
Oct 22, 2005
ok i think i just bought an 01 rm 125 for 350 dollars the darn thing is in the roughest shape of any dirtbike i have ever seen in my life but the frame is straight and no breaks and he ceized up the connecting rod bearing so i gotta rebuild the motor just gonna get a whole new crankshaft piston and everything new in the motor. the factory i work at has powder coating system so i am gonna sandblast the frame and have it painted bright orange well arctic cat orange. and gonna put new fenders on it recover the seat and i should have about 1000 bucks into it and it should be like new. oh and put a kill switch on it. have any of you guys done the complete restoration before? and is it worth it? i figure if i have about 1000 into a 01 125 that shouldn't be bad.


Aug 6, 2005
well... if you have the money...

if it is that beat up you are most likely to run into lots of problems... like bad wheel bearings, fork seals, ect... little stuff that eats money and time...

but if it is worth it to you go ahead.
I dont think i would put that kind of money into such a old 125, but i sure as hell would have bought it for 350!!!

if you are looking to fix it up then sell it, i wouldent think it would be worth it... nobody really wants 125's too much anymore, and it is out of date, and would have a somewhat hard time competeing with the newer ones.

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