I am looking at getting my first dirtbike, i have rode quads quiete abit and those have started to get boring. The one i am looking at has a brand new top end, protaper bars, pro circuit pipe and silencer, diffrent intake system, diff revalved shox by hickman racing and new michelin tires. He says it only has about 18 hours on it. It is from my local dealer and the guy who works there rode and raced it. They are asking $3700 for it and i thought that might be a lil much but it has been taken care of real well. Is it worth the price?? Cuz the new ones come with renthal bars and a newer peppier motor with a lighter frame, correct?? and am not sure if i would be better off spending the extra 1300 for a new bike. Either way i am going to put it down to the far to avoid taxes and all that. And i will be using it to move cattle and sort them. lol.