Oct 26, 1999
I've spent about two years playing around with my suspension. I've had a lot of good advise from folks in this forum and I'd like to thank everyone who's tried to help me. But, even with that, I just couldn't seem to pin down the ride I was looking for.
I've even rode what was susposed to be the "best", with less than a thrilled impression.

Trakcontrol revalved my buddies CR forks and after I rode it I was sold. They were so nice, so smooth, I just had to have some too.

You guys have seen "Shocknut" around here and he runs Trakcontrol Dynamics suspension shop. He's got me set up with the best suspension I've ever rode on, with just a revalve. No fancy valves or any trick parts. Just a plain old revalve, but it feels like he's given me a whole new set of works suspension or something.

If your going nuts trying to dial your stuff in yourself or looking for good suspension and good suspension service, check him out.
I'm really impressed with this guy and I don't impress very easily anymore.


Jun 7, 1999

Thanks for the review! Shock Nut did revalves on both my & my son's bikes this winter, and I'm absolutely squirming to give it a try. BTW, I stopped by SN's house, and picked up my suspenders; that guy knows his stuff.

I'll keep you posted as soon as I try it out.

Think warm weather; there's still snow up here. :(

-01 RM250 (mine) & 01 RM125 (kid's)
-Senior A Enduro and Hare Scramble Rider.
"Yep, that 14 yr old A Class rider is MY kid; He learned to ride from ME!!"


Nov 16, 1999
I too am SOLD on Shocknut's valving!!! He did my 01'RM250 for enduro/H.S., and I just got back from a 2 week trip to N.C.(GNCC), and Louisiana (national enduro). Talk about controlled yet plush! The GNCC had HUGE braking bumps and holes everywhere on the 11mi. course, and his valving sucked it up with ease. The enduro had killer roots plus some BIG whoop sections, and how he gets it to handle the big hit PLUS remain plush is beyond me. A big THANK YOU to Trak Control!!!


Oct 26, 1999
KDXer, as you see from grunk250r's reply, "I ain't just blow'n smoke here". Mine and my buddies are set up for H/S too and it's unreal how well they work. Like grunk250r said, it's soooo smooth you think you'd give up some control, but you actually get better control. The clickers seem much more effective now also.

The guy is REALLY GOOD!

[This message has been edited by MTRHEAD (edited 04-06-2001).]

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