2nd Annual Clear Creek New Years Ride


Sep 27, 2001

There are nothing but long loops at Clear Creek so you will be satisfied! Clear Creek has approx 800 miles of trails/road and approx 50,000acres total. No comparison to Hollister at all.

Justin knows the area very well. There is a huge variety of trails for every skill level so no one will be disappointed. There are plenty of rocks, lave rock, serpentine, hills, whoops, pine forests and Manzanita galore!

As far as camping location, Let's plan on camping at Indian Hill Campground (about 4 miles up the main road) depending on the conditon of the main road. If it is too slick due to wet conditions, then we will stick to Oak Flat Campground which is the first campground you come to.

I will firm up camping location when it gets a little closer to the day of departure. Justin, Natalie and I will be getting there fairly early on 12/30 so we can leave a "DRN" paper trail to help guide anyone who isn't familiar with the area.

I will plan on giving more explicit directions when I have a better idea of the weather around departure date.

I can't wait!



Jan 22, 2002
I trust Justin.
But in addition we have radios and GPS just in case we get separated.
I think having radio is always a good idea if you don't know the area so well or have a map. I also have a headlight!!

Buddy and I are still considering joining you guys.
I hope we can make it.



Sep 7, 2001
Heya Karna, what is the nearest town to Clear Creek?
BTW, there are a bunch of SF people riding Middle Creek this Sunday, 12/15 if anyone is interested... ;)


May 23, 2000
Definitely look out for the manzanita. You don't actually have to hit it...it will reach out and grab you and/or your bike if you look at it the wrong way! Although it does do a good job of stopping you and your bike if you're sliding down the side of a steep hill!


Jul 24, 1999
I wanna go play too...
Unfortunately, I won't be available that week :ugg:

Have fun you guys! Wish I could go...


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
Originally posted by Kawidude
I told him that one weekend of riding at Clear Creek would make him a better rider than 3 months of riding at Hollister.

That's EXACTLY what I'm being told!:confused: I can't wait to try it all out.  Karna tells me she's going to have me go up and down hills all day to get that out of my system, too.  Currently, I have "issues" with rutted downhills (mentally and skill wise)

Fe_princess, It would be so much fun if you and SFO made it out!:yeehaw: :yeehaw:

ScottYZ250, so sorry that you are not coming too!  Carnegie soon?
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Sep 7, 2001
Originally posted by GETMETOCA

Currently, I have "issues" with rutted downhills (mentally and skill wise)

Fe_princess, It would be so much fun if you and SFO made it out!:yeehaw: :yeehaw:

Carnegie soon?

We are definetly coming! As for downhills, I have just really overcome my complete petrification of them at Stoneyford. So Rutted :ugg: What is your particular "issue"?
Are you still interested in going to ride the track at Carnegie?
I'd love to pick a weekend in January. Get one in before Reno?? ;)


Dec 3, 2002
Fe_princess, is everybody still going to Middle Creek Sunday? The expected Thu/Fri rain may make for nice conditions, but then...

"A stronger weather system will push into northern California Friday night into Saturday. This system will produce widespread rain... high elevation snow and very strong winds. It will usher in much colder air and snow levels will drop significantly Saturday night into Sunday to 4000 feet or lower. There is also the possibility of thunderstorms over the weekend. These series of storms have the potential to produce significant rainfall amounts in the valleys and foothills with several feet of snow in the higher elevations above 7000 feet."


Sep 7, 2001
You know most have cancelled.
It's supposed to rain thru the weekend which is good, but...
I get so wiped out riding all day in the rain.
So, looks like clear creek will be our next ride.
Are you going to ride there too?
Where do you live? Where do you usually ride?
We spent Thanksgiving up at Stoneyford. It was really dusty, but still super fun :flame:
We got caught in snow last year up at Stoney. It's fun, but freezing. I remember my face, neck & hands were so cold that I started to get a little freaked out. I'm scarred for life now :(


Dec 3, 2002
I live in S.F., been out of racing/riding for about 5 years, really want to get back into it, mainly trail riding. I never really had any trail riding buddies I could count on, I just did D.36 off-road races every weekend. Now I just want to go to Stonyford (my favorite) or PiPi or Foresthill or wherever and plonk around. I'm trying to get some riders from work to go, and I'm trying to get them to go to Moonrocks for the Reno ride.

I went to Hollister the day after Thanksgiving. Yikes. I knew it would be crowded, but jeez. And I just didn't enjoy myself on the trails; I was wanting to turn and burn on some dark brown loam in the trees. I hurt like hell the next few days.

Did you see Dan's post about Clear Creek? I don't think I can make it Sunday, but the New Year's ride is a possibility. However, I am on record as saying C.C. should be nuked and paved over with a parking lot. I'm certainly not going without an experienced "trail boss" who knows the place. I managed to get lost and stuck there at a Quicksilver despite copious course markers.

You're afraid the snow? The best race ever was a 49er enduro in the snow of El Dorado N.F. (PiPi). I did a Stonyford family enduro in the rain and some hare scrambles in the rain. It can't get cold enough for me in California to even wear a Gore-Tex jacket when I ride. Unless it's a wide open fire road or jeep trail, I sweat like a pig.


Sep 7, 2001
I'm not afraid :|
I just didn't have the right gear.
Is all your racing/riding off-road?
How long have you lived here?
I work at a bike shop in town.
I see that you have three bikes which is your favorite?
I could introduce you to a lot of people in SF that go trail riding almost every weekend.


Nov 22, 2002
Hey guys, I've been lurking on this site for awhile now and this Clear Creek ride caught my attention. I don't have a lot of riding buddies and it would be cool to meet some new "dirt" people. It sounds as though most of you know each other already, and I was wondering if it would be weird for a "stranger" from SoCal to join the fray. I've been to C.C. once before, but I was alone and, thus, very cautious. From what I saw, it looks like a fun place to ride. So, whadaya say? Can I come?

p.s. How do you insert those funny faces?



Sep 27, 2001

By all means, come on down! Clear Creek is one of my favorite places to ride (although, I realize others have different opinions of the area) but I would never go there alone! This is a great opportunity to meet some of us other DRN'ers and get a grand tour of the asbestos/mercury land fill :p ...Frank is right I don't have any skills in marketing. Anyways, we all met via DRN and would welcome any "newcomers"! Natalie (GETMETOCA) is a great cook so don't worry about that! She already has great plans in the making for dinners!

I am planning on requesting additional maps of the area and if you own a Motorola Walkie Talkie then bring it along (it is best to be safe). Justin and I are going down there on Friday just for the day so we will scope things out. I am leaning toward Oak Flat Campground at this point, only because it is a little hard to get RV's or trailers down to Indian Hill (depending on the condition of the road). Justin is getting excited! We are going to go map out a loop this Friday for everyone's enjoyment!

Hope to see you there!



Dec 3, 2002
Where is the nearest motel to C.C.? I'm such a wuss. (Truck camping is one of the things that burned me out on racing.)

Fe_princess, I got rid of the last of my street/roadrace/dual sport bikes when I discoverd honest-to-gawd Two Stroke Dirt Bikes. I've tried MX, I'd like to do some Vet or OTHG racing. Lived here since 85. If I could only keep one bike it would be the KDX200, though the CR250 motor, handling, and Honda quality is something to behold. As for KTM, the Austrians still have a lot to learn from the Japanese. (You have a pumpkin bike and work at a shop? Maybe no coincidence.)

Farmer John

T.C.F.<br>(tire changin' fool)
Mar 8, 2000
Since everyone in this thread is interested in CCMA, I am requesting on behalf of my club (Timekeepers M/C) and Salinas Ramblers M/C that you take a few moments to read this LINK just to be aware of the fight we are in to keep "the Creek" open to those who actually use it.


Aug 8, 2001
Does anyone know if CC has a map box ( where they keep trail maps)? I'm thinking of riding there sometime this weekend (depends on which day will be dryer) and I've only ridden there a few times. Any suggestions for good loops? Anyone interested in riding there this weekend?

Thanks Dan

Farmer John

T.C.F.<br>(tire changin' fool)
Mar 8, 2000
Originally posted by dp400
Does anyone know if CC has a map box

There are a few on the kiosk's at the entrance & jade mill, but they are usually empty & have bullet holes in them. :think:

My sister will be patrolling the canyon & she has maps in her truck.
If you see her tell her a turkey is not supposed to be the color of a bricket all the way through. :eek:

I may ride there on Sunday, it depends on the weather. If it is okay in Hollister I will be riding there with my kids (8 & 6), if its bad, I will be at the Creek. :thumb:


Sep 7, 2001
Originally posted by D36-108A

(You have a pumpkin bike and work at a shop? Maybe no coincidence.)

The two are mutually exclusive. They don't sell KTM where I work, or even work on them. I work for a Ducati dealer.
What's your beef with KTM?


Dec 3, 2002
Fe_princess, I'll tell you why I'm bitter about KTM some time on a ride. You must work for Nick H. I knew him back in the day when he started working for Pat M.


Sep 7, 2001
That's the one.
I used to ride a Moto Morini.
He hated working on it and would complain the whole time but still did it.
That was pre-dealership days.
Did you ever race up at Sear's?


Jun 19, 2002
I'll be there New years morning, just let me know what area ya'll be in. I'll be taken I-5, bout 2hrs from LB.


Dec 3, 2002
Yeah I raced 650 Twins, 600 P, 600 SS, and endurance at Sears. Too many squids, not enough practice and race time for the money and effort.

Thanks WRSTEVE. Not ideal but it beats trying to find a camping spot in the dark or driving from S.F. in the morning.
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