealthy to get to my destination when another cop pulls me over less then a minute after the last time i got pulled over. i was informed that they now have rules in play for going through town and that this neighbor kid that has a dirtbike has been screaming around hanging wheelies up and down mainstreet and so many ppl have called the law enforcement that they are cracking down. he was nice about it and asked me to take some back roads so i politely complied and wished him a good day and went on with my way. well just so happens i work with this kids dad so i go up to him and said what the hell is your kid doing on his dirtbike. he then gives me this whole oh my kid wouldn't do that and that cop just has it in for the family and bla bla bla. so here is some spoiled lil brat who does no harm in daddies eyes ruining it for the rest of us. next time i see this kid come by on his lil 80 honda i am thinking bout taking the yz out and sideswiping him and having a good talk with him about watching but that would make things worse. sorry just had to vent a lil.


Play with gravity
Apr 26, 2004
This is the reason why we need to obey to too much laws. Some people who abuse ruin it for everyone else.


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
weez440 said:
i got almost to town and i got pulled over by state patrol she harassed me for running a stopsign at 60 which i did no license no insurance and no motorcycle endorsement.



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Sep 16, 2006
What are you doing riding your dirtbikes through town anyway? They're motocross bikes. You're lucky they didn't impound your bike for a month and give you a fine. Town of 2 people to city of 2 million, you shouldn't be riding your bike through town unless it's a street legal dirtbike and you have your license.


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
There is something fundamentally wrong here. The manufacturers specifically place placards on motorcycles and their respective Certificate of Origins that some motorcycles and atv's are for "Off road Use ONLY".
We refer to these machines as dirtbikes, motocross bikes, mx bikes, race bikes, quads, and fourwheelers. Where in the Sam HILL do is say "except where the perceived acceptance alters the law". Ride legal or walk.

CR Swade

Jan 18, 2001
And what about those of us that have for years, "sweet talked" our way w/ the DMV to get an offroad only bike tagged, knowing damn good and well it isn't legal.

I am NOT saying this kid was in the right at all...he should have gotten ticketed, but to go off all preachy when there aren't very many of us worthy of casting a stone is kind of silly. How many guys legally trailered their bikes from Cooperland down to the 500...not many I saw when I was down there


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 1, 2001

Thank you!



Dec 31, 1969

So basically what you are saying is that if we've made mistakes in the past, or present for that matter, that we still can't attempt to help others learn from it? Parenting must be tough on ol' Wade :nener:

Solid State

Mar 9, 2001
I can see why you feel the way you do, extremely small town and all, but dirt bikes and city streets are a caustic mix for a lot of reasons - safety, liability, code enforcement and perception (annoyance) being just a few. Looks like you'll just have to play by the rules.

weez440 said:
...she harassed me for running a stopsign at 60 which i did no license no insurance and no motorcycle endorsement. i sweet talked my way through it.

Was she hot? Just curious, I've never considered "sweet talking" a male cop.

CR Swade

Jan 18, 2001
Okiewan said:
So basically what you are saying is that if we've made mistakes in the past, or present for that matter, that we still can't attempt to help others learn from it? Parenting must be tough on ol' Wade :nener:

Oh c'mon Bob...I didn't mean that at all. I just saw a bit of preaching starting up...and I know I have enough full-on zits (not just blemishes) in my past to get too terribly holier than thou.

Like I said, the dude deserved to be ticketed and shown the error in his judgement...maybe w/ a Red Foreman "dumbass" phrase mixed in for comic relief, not so much a Sunday sermon type of approach. But, hey that's just my preference.

In the words of the ever profound Joe Duarte, "Just gotta keep on keepin' on..."


Dec 31, 1969
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