
Dec 30, 2000
i just came on a deal with a 95 xr 200 for a 1000.00 (could be talked down to 900) and was wondering if that is a good year to get. i dont really know anything about them so was wondering what you cause have to say about the year in general, the way it performs on the trails and the bike overall.


Aug 22, 2000
I bought a '93 XR200 a year and a half ago for $1400, and thought that was a good deal! If the one you are looking at hasn't been thrashed, I'd go for it! I've put mine through the paces, and it has always came through. I'm now replacing the piston and rings, but that is the first thing I've had to do, except for routine maintenance. It is great to start (even when hot), has a low seat height for beginners, is tough as pine knots and parts can be easily found. Used ones were hard to come by when I was looking. You better not let the buyer read this!:eek:
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