1st Annual Idaho Extreme........Ride and Retreat


Sponsoring Member
Sep 15, 1999
Me and a buddy of mine have decided to host a ride here in Idaho. We are wanting to have a "guys" only type weekend getaway ride. I have some vacation property in central Idaho north east of the town of McCall.

We are planning to do it the weekend of September 15th.

I have about 6 acres that backs up to the Payette National forest. All the riding will leave right from the camp. There is water on the property and a toilet. No power or phones. The rides will be loops from 20 miles to 40 miles. Nothing to "technical". (Most anyone minus true beginners would do fine). Speed is the key. We will have sweepers but we are not gonna play around. We are gonna boogie down the trail. There will be 2 track (ATV and Jeep) trails, single track and some fire/logging roads. Everyone can camp on my property RV's, campers, and tents are welcome. If anyone is intrested send me an email. This started out as a "Me and a couple buddies" thing but I thought it would be cool to extend the offer to others.

It would be nice if we could get all of the DRN Idaho members together for a ride....

And like the Reno Valentines Day Ladies Ride, that allowed guys. We too will allow the ladies......


Mar 24, 2001

I'll give it a try if I can ride by then. I broke a wrist Sunday of Memorial Day Weekend.

Where NE of McCall is your place?

my wife and I live in Boise. We have a summer home at West Mountain so I won't be camping, just up for the days.



Sponsoring Member
Sep 15, 1999
My property is in Secesh Meadows, it is on "Warren Wagon Road" between the Burgdorf junction and Warren. There is some great riding up there.

Its gonna be fun. Even if there is only a few of us we will have a blast. I have been riding this area since I was 5 and I still cant get over the beauty.


Sponsoring Member
Sep 15, 1999


Oct 23, 2000
I'm definitely interested


Or should that be 550FCman? I could definitely go for a ride in that part of the country. The TVTMA is having a ride at Warm Lake (Stolle Meadows) next weekend and the "family" will be attending too.

Let me know the details and I'll put it on my calendar. We may be dodging arrows during that time, better wear the "heavy" chest protector.



Mar 24, 2001
I know the meadows area. I have passed there many times on the way into Chamberlin Basin. I flew a near-death snowmobiler out of there in a horible snowstorm 3 years ago. He got pie-eyed and leaned to the side of his machine while passing a 10 inch tree at a high rate of speed.

It looks like my wrist may heal fast enough to make the ride. I'm out of the cast and wearing a fiberglass brace half-time now.

I'd like to learn the area from a local. Looking forward to the ride.



Jul 12, 2000
Man I'd love to be there but its too soon for me to commit, espicially that time of year. I think my cousin may be getting married that weekend and of course I'm in the wedding:think I'm really not looking forward to dressing up for that. Isn't it strange I'm fine with spending $150-160 on MX pants but cringe at spending like $60 on some slacks. I'll keep the ride in mind and get it figured out.


Sponsoring Member
Sep 15, 1999
Yep should be a blast. We will firm thing up more as time goes by. But we are set on the date. So you can plan on it.

There will be a few bow hunters out there. But I would rather ride in bow season than rifle season..... The date is a pretty good one though. Kids are back in school. Everyone has settled in from vacations. But its still not so late that we are all out hunting or watching the snow fly.

Just a weekend gettaway. There is great fishing right from my property in the Secesh river. (Catch and release please).

We will see lots of historical stuff including the wreckage of a World War II era bomber....

dirtbikedad- I think I know the guy you hauled out of there... Did he have busted up ribs....and maybe a back or neck problem?


Feb 6, 2000
I rode in the Ketchum area in the Sawtooth NF last year at the Idaho spodefest. It was awesome. The scenery incredible. If the riding and scenery will be anything like that, you guys thinking about going won't be sorry. To get an idea, check out my pix page.


Sponsoring Member
Sep 15, 1999

Its still ago....... Im Buying the Beer...


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Freakin' weddings!

I'd love to make it, but I like sleeping in my own bed (rather than the doghouse!)

Sounds like a blast.


Mar 24, 2001

The guy I hauled out had a bad head injury, a punctured lung from broken ribs and 2 broken femurs. He was in bad shape.

I have 15 SEP down on my calendar. Won't be the first time I dodged arrows. The only conflict is the Reno Air Races and I have been there a million times.

Looking fwd to it.

Jerry:) :)
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Sponsoring Member
Sep 15, 1999
Closer yet......

Did a little scouting this weekend, the trails were in great shape. Had some light showers and cool weather. Come Septembetr it should be perfect riding weather up there.

Does anyone want to fish some high mountain lakes or are we just gonna ride? Alot of the riding we will be doing will take us to or near some great fising holes.

Most of the riding we will be doing is going to be pretty easy and not very technical. It will be fast single track and some fire roads. The loops will not be real big (so dont sweat if you have a small tank) 20 to 60 miles.

I plan on getting up there on Thursday night (the13th) to setup and plan on coming back monday (the 17th)... So if anyone wants to come up a day early feel free......


Jun 18, 2000
That might be a trip my man and I would be in to. We've done a ton of snowmobiliing around that entire area so it'd be fun to explore it on dirt. Sounds like you have a nicepiece of property up there, the warren wagon road area would be one of my top choices to buy land or a cabin.


Sponsoring Member
Sep 15, 1999
It is a beautiful place, that little bit of river front property surrounded by a national forest. Im glad my father had the sense to buy it............ I owe him.....

Anyway SL- Come on up its gonna be fun, I could even show you a couple choice pieces of property for sale....:cool: Its also cool to see the area when its Green and not white....


Sponsoring Member
Sep 15, 1999
Who is Going?

Ok Idaho people.... Its time to start doing some more planning... I am kinda hoping to get some kind of preliminary head count. Who is a maybe? and who is a definitely?

I think I might see about getting this catered ( I might have vounteer).

So...what would you be willing to pay for this service? $25.00? more? less? Im thinking....snacks friday night, breakfast, lunch and dinner on saturday and breakfast and lunch on sunday...This includes all beverages (beer and sodas).

I think it would be nice if we did not have to worry about cooking, bringing food and all that stuff.... We just ride and BS. Ya know a true "Retreat".

I was up this past weekend. I rode about 120 miles and had a blast. I will have some very fun and diverse loops set up. With plenty of sights to see and fishig holes to hit (if you want). I will be going up next week to get things ready........ Its gonna be fun..... Let me know what you think......
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Oct 23, 2000
Send me the directions!


I've got to do some lobbying with my better half to see if a "guys" weekend away is OK. There are 3 kids she'll be stuck with! I'll also check to see if at least one of my usual riding buddies would want to go too. We're a couple of TVTMA trail slugs, so we can go just about anywhere we care to go, and some places we have no business being, so you'll probably lap us, but we'd get through just fine.

I will let you know for sure later this week after I've had a chance to "grease the skids" with the wife and check on my riding partners' status.

Count me in as a definite "tentative +" and send me the directions. $25 sounds like a hell of a deal if I don't have to cook or pack a lot of groceries!

I'll be in touch.



Oct 27, 1999

hey 380,
you can count on me to be there!!! I am willing to pay $25.00 for all the food, I would be willing to pay a little more not to have to worry about bringing or cooking my own. let me know if you are able to work out the catering.


Jul 12, 2000
Sounds like a blast and I'd love to be there but the 15th is the day that my cousin is getting married. I was to be an usher but I've been bumped up to groomsman :silly: Have a good time for all of those of us who can't be there but would love to be.


Sponsoring Member
Sep 15, 1999
JAFChE - I will email directions to you.

$25.00 it is. All you need to bring is you bike and gas. All food and beverage will be taken care of.....

Still looking for confirms (and if the $25.00 works for you all) from SL99, Sir Thumper and dirtbikedad.

In so far.....

JAFChE and 1


May 3, 2001
Thinking about ya!

I'll be thinking about ya'll while I am trying to sling arrows at elk. I'll be in the area and sipp'in on a cool one after hunting. Love the hot spring at Brockdorf(sp). Have fun and doge them arrows.



Jun 18, 2000
The 15th? Thats not to far away. I'll see if I can get my man motivated, he's recoveying from a shoulder injury from the St. Anthony sand dunes trip, but he is getting his full range of motion back. If its a go with him (actually, his shoulder) then a couple of freinds of our might want to go to. I'll find out in the next couple of days and get back to you.

How far out of McCall is your property?

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