
Jul 22, 2001
A friend of mine has a xr650 and he's asking for more power(like it's under powered)and i found this bike mod.
Just 2 questions if anyone can shine a light on.
1/ How do you stop the engine going into a lean condition under boost.
2/ How do you pressure feed the turbo with oil for cooling.
The guy is nutz i know but he wants to do it.


Jul 12, 2000
80hp on the wheel...twice as much as original.

This bike belongs to the Swedish Paris-Dakar driver PG Lundmark. It's only his trainingbike and he wanted all that power to be able to make long sweepers at 80 mph... You can check this site for numbers but be warned, it's in

The shop that build the bike ( is specialazed in turbokits for bikes, they usualy converts 1100cc streetbikes into monsters with 300hp's...

Your friend can contact Erik at [email protected] or PG at [email protected] and ask they how the bike works out.

I think this kits are to complicated to do on your own, Mc-express has done this for over 15 years and realy know there thing, they are now one of the most renomme'd turbobuliders in the world.

The only problem is that Mc-xpress is located in the northern part of Sweden, faaar away from Australia...


Aug 13, 2000
There is another slightly less complicated option. Rather than use a conventional turbo, install an Aerodyne turbo. They are used on 4 wheelers, harleys and snomobiles among others. The Aerodyne contains it's own oil so no oil connection is necessary. It can be mounted in any position so location is less of a problem. In addition it uses variable turbine nozzle vanes to enhance low RPM boost while giving up nothing at higher RPM's There are units available for any engine over 15HP. There is no wastegate either, the turbine nozzles adjust for the boost level desired. This gives the Aerodyne the highest overall operating efficiency of any turbo. It is also the worlds fastest responding turbo. If a simple and responsive system is desired this is a good option.

I use a larger version of this on my car. It is hard to compare my performance with other turbo's as I am as fast of faster than fully intercooled turbo kits. I run with less boost and no intercooler. My point is the Aerodyne is very efficient and effective.

check this out.


Jan 19, 2000
He'll get to try out a lot of rear tires!

I hope he dosen't have limited funds either... that much increase in power has got to be tough on everything from the head on out to the rear wheel.

Still, it sounds like fun if he has the means.


Jul 22, 2001
Thanks for the replies and web links,he does have the funds to throw at
it just for the hell of it,but probably not the skill to hang onto it.
Australia has some open deserts to warp this thing out,but i wont be on it.
The owner will probably try it out,he's a x motocross sidecar swinger,with a
zipper on the back of the skull to remove the brain.
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