Anaheim Spoiler

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Dr. Feel Good
Jun 15, 2001
I would snub him if I saw him at a local track.

And I'm sure Grant would lock himself inside the KTM truck and cry rivers. :silly:


Aug 23, 2002
Originally posted by nephron

And I'm sure Grant would lock himself inside the KTM truck and cry rivers. :silly:
Hey Whatever. Im just referring to someone elses post of people having a change of attitudes when confronting a rider they dont like. I dont like the guy when im typing this and I wouldnt like him if I met him. end of story.


Nov 11, 2003
1. RC 2. k-dub 3. CR 4. Ferry 5. nate ramsey 6.fonseca 7.bubba 8. jesseman 9. ryno 10.pastrana 11. brownie

and this is just in the US!!!!!!!


Aug 23, 2002
Mickael Pichon. Stefan Everts, Joel Smets,Steve Ramon, Mickael Maschio, Andrea Bartolini, Javier Vico Garcia, Ricky Carmichael, James Stewart, Kevin Windham , Chad Reed , Ryan Hughes, Timmy Ferry , Mike LaRocco,Mike Brown. And you cant forget Doug Henry- he doesnt have to race a full season or prove anything. Langston isnt top ten in the world. He is top 20 though.

super rat

Ass Clown at DRN
Mar 31, 2001
Holy crap you guys are grasping at straws!!! HAHAHA!! Travis Pastrami? Your joking right? Javier Vico Garcia? OK... lets just say Langston is top 50 fastest riders in the world. For some chump to sit behind his computer and say the guy is an SOB who can't back up his mouth with his riding is FUNNY as heck. The guy won a major title this year what have either one of you guys won, ever?

I'm not even a Langston "fan". The year it went down to the wire between him and Brown I jumped on a plane to Steel City, so I could cheer on Brown. When I'm down at Phoenix this weekend I'll cheer extra hard for Grant, in honor of you two!!!! GO GRANT!!! HAHAHAHA!!!


Apr 17, 2002
Didn't hughes catch and pass Everts in the motocross de nations heat race. I know its only a heat race but racers still don't like to lose.

I'm not sure I understand why Langston is gettting trashed. The AMA is at fault not Grant. And I see this type of thing happen all the time. It happened to me in my second series ever. I only won one moto and didn't even finish first overall in any race but I got first at the end of the series anyways. I wasn't the fastest rider but I was the only rider who didn't get hurt and finshed consistently well. Same with Langston.


Aug 23, 2002
"For some chump to sit behind his computer and say the guy is an SOB who can't back up his mouth with his riding is FUNNY as heck. The guy won a major title this year what have either one of you guys won, ever?"
Who are you calling chump SuperMouse? I didnt call langston a sob or that he couldnt back his mouth with his riding. What have I won. A few motocross races and a bunch of harescrambles. What have you won?

super rat

Ass Clown at DRN
Mar 31, 2001
Psstt, Dan..... Super Mouse is not even funny next time try Stupid Rat.

WOW!!!! a bunch of hair scrambles!!!! I had no idea you were such an awesome racer!!!! Maybe you could jump on the #8 bike and show Langston how it's done. As far as the chump thing goes...... sorry maybe I was over the line.


Jan 5, 2002
To say that Langston talks the talk but can't back it up on the track is stupid!

Actually, there is ONE instance. Remember Broome when Bubba put him down in the first turn and he vowed revenge? Bailey said "when? When he's getting lapped!?"

Sorry, game on.

Jon K.

Mar 26, 2001
Originally posted by super rat
what have either one of you guys won, ever?

I won the "Pumpkin Race" at Fernwood Mississippi. October 31, 1989. :yeehaw: Top that!! :)


AssClown WannaBe
N. Texas SP
Aug 18, 1999
Originally posted by Jon K.
Top that!! :)

I one the skool speling be in 1972.  :confused:

super rat

Ass Clown at DRN
Mar 31, 2001
Actually, there is ONE instance. Remember Broome when Bubba put him down in the first turn and he vowed revenge? Bailey said "when? When he's getting lapped!?"

Sorry, game on.

HAHA!!! Don't be sorry. 125 National Champ, that backs it up. Oh yeah I think he beat Bubba for that Title, didn't he?


Dr. Feel Good
Jun 15, 2001
Actually, there is ONE instance. Remember Broome when Bubba put him down in the first turn and he vowed revenge? Bailey said "when? When he's getting lapped!?"

While I really like Langston a lot, that was pretty awesome. :laugh:

Man, I miss Bailey already. :ugg:


Jan 9, 2000
My pics for pure speed are bubba , Rc and then everts-no doubt in my mind, as for championships if they all rode open i think it would be rc or everts as bubba wouldnt last a season, he would beat them by say 10 seconds and next week want 20 seconds and crash, for good reason Kwak wont allow him on a 250 yet-he isnt ready.He trys to prove himself rather than win.I think Chad could do the same to him in sx.

As for that list of riders to beat Langston, how many titles do 95% of them have?-none?-no comparison.


Hot Sauce
Oct 28, 2001
Originally posted by super rat
[ .

HAHA!!! Don't be sorry. 125 National Champ, that backs it up. Oh yeah I think he beat Bubba for that Title, didn't he? [/B]

I think Bubba proved what speed is :laugh: Not Langstons fault on how he won the title, but i think Ryno got the short end.. What happened too Langston racing 250 Nats last year?? Didn't he step over too 125's cause Bubba wasn't there?? :laugh:

Hmmm WHat have i won?? Who cares :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Nov 11, 2003
i may not have won much, but you would think that a rider of langstons caliper would know how to ride with his head and not his ego. and langston didn't win the series super rat, its like ryno said in MXA "you dont cut the indy 500 off at mile 200 and declare a winner." same goes for mx, he didn't win the series plain and simple. and teach bubba a lesson? your kidding yourself, bubba won every race after his return, and convincenly, he managed to miss a third of the season and still finish within 30points of langston.

and yes i do think he is a little SOB because he talks so much smack about other riders and then when he gets it handed to him he comes back and says "ohh, my bike wasn't jetted right" or "ohh, my shoulder still hurts", instead of running his mouth he should just admit defeat and work his but off to get them next time. when RC was losing all those races to CR last year in sx you didn't hear him complaining or talking smack about CR, no, he graciously admitted defeat and spent the week working his tail off to come back and try and beat him next time. langston isn't a champion.


Jan 9, 2000
mxer842 i disagree with most of what you say, but then we all have a opinion.Just as long as you know im right and your wrong the world is ok:)


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
Originally posted by mxer842
its like ryno said in MXA "you dont cut the indy 500 off at mile 200 and declare a winner." same goes for mx, he didn't win the series plain and simple.

actually, they do end races early due to inclement weather, the same reason they cancelled troy. langston was declared the winner, he had the most points, season over.

hmmm...mx842 is from colorado, so is super rat. maybe that's his alter ego? is rat talking to himself?


Aug 23, 2002
Ok Stupid rat it is:) I am pretty fast. In mx racing I am a B rider and in the woods a expert. You seem to make like of harescrambles, ever even race one? I am not like you. I am a racer, not a spectator. And this is why mxer842 and I are bothered by langston. He is no champion. I cant beat langston around a track but I could beat the crap out of him in a fight. Hmmmm maybe if he shows up to a local race I will. NOT cause I am more of a professional then he is. He is a Dirty MF on the track. And arent we all forgetting him and his GLASSY EYES.
(quote from Meet the Parents)- " Are you a pot head Focker?"


Nov 11, 2003
exactly dan105, how would you like it if you were ryan hughes. you come out of retirement against all the doctors advice, work your tail off, are clearly the fastest and most determend(sp?) rider on the track(barring bubba), hell you even ride out over half the season on a broken leg!!! only to have a championship not decided on the racetrack but in some meeting room at AMA HQ thereby costing you, a true champion, a shot at your first AMA championship. wouldn't that chaf you off just a little bit?


Jan 29, 2001
Langston had the most points at the end of the season.....does this not make him the champ?? Hughes should have had more points, would have made things easier. Langston does run his mouth a bit, which i dont like about him, but his riding is what i do like about him, he battles through. As for hard luck sotries, you'll find them throughout the paddock, year after year, someone just missing out by the smallest margin, or getting hurt at the worst time, and people will either become stronger because of it or curl up at call it a day, that tells you alot about the character of that person. As for them hitting, it was great to watch, rubbing is racing and always better them than me :)
What about the the '125' West coast, who's going to take the honours??


Do the impossible its fun
Jul 16, 2000
yup, Evans finished ahead of Langston again. Evans still in points lead :flame:

super rat

Ass Clown at DRN
Mar 31, 2001
WOW Dan!! B rider holy crap, I had no idea that there were guys as fast as yourself on this board. Hair scrambles are those things where all of the guys wear fanny packs and sit down too much right? Well I can see I'm out classed here I mean who better to pass judgment on the 125 national champ than a B rider. Why is that they call B rides amateurs, if they are sooo fast? And you hit the nail right on the head with me I never even ridden a dirt bike let alone race one, looks scary though.
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