Super Power AssClown
Aug 17, 1999
This damn web-tv won't let me reply to the other thread.

    How do you explain why I get absolutley
nothing out of creatine without carbs? And when I add 40 grams of high glycemic carbs to the equation, something *magical* happens. Its difinatly not a placebo effect either. I have about a dozen other people of this regimen, and they have exerienced very similar results as mine.
  You say the 5 grams might work for the smaller athlete, but I'm certainly not a small guy at 225lbs with 10% bodyfat. Even though I'm only 5'7'.
  The only thing a 45 gram a day dose of creatine is doing is keeping the CEO of Twinlab VERY happy.<p align=right>01-12-2000 :Edited


LoL, ok could you guys please put all this in english for me so I can do whatever. I have no idea where to start or what all that Frech you guys where talking about means. So, should I take this or that with this or that. I am 5'10" 155lbs. I would love to get about 165 or so. So what should I take with what to get there? Thanks!

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 99YZ125
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; West Virginia


Aug 24, 1999
to go from 155 to 165 you need to eat 40 quarterpounders a McSleeze, but only 20 doubles at Windy's.

you can come eat dinner with me and i'll fatten you up.&nbsp;&nbsp;now gaining 10lbs of lean mass (that is muscle) is a LOT harder than gaining it in fat.&nbsp;&nbsp;takes lots of exercise and food.&nbsp;&nbsp;you gotta eat 2000 extra calories (i think that is the right number) to gain 1lb.&nbsp;&nbsp;so start pumping iron and eating the good stuff.

Steve Unruh - V29 TCHSS
98yz250, 81yz125, 77yz80

Bruce McCrary

Nov 10, 1999
Hey guys, help me take this line of thought the *other* way...

I'm 41 years old, 6'1" and weigh in at about 235 lbs.&nbsp;&nbsp;I have no idea of what my body fat ratio is, just that it seems to be mostly located around my waist.&nbsp;&nbsp;

I would really like to loose about 40 lbs and get my sorry butt in shape.&nbsp;&nbsp;I know I need to excercise more, and I feel like I need to change my eating habits as I appear to be a carbohydrate junkie.&nbsp;&nbsp;At least according to the *latest* book I'm reading "The Carbohydrate Addict's Lifespan Program".

Do you guys know of any programs or have any idea on what direction I should go to try and get where I want to be?

In all seriousness, I want to do this not just for the effect it could have on my riding, but I'd like to be able to ride with my grandkids one day, not just watch them ride, you know?

Bruce McCrary
Lexington, NC.
NCHSA #765&nbsp;&nbsp;Senior B
'99 KTM 300 EXC

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
John, not knowing what else is going on in your system there is no way for anyone to give you a definitive answer, but I can speculate based on experience. It's not uncommon for hard training athletes to not get enough carbs, and carbs are part of the cycle that makes creatine work. So it's possible that you adding extra fast carbs helps drive the process overall. My point is, that if this is the case, you would likely get the same effects taking creatine in the morning and the fast carbs at night.

While you are certainly entitled to believe that 5gm is enough for someone your size, I'll gaurantee you that thinking like that will pretty much ensure that there will always be old broken down guys like me who are stronger than you

Rich Rohrich
Applied Fluid Dynamics
[email protected]

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Bruce, in all seriousness take a look at the programs that Met-RX recommends. I have used the product since it's early field trial days, and have had nothing but good results with it. I know Okie's wife was trying it this summer and he was telling me that she has been getting great results.&nbsp;&nbsp;Of the 100 or so people I've gotten to try it in the last 10 years, I haven't found anyone who didn't take something positive away from the experience. I'm 41, and I should come into this spring weighing about 218 @ 7-8% bodyfat on a 5' 5" frame. Met-Rx constitutes about 75% of calories when I am training hard.&nbsp;&nbsp;That and a decent training program can do remarkable things.

Rich Rohrich
Applied Fluid Dynamics
[email protected]

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
RacerX you are fairly young right? If so, forget about the supplements, loose the junk food and train like a MANIAC. You're natural hormone profile is better than any supplement (and most drugs) if you just get off your ass and start training. When you are old like some of us you'll be glad you trained hard early on.

Rich Rohrich
Applied Fluid Dynamics
[email protected]


Aug 24, 1999
if you're young you need to be training, eating vitimines and saying your prayers (or something like this).&nbsp;&nbsp;i used to train over 6 hours a day and was consuming 10,000+ calories a day.&nbsp;&nbsp;i could not gain a pound to save my life.&nbsp;&nbsp;train, train, train.&nbsp;&nbsp;it really is the answer.

Steve Unruh - V29 TCHSS
98yz250, 81yz125, 77yz80


Super Power AssClown
Aug 17, 1999
Now Rich,
     Lets not get into a pissing match about who's stronger. Even though I did bench 435lb for a triple last saturday, and hit 495 for 8 on squats yesterday

I do agree with you though that Met-rx is a VERY high quality protein, probably the best protein on the market right now. When I diet I drink about 4 Met-rx packets a day out of my 6 total meals, although I do add flax & olive oil to the drink.
Blackwood, N.J.

<p align=right>01-12-2000 :Edited

Bruce McCrary

Nov 10, 1999
Rich -

That product is available at GNC stores if I remember correctly.&nbsp;&nbsp;I've never really looked into it though.&nbsp;&nbsp;What is it? Supplements and an excercise program maybe?

Bruce McCrary
Lexington, NC.
NCHSA #765&nbsp;&nbsp;Senior B
'99 KTM 300 EXC

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Bruce it's basically a meal replacement when you are trying to drop weight, and supplemental protein when you are in maintenance mode. GNC has it but they charge too much unless you buy it on their gold card program, there are lots of companies that discount it.

If you send me you regular mail address I'll send you one of the little books that comes in the box. It has some training info, and some other useful info. The MetRx website has a good FAQ as well that covers a lot.

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
John, I'm smart enough not to get in strength contests with lifters that weren't even born when I started lifting

Rich Rohrich
Applied Fluid Dynamics
[email protected]


Aug 13, 1999
You guys are serious about this stuff!!  But, for Bruce and racerx, from what I read, they aren't trying to get into powerlifing or bodybuilding.  Sounds like they just want to build some muscle & drop some weight ( well add weight for racerx) and basically get into better shape for riding.  

From my experience (not nearly as extensive as any of the experts here) eating HEALTHY with some vitamin supplements and getting some type of regular exercise including aerobic & strength training is all that most people need, well that and a hell of a lot of determination.

I grew up as an athlete (BB, VB & Track 400 m
)through high school, Division 1 College volleyball & a few years playing probeach volleyball then, after marriage, kids, work, stress... got out of shape - 20 lbs over what I wanted to weigh (over 15% bodyfat
).  It has taken me the last two years of serious work to get back into what I consider good shape i.e. I can ride my bike & keep up with the guys & most importantly SEE my muscles. It ain't easy but a simple tip, find what works for you and DO IT.

There are tons of good solid workout programs out there, on the net, in magazines, in the other thread...the key is finding one you LIKE and sticking with it.  The perfect mix of lifting & running will work for some but if you hate running or lifting, it won't work for you so do something else.

Same with the food.  Everybody is different but, there are all kinds of diet programs to build, lose..... Try one, if it doesn't work try a different one.  I have seen people lose 30, 40 lbs on Weight Watchers and some of the other group type things, myself, I prefer to just go it alone & eat healthy foods with the occasional overindulgence of beer. If I eat too much I just double up on workouts with my limited time.

Make the time to do it - if a single mom of two (sometimes 4 + one big baby) that lives on a mountain (i.e. lots of maintenance) & works 50 hours a week can do it ANYBODY can.  Keep in mind, this isn't supposed to be a quick fix, you did not get overweight or outashape overnight.  Working out is a lifelong commitment if you want to maintain you physical strength.

Okay, you guys can make fun of me now!!
<p align=right>01-13-2000 :Edited

Ivan Liechty

Aug 18, 1999
I like the idea of using Met-Rx.&nbsp;&nbsp;With my schedule I do not eat healthy.&nbsp;&nbsp;I do not have the time or inclination (more of the latter) to fix myself the best meals.&nbsp;&nbsp;I try to eat salads and well balanced meals where I can but it is not consistent enough.

I really want my wife to eat better because she works out a lot and has a problem with her Thyroid.&nbsp;&nbsp;She is on synthroid and I am wondering if she can take the Met-Rx stuff to.&nbsp;&nbsp;I know she can't have anything with Chromium-Picolonate (sp?) but other than that she can have whatever.

What is the name of the Met-Rx product we should start with.&nbsp;&nbsp;I hate the bars, they are too dry?&nbsp;&nbsp;How are the drinks/mix/whatever?


Ivan Liechty
A#1 Annoyance
'93 WR250
Spartanburg, SC

Bruce McCrary

Nov 10, 1999
bbbom -&nbsp;&nbsp;You hit the nail on the head.&nbsp;&nbsp;I didn't get like this overnight...

I've tried various diets at different times only to be left HUNGRY!!!!&nbsp;&nbsp;ARRRRGGGGGHHH but I love to eat!&nbsp;&nbsp;I never can seem to stick to them because of the fact that I end up getting discouraged and left unsatisfied.

My sister got me a book for Christmas that I have begun reading that makes about as much since as anything I've heard of or read lately.&nbsp;&nbsp;It deals with carbohydrates and insulin levels, suggesting what appears to be a fairly easy to follow 'meal plan' (not a diet) and using a building block system of getting to where you want to be.&nbsp;&nbsp;It is stressing a change in lifestyle/commitment for life type thing.&nbsp;&nbsp;*sigh*&nbsp;&nbsp;Sounds like getting married...&nbsp;&nbsp;But what I've read thusfar sounds logical.

Rich is going to be sending me some info on the Met-Rx plan, I'm looking forward to that.

You were also correct in that I have no desire to be a body builder, nor do I have the time to get into serious training.&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm really looking for a way to get rid of my 'dunlop' (you know, my belly dunlopped over my belt *g*), and get into reasonable shape.&nbsp;&nbsp;

I went to the doctor for a physical shortly after my 40th birthday and he told me that I needed to start planning for the 'front porch'.&nbsp;&nbsp;He said, "Do you want to watching your grandkids ride from the front porch, or do you want to go riding with them?"&nbsp;&nbsp;

Got my attention, but so far I've done little about it.&nbsp;&nbsp;Somehow, I've got to get motivated to do this...

Bruce McCrary
Lexington, NC.
NCHSA #765&nbsp;&nbsp;Senior B
'99 KTM 300 EXC

Ivan Liechty

Aug 18, 1999
I tried their Met-Rx's web site but for some reason I am not getting a good connection and it doesn't load all the pages.&nbsp;&nbsp;

I am interested in the best way for me to use it and if my wife can use it.&nbsp;&nbsp;Here are the details:

First me:
I work out with weights 3 times a week (may be changing to a full body workout twice a week) and do cardio on the off days for a total of 5 days when I am in town and I couple cardio with my weights when I have to travel so I work out only 3 times a week (with rides on the weekends).&nbsp;&nbsp;I am weak.

I eat poorly.&nbsp;&nbsp;I do not eat breakfast normally.&nbsp;&nbsp;I am either at work sitting at my desk or travleling with only greesy or fast food nearby to choose from lunch.&nbsp;&nbsp;I usually just bring a sandwich and peanut butter crackers to work for lunch when in town.&nbsp;&nbsp;I eat better meals when travelling but not consistently.

I want something that I can supplement for Breakfast, break, eat a regular lunch (maybe supplement with it), break, workout (or class), dinner (with maybe a supplement).&nbsp;&nbsp;Or something similar so I will be able to stick to it.

My wife:

Has thyroid trouble.&nbsp;&nbsp;She takes .75 Synthroid a day.

She works out 4 to 5 days a week.&nbsp;&nbsp;One day is weights and aerobics, one day is just weights and the rest is all aerobic classes.

She eats like I do... Poorly.&nbsp;&nbsp;We usually just have a healthy choice meal or pizza for dinner.&nbsp;&nbsp;We can stay away from Fast Food but we cave to Pizza regularly.

She eats a small breakfast (toast or crackers), lunch and the small dinner.

Whatever advice you can give I appreciate.&nbsp;&nbsp;(Rich I have e-mailed some of this to you but this is much more specific).

Ivan Liechty
A#1 Annoyance
'93 WR250
Spartanburg, SC


Super Power AssClown
Aug 17, 1999
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; You can use Met-rx to substitute solid meals. Each packet has roughly 240 calories with about 38 grams of protein and 20 grms of carbs, with only a couple grams of fat.
&nbsp;&nbsp;I use them as meal replacements, and out of the 6 daily meals I eat, Met-rx makes up about 4 of them. I would at least try to get 2 solid food meals in a day. I would use the Met-rx as the other meals.

&nbsp;&nbsp; The Met-rx bars are OK. they have a lot of sugar in them though. There meant to be used as a post-workout supplement, when the body will make use of the high glycemic carbs that are found in the bar. You should be able to pick a box of Met-rx up for about $33. If its alot more expensive, let me know and I will send you some

Blackwood, N.J.

Ivan Liechty

Aug 18, 1999
Thanks John, but what is the name of the stuff.&nbsp;&nbsp;There are all sorts of things advertised on their web site.&nbsp;&nbsp;I just want to make sure I get the right thing.

Ivan Liechty
A#1 Annoyance
'93 WR250
Spartanburg, SC


Aug 13, 1999
For some simple to implement ideas on eating healthier go to : http://www.prevention.com/2000/diet/

I am not a big fan of Prevention magazine but, there are some good tips in there.&nbsp;&nbsp;I used to eat everything but healthy too.&nbsp;&nbsp;I still can't pass up a good gooey plate of nachos chased by a nice dark beer(and I don't) but, I started to pay more attention to eating better more often and, it gets easier over time.&nbsp;&nbsp;I don't want a hamburger or pizza everyday anymore.&nbsp;&nbsp;Losing that first few pounds will usually help with motivation too.&nbsp;&nbsp;

I make a huge salad every weekend & try to eat at least one meal a day either lunch or dinner or both from it.&nbsp;&nbsp;You don't need dressing, throw some walnuts & a 1/2 cup of beans of anytype on it, a little cheese or ham or egg or all of it & its pretty good.&nbsp;&nbsp;Not nec low cal but, lower than a hamburger & good for you.

Pack a baggy of fresh veggies - broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, celery, radishes, tomatoes and at least two pieces of fruit with you to work everyday.&nbsp;&nbsp;I don't always eat it, sometimes it gets tossed but, if its there you stand a better chance of eating it instead of a supersunday. You can buy that stuff already cut up if you want to.

Eat breakfast - two slices of good nutty wheat bread toasted with some cream cheese and&nbsp;&nbsp;banana, orange, grapefruit.... or yogurt with some grapenuts stirred in - makes grapenuts edible if you let it sit awhile.

As far as exercise - just do something but, in order to burn many calories you need to go pretty intense.&nbsp;&nbsp;If your not sweating, your not working.&nbsp;&nbsp;Lifting weights will help immensely.&nbsp;&nbsp;It burns some calories but more importantly, it builds muscle which not only looks better than fat but, it burns more calories just sitting around than fat does.

Start slow & build up to it, use enough weight to challenge yourself but don't kill yourself.&nbsp;&nbsp;The muscle & fitness mags do have some decent programs for beginners on up but, there are all kinds of them, just pick one & try it & experiment.&nbsp;&nbsp;Be careful of your form.&nbsp;&nbsp;Get a personal trainer if you go to a gym and want some help on form & motivation.&nbsp;&nbsp;Just a few sessions with them & you can learn a lot. Be sure they are certified by whoever it is that certs them these days. Or, get a buddy to workout with.

When you start putting on muscle, don't get discouraged with the scale.&nbsp;&nbsp;It may even go up!!&nbsp;&nbsp;Use a tape measure & keep track of your measurements.&nbsp;&nbsp;I haven't lost a pound in the last 6 months but, my pants that used to be tight are now loose.&nbsp;&nbsp;

Water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water!!!!&nbsp;&nbsp;

Pretty basic ideas and you really do have to stick to it even after you do get in shape because it don't stay that way by itself.&nbsp;&nbsp;If you really need motivation, just have a five year old see you in you undies "You look a lot better with your clothes on." can really motivate you!!
&nbsp;&nbsp;(I did let him live too.)
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