
Jun 30, 2001
Hi ladies,

It's too late to do this year, but I would like to get an all women's team together for next year to do the 24 hrs. @ Glen Helen. The teams consist of 6 riders. If anyone is interested please e-mail me @ [email protected]



Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
hare scramble, I guess. Desert and mx track, for 24 hours. Dstroyer, do you know how it's run? How often do you have to change riders? Can we ride another bike if ours breaks?


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Hmm, so we only get 2 bikes? What should we choose? BikeDstroyer, you and I both have KTMs—do you think my EXC (for the high speed desert?) or your MXC (geared and light flywheel for the track) would be better? We both have big tanks, right? You also have a WR, it says in your signature—would that be a better bike? I don’t know if I can do “the drill” to start it when I’m upset, out of breath, and frustrated (after crashing). I suppose that also depends on who else would do it and what bike they have. I could get a BBR 150 too if we wanted to use that. I suppose gas wouldn’t really be a problem since the course is only 10-12 miles.

I am not a pro level rider by any means. I would classify myself as mid-pack Women’s class right now. By next year I plan to be competing in the B class. I am far more used to tight woods than open desert but I can learn . . .

I really want to do this! That’s a GREAT idea!


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Yeah, Bbbom, let’s do it! That means Reno is a must-do so we can practice desert riding! And Mom’s new property in Grand Coulee may be a good place to go also . . . :)


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
Hmmm, pay $400 smackers to stay up for 24 hours?? :think Not my cup of tea. Call me clueless, but why so much? What does the money go to?
It says $5,000.00 Pro Purse. Does that mean only the winner of the Pro class gets money? What about the "Sportsman" and the "Experts"? What is a "Sportsman" anyway?


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Sportsman would be the short course, if they have it, or the C class. And the $400 is per team—with a team of 6, that’s $67. All races have entry fees to cover advertising, safety, insurance etc. The bigger the race, the more money it costs.

There is something cool about 24 hour races though—namely saying you did it. Depending on how long the laps are, which can’t be more than 45 min, you can nap between. Steve did a 4-man team 24 hour race last month and it was cool. I’d do it!


Mar 22, 2001
Hey, maybe I'm not supposed to be in here, but I feel I should warn you that the race is brutally hard on the bike let alone you. I've never raced it personally, but I'm good friends with Ty Davis and I get to hear all the horror stories of the beating the bike and riders take mainly the bike. Granted I'm sure he is hard on them, but the bike they use literally gets put in the trash when there done if it lasts the whole race. Every time I mention I want to race it , they talk me out of it with everything that broke on the bike, it can get pricey real quick. I'm not trying to talk you out of it, heck I still would like to do it, but I can't afford to rebuild a trashed bike. Just food for thought. Sorry to impose, I'm outta here:)


Jun 30, 2001
Let's see if I can answer some questions, thanks bbbom for the GlenHelen web site. This race would be just for fun and they don't have a women's class so we would be Sportsman. This year the course is 8 miles long (I believe) and most people switch riders every 2 laps. When one rider goes out the person next in line starts getting ready just in case something happens and they need to switch after 1 lap. If I can get at least 5 other women who seriously want to do it I will see what kind of help we can get. It could be possible someone would sponsor us with a primary bike and maybe parts or whatever, at least I would have some time between now and then to work out the details.


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
I didn't realize the $400 was per team. I know there is a fee associated with all races but I was under the impression the fees were usually anywhere from $15 to $35.
Not saying it wouldn't be of interest to some, just not me. Not a competetive bone in me body. :confused:
I imagine the braging rights alone might be pretty nice for most. :)

Good luck in your endeavor to get a team together Brenda. Looks like you've got your first victim. ;)


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
I don’t know how many bad ideas I’ve had based on the “At least I can say I did it” theory.

We should see how many sponsors we can get. I doubt it but would we be the first women’s team? If so, that would be worth some media exposure which means we could get sponsors!


Jun 30, 2001

Don't go backing out on me now! I have a good connection and he will work with me as much as he can. That's how I got the idea, he is going to go do it next weekend. It will be brutal, but the Sportsman team get 6 riders that would be 4 hours each spread out over 24 hours.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
I'm not backing out! I'm all fired up! Let's do it! I'm not so good at the mx track though.


Aug 13, 1999
I'll be VICTIM #2!!! Are there any women racing or any women's teams this year?

I'm not much on MX tracks either but I promised my son we'd (and that means me too!) hit the track a few times this fall. :eek:

I don't care what kind of bike (s) we get. The 500 would kill us but hey if we can get a couple donated bikes I won't complain, as long as it isn't an XR200 or TTR125 size bike - great bikes but wayyyy too cramped for me to ride.

What skill level are we talking here Brenda? Maybe GSR or SGR can check it out since it's down in their neck of the woods kinda. Are trail spodes going to be able to not get run over? From the website it doesn't sound much worse than the harescramble course here but I also know how one man's easy course can be one woman's torture course.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Steve considers it easy, just sandy whoops, but then he called Pend Oreille a “freeway” so his perception is a little skewed. I don’t know if it’s what we’re used to or not. The guys here at BBR have done the 24-Hour shootout down there and say it’s pretty cool.

Uhh, no CR500s, Bbbom. I don’t know if I can pick it up.

How technical is the terrain? We have a year to pound ourselves into shape! CJ, you could do it—you’d do great! Would you want your TTR or would you like a full-size? We could get a BBR 150 and then one of the KTMs, that sounds like a good bike combo. Whaddaya think?

CJ Rider

Apr 3, 2000
Well heck, I'm not riding the TTR very much anymore anyhow. Even though it's taller and heavier, I prefer the suspension and additional horses of my regular-sized DR200. I'll bet I could hang with anything similar sized. I'm sorry I'm so small, Bbbom. Otherwize I'd give that CR500 a try! BBR150? All I have to say about THAT is "Ooooooo (slobber slobber)!"


Jun 30, 2001
Anybody is welcome. All that is required is that you can pretty much hold your own. What I mean by this is that you don't have your hubby or boyfriend pick up your bike everytime you fall. And you will have to be in shape.
Firecracker, do you really think Duane would let us use a BBR150? Would be kind of cool. It would be kinda cramped for me I am 5'9" but if it meant that we could ride a BBR150 I could deal with that. After this year's event I'll be able to ask some of the riders more detailed ?'s about the event and everything.


Jun 30, 2001

I wish I could answer some more of your questions, but I don't have a whole lot of answers right now. I really wanted to see if there was enough interested women out there to do it and go from there.

I don't know if there are any women's teams this year or not. I am not much on MX either, but GlenHelen doesn't have a bunch of doubles & triples to deal with, it's a fun track. Skill level, that's a tough one. I race against Kelly Yancey and Heather Wilson in the Nat'l Hare & Hounds and they blow me away, but I can pretty much hold my own and stay consistant. I am just an average rider out to have fun while I still can.

When I raced the WORCS race @ Glen Helen it was fun. After the track section where they couldn't water it got real silty.....big deep silt beds. That would be the hardest part to conquer at night.


Sponsoring Member
Dec 28, 1999
That sounds like alot of fun. Keep me posted. By next year, I should have some more vacation time (all used up this year) and I'm getting in better shape (didn't have but one way to go there). A BBR150 sounds really interesting. I'd be a little concerned with the KTM though? Just a seat height issue. Yes, I can pick up my own bike and get it going again. Keep me posted!


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Well, Duane said he wants me to ride it--it looks kinda funny for me to be riding a two stroke and not even a Honda or Yamaha (our specialties kind of) when the products we make are for four-strokes. But I like the full size. We have a year to figure it out. I definitely want to do it! I know we can all pick up our bikes (Bbbom could probably pick up her boyfriend and her bike) ;) since I've ridden with Bbbom and CJ in Reno. I can, especially now that I got rid of that heavy pig XR!

So what are we going to call our team?
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