
Oct 28, 1999
Does anyone have an idea how much a '73 berkshire 100 is worth?  It was my dads bike, I learned to ride on it, and it's currently sitting.  It only has 1900 mile on it the last time I checked, I have the owners manual,  and It starts right up.  Any guess on the value of this bike would be appreciated.



Moderator / SuperPowers
Jun 9, 1999

I am not sure what it would be worth exactly, but I do want to ask if you are selling it. Let me know.......



Oct 28, 1999

I've been trying to get him to sell it, but he wont budge.  It's one of those sentimental things y'know.  It's a nice bike, It just isn't doing it any good sitting in a barn.  I had thoughts of restoring it for him, and then maybe seeing if he would want to sell it or race in the vintage enduros, ("but that's what I bought this 79 IT 250 for!!") but he seems content to let it rot for some reason(It must have spit him off the last time he rode it?).  but any way, I thought maybe if I posted a thread on here, someone would give him an idea of how much the bike's worth, and he'd be more inclined to sell it.  As I remember, the bike's only flaw is the aluminum rear fender is missing about 3" of it's total length.

If you could tell me how to post a photo of the bike I'll put one up pn the board for you.  Or, I could E- mail you one.  

Let me know



Aug 11, 1999
Theres probably more sentimental than intrinsic value to you in the little Penton. As far as it goes they were OK bikes, but horribly underpowered and for their cc overweight. But excellent for young riders to begin on. The 125 was a more viable option. I think it fits in the classic class in the AHRMA races. Anyway, dont just let it sit and rust, get that thing out and run it some, a little tlc goes a long way! SEE YA!!!

motogeeze "go big or go home!"


Oct 7, 1999
boy, this brings back some memories...i had a '73 125, a '74 100, &a '75 175 Penton.  those were some bikes!  of them all, i think i liked the 100 best.  sure, it was a sleeved 125 & thus slower, but there was a very active 100 class back then.  i raced a buddy on his penton 125, & he could barely pull me.  they even had improved the shifting by then.  finally sold when i grew several inches & 45 lbs.  it's probably not worth a lot b/c there's not a class to my knowledge for such a small bike in vintage racing, & people want more power.  good luck with it!



Dec 30, 1999
I am certainly no expert on Pentons...I have a 1973 175 Jackpiner that I bought new at age 17. I wouldn't part with it for any price so I understand the desire to hold on to yours. I am a member of the Penton Owners Group..there is a nice web site, there is someone involved who could put a value on your bike. Through my experience, of course without seeing the bike, it should be worth somewhere around $ least thats what I would pay you for it. The Penton web site has classifieds and an original, little used 1973 Jackpiner 175 recently went for around $1800. Hope this helps, and hopefully I haven't offended anyone with a similar bike by being way off on my pricing. I am just a humble dirt bike addict from Maine.


Dec 30, 1999
For the Penton Owners is a club in Amherst, Ohio with Al Buehner as president. He is an excellent source for parts, and has begun having some of the impossible to obtain parts reproduced. Real nice guy. The club puts out an informative newsletter, with a parts newsletter. There is a reunion once a year in Ohio with a display of bikes. the web site is excellent, although hard to find. With a good search engine like Yahoo or Dogpile, just type in Penton Owners Group and it should work. If not the URL is long, but here goes...      as I am not the most computer literate, you my find a better way, and there is some discussion of getting a new, easier to find URL for those who are browsing for dirt bike sites. Good Luck.
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