2smoke oil & ratio thread merged


Feb 21, 2003
I've used many different oils in my "toys" over the year...Castrol, Kendall, Pennzoil 100% syn (smells like play-doh), Wal-Mart Brand, Mobil MX2T, Amsoil, and Klotz Super-Techniplate.

Mobil MX2T was the cleanest burning, followed by Amsoil. The best smelling was by far the Klotz...mmmm. When I buy a new kind of oil I make sure it smells good first. Then I worry about how well it'll work in my bike...jk


Aug 12, 2002
Amsoil S2000 at 40:1. Motor was clean as a whistle at last tear down. I buy it by the gallon for about $24. That's $6 for a quart. Not bad for good synthetic oil, and they ship it to my door. My .02.


Jan 20, 2001
I've never heard of it but it may be the best stuff in the world. I just think its too risky to use that small of amount of oil. It always cracks me up that folks will spend thousands of dollars on their toys and then want to save a few bucks on the lifeblood of their engine. Use the best there is and the proper amount. Amsoil makes a 100:1 oil but there is no way in hell I would try it.


Jul 14, 2002
It costs me $20 in fuel costs a day... not to mention the entry fees in the places I ride. If I could cut that cost down it would let me maybe buy lunch that day. I don't think I would mix it that thin but if it costs less and CAN be mixed that thin... well maybe it's worth a look.


Jul 14, 2002
Yeah...Soooo maybe I exaggerated a little! Shoot me! :eek:
$6 in that fancy oil.. mixed at 40:1 I might add, and 5 gallons of gas PREMIUM PUMP GAS! :)
Which is bout $2 a gallon...let's see... that comes to $16!!!! I usually don't use all that gas but I put one helva dent in it! :cool:


Oct 6, 2002
Originally posted by Braahp
....... You can't replace quantity with quality!

I see it just the opposite: "You can't replace quality with quantity!"
Too me 1 Good KTM 250 EXC is worth more than 10 KDX 220's.
One Yamaha YZ 250 is worth more than a dozen KX 250's.
One good cold Labatts Blues are worth more than 6 warm Pabst Blue Ribbons.
Etc, Etc, Etc,......


Jul 14, 2002
Who asked you????? :laugh:
Have you found that ONE GOOD KTM 250 EXC yet?????
This is about oil anyway!
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Oct 6, 2002
Originally posted by rethnal
Who asked you????? :laugh:
Have you found that ONE GOOD KTM 250 EXC yet?????
This is about oil anyway!
1) I thought it was an open forum
2) Yes, its in my garage now.
3) Sorry my mind wanders a little, guess I'm gettin old.
But even in the case of oil I don't think quantity beats quality.
I use Amsoil 40:1.
My Dad prefers Klotz 32:1, but I think it stinks. Although it does remind me of the old flat track days a Millburg Speedway.


Feb 6, 2003
:think: I just can't trust oils mixed at 100:1. I could go out and pay double what guys in the states are paying but instead I go to the base and buy the outboard oil from Castrol. Yes, call me cheap. But I mix my kdx at 28:1 and sleep a whole lot better at night knowing that when I am screaming the engine it is getting lubrication. No spooge, no fouling either.
I read in a magazine that the only reason the high ratios were even thought about, were for plug fouling issues. At a low rpm the oil is not burnt off and it ends up collecting on the plug and fouling. So 40:1 or 50:1 may be ok for guys doing slow trail riding and only whipping it up on some fire roads.

Basically each person has to decide what is right for them.
The oil ratio, cost, type of riding, and peace of mind.

The magazine even said with the dyno testing on the RM250, the lower the oil ratio, the more horsepower.


Jul 26, 2002
The magazine even said with the dyno testing on the RM250, the lower the oil ratio, the more horsepower.

FYI...This is just due to the fact that the lower oil ratio was leaning out the mixture, which was what created the extra power. I'm sure the bike was on the rich side....Most definitely if it was factory jetting.


Aug 11, 2002

1. I wouldn't wash the cow sh*t off my bike with that swill.

2. I would take the 10 KDXs, keep one, trade two for KDX200's and buy a 300EXC (more torque than the 250), 450 EXC, 525EXC, and still have $10,000.00 left over to spend on Trout River Brewery Rainbow Red Ale.

Barney's Bargain Basement Pygmy Oil all the Way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Originally posted by fuzzy

FYI...This is just due to the fact that the lower oil ratio was leaning out the
mixture, which was what created the extra power.

Guess again.
MCulloch published a paper years ago showing the horsepower gains that can come from improved sealing when additional oil was added to two-stroke fuel. Gordon Jennings and a host of others have shown similar gains with high percentages of oil in the mix. In all of these cases they adjusted the jetting to provide a consistent air/fuel ratio. There are situations where up to 9 ounces of oil per gallon (~ 14:1 ratio) can provide a real advantage, but it's not a generic prescription for every situation by any means. If you are using a good quality oil designed for high speed engines then absolute load and time under load will prove to be a pretty good yardstick to gauge the amount of oil you need to add to your fuel.

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