
May 28, 2001
My uncle is selling his '96 XR 250 and is asking $2300 but said he'd sell it to me for $2000. I have only ridden one other bike before, a '99 KDX 200. I loved it, but it seemed a little too snappy. I will ride mostly old logging roads and tight wooded trails (no mx or racing of any type). Would it be a good bike for me? I'm 6'1" around 170. There is a story with the bike...short version is that it sat around at the dealer for a couple years for some reason and my uncle picked it up very cheap almost exactly a year ago. The rear tire was worn from burnouts or something, but the front looked almost brand new (was original tire). He put on new chain (o-ring) and sprockets and a new rear tire a month or two ago and picked up his brand new XR 250 today. So what do you guys think?? Thanks for any help!!

EM rider

Apr 27, 2001
All XRs are excellent bikes for the kind of riding you describe. The thing I like best about mine is the reliability. And unless you're an advanced rider, it's performance is more than adequate. If you are comfortable that the bike is in good shape, then 2,000 for a 1996 XR250 is a good deal. In SoCal, those generally sell for between 2500 and 3000.
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