
Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
I don't know whether anyone else has noticed, but subscribers & STM's are a cliquey bunch.

One rider goes down (this is the thread I really noticed it in) and I think pretty much all the replies have been by subscribers or STM's (or folk that know Mark personally).

I posted a thread a while back about wtb steering damper & received one reply. The person was in Australia, I'd never noticed any posts by him, looked at his profile, saw he was a subscriber and purchased it off him (no problems that I'm aware of - Tom, I hope there weren't your end).

I hadn't picked up till then that there really is a difference on the board between the different levels. The STM's are probably more cliquey as there are fewer of them than subscribers.

No, I don't think it's a bad thing so long as members realise all they have to do to join the clique is pay out some $. I definitely will be renewing my subscription when it's due & possibly even upgrading.

As for "Okie wanting to make millions" & whatever else is said, to be honest, who cares? Do I stop buying FMF or PC or anything else because "the profit just goes into someone else's pocket", nope, it's a product I like/want/need.

Yes, I'm bored, yes I make wierd useless posts, but sorry, you guys are stuck with me until Okie bans me, but don't worry, I'll be going back to work soon & will be back to not having as much time to spend on the puter ;) hehehe


Aug 25, 2000
I don't really know if its a clique thing, think it is just that fact that many of them either know each other personally (or at least met face to face), or have been conversing for many years. <shrug>....maybe not....

Either way, always enjoy your ramblings, even if I don't always respond :thumb:


Oct 3, 1999
I see what you're saying, and I'm not sure if I agree, but if it is true I know that it's not intentional at least..

Green Horn

aka Chip Carbone
N. Texas SP
Jun 20, 1999
I don't see it too much. I think there was one case of a member whining that he/ she doesn't get responses because their not a Subscriber. Other than that, it's seems we're all on equal turf. I know that I don't care who posts/ replies regardless of their "status". Maybe we should start a clique though? :)


Apr 1, 2001
I usually don't respond unless something really catches my eye, or I'm bored like you and looking for feedback. I've responded to anyone regardless of their standing on the board, and won't respond if someone else has already voiced an opinion I share.

Greenhorn---I liked the "mini-bike of the open-class" sig line a lot better even if it's true that it's a 'torquey bastage'!:)


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
Hadn't noticed Chris's sig had changed (it hadn't earlier). Chris, you've got the EXC right? I'm going to be made to ride Henk's SX whenever he's finished putting it together - how does it compare to a CR500? (Neither of which has ever entered my "must try" list, especially after Henk's TM250)

I'll respond to anything, but probably delete more than I post (i.e. type it up & then hit back or just jump back to the forum it's in).

I realise there are a heck of a lot of real life friends on here, a lot that have met via DRN & other web places. I've had contact from people who've seen me post & known me in real life & we keep in ctc via emails. Heck, I've even met a couple of US DRNers. I love reading ride reports (and have noticed this week there are a couple of beauties - sorry the MX ones leave me cold).

No, I don't think any of us look at a post and look to see whether the person initiating it is a subscriber or STM & then decide to reply. That would defeat the purpose of DRN. I guess what I'm meaning to say is we're possibly more into the giving back into the sport/people than the non-subscribers, more likely to be the ones that a volunteers at events, members of clubs or been around DRN too long. I know that's a rough generalisation and I will be doing an injustice but I'll trust dealing with one of you guys financially better than I would a member who've I've never seen post & generally don't know.

In real life, this equates to me rather asking for help from someone I know & waving an unknown person on in the hope that the next rider I can stop to ask help me. I'm just more comfortable with that, even though I know I'll be given stick at the end of the ride about it and if I'd asked Joe Bloggs, no one else would've had to know I'd done something stupid again ;) With my biggest crash the next person to come along I didn't really know, but ignored me waving him on & helped me out. I now consider him a friend as I see him everywhere & he still gives me stick about my crash (less now that it's been a few years, thankfully hehehe).

Hope that makes some sense, and no, I've never thought the clique's been one that's impossible to join, it's definitely a growing clique not an all-exclusive clique (and encompasses smaller cliques).


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Michelle, Green Horn has my 360EXC. It's pretty far off of what it was stock and I'm sure isn't anything like Henk's SX. It's more of a 3 stroke now. The power & torque is spread over a much wider area with the hit being softened allowing it to really hook up and pull in any gear which as Green Horn has found out can be an interesting experience since he tends to sit most of the time and just happens to sit towards the back the front tire gets much less wear :laugh: I suspect the SX will be like the TM250 except more everywhere with a much stronger hit that you should be able to anticipate after riding it just a little bit, sitting waaaay forward would be a really good idea.


Looking for Mr. Right
Jun 28, 2002
I will be anyone's friend that will have me Michelle. Most people that have met me in REAL LIFE tend to shy away from me here. Maybe its cuz Im stoopit. :)

This could work out beautifully because I dont think we will ever meet so you don't have to worry!

Green Horn

aka Chip Carbone
N. Texas SP
Jun 20, 1999
My 360 isn't as mean and nasty as it looks. :) It reminds more of a 250 but with loads of torque through the entire RPM range. In essence, it's always "on the pipe". :) I've never ridden a CR500 so I can't compare. It's hard to even compare it to a stock 360 E/XC let alone an SX. My bike has had alot of mods done to it and from what I understand it is nowhere near what it was in stock form.

My sig line changes quite often. Mostly to screw with Patman because he's an *******. ;)
Last edited:

Green Horn

aka Chip Carbone
N. Texas SP
Jun 20, 1999
Hey what happened? I thought you could say a-hole on here. :) Other than dropping f bombs, I thought it was all good. Maybe it's because it was directed towards a member of the almighty TeamDRN. :)


Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001
I think you can say ass, like "I landed on my ass!"

And you can say hole, like "That rock just put a quarter-sized hole in my case."

And you can even mix the two in a sentence, like "After riding 200 miles of rocky single track yesterday, I've got a big ole hemorrhoid next to the hole in my ass."

Or you can even mix in homonyms as in "That move wasn't just half-assed, it involved his whole ass."

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Originally posted by Green Horn
Maybe it's because it was directed towards a member of the almighty TeamDRN. :)

... and if you do it again Greenie, I'm sending Gomer over to live in your driveway. :scream:
The first time you catch a glimpse of him wandering around in his bathrobe and fuzzy bunny slippers you'll think twice about calling Mr. PeeStink names.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Originally posted by Rich Rohrich
... you'll think twice about calling Mr. PeeStink names.
Notice he is using due respect by calling me Mr.


Oct 3, 2002
I joined a Sportstser mailing list in the summer of 1998. At that time there were maybe 500 subscribers. Now there are over 2000.

Over the years I have made quite a few great friends from it. In fact, I could go to many places in the world and have a meal or even a place to stay. We even formed a race team that set 4-5 records at Bonneville and a track championship with the East Coast Timing Association. The Sportster List has been a most rewarding experience.

Though many have joined the Sportster List since then, the 'clique' that formed in 98-99 is still pretty tight. It takes a while to get to know the newbies and for them to fit in. It's the outgoing personalities that fit in the fastest.

I gotta say that this forum seems to be just as friendly. And if Okie happens to make a dime or two for what has to be an immense amount of time spent on it, more power to him. Gotta love a capitalist society. :thumb:

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Originally posted by Patman

Notice he is using due respect by calling me Mr.

I hope you are taking notes Greenie. :confused:


Apr 1, 2001
Michelle---my 360 E/XC is basically stock: FMF pipe/silencer and #7 slide in the carb. The gear ratios are wider than the SX, so I would imagine that softens the hit a little, but the two biggest tricks to keeping it under control are:
1.) Stay up on the tank, with your head up over the cross-bar.

2.) Short-shift the motor so it doesn't 'come up on the pipe'. You'll find the lower RPMs to be very torquey, but it has a definate mid-range hit if you rev too high.

Good luck!

Green Horn

aka Chip Carbone
N. Texas SP
Jun 20, 1999
Originally posted by Rich Rohrich

... and if you do it again Greenie, I'm sending Gomer over to live in your driveway. :scream:
The first time you catch a glimpse of him wandering around in his bathrobe and fuzzy bunny slippers you'll think twice about calling Mr. PeeStink names.

LOL, Touche! :)

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