Ankle popped yesterday-Need advice


Nov 28, 2001
I was racing at a hare scramble yesterday when I put my foot down and my ankle popped. I immediately straightened it out and it popped back.

Went to emergency room and had it x-rayed. DR says no broken bones just stretched a ligament and that's what popped.

He told me to stay off it for a few days , keep it elevated and use ice. Do any of you guys have experience with this type anke injury and how long didi it take to get back in the saddle?

I have a race in five weeks....


Aug 13, 1999
If you can walk on it you can ride but if it's weak you might want to tape it up with some good athletic tape (don't forget the prewrap unless you like pain). You don't say if it's swollen, bruised or painful.

For an ankle injury, the quickest way to rehab it is to ice the heck out of it, at least 15 minutes 3 times a day. I prefer to stick my foot into a bucket of ice water (really feels good for the first 3 minutes until it's numb :p really, those are tears of JOY!).

Once the swelling is gone then do the 15 minutes of ice followed by 15 minutes of heat 3 times a day.

If it doesn't hurt WALK ON IT! If it is weak be very careful when walking on uneven surfaces so you don't roll it again. If it hurts slightly, WALK ON IT CAREFULLY try very hard not to limp. If it hurts too much to walk on, don't!

I sprained my ankle once (out of several times) really bad the evening before I was flying from AZ to FL for a beach volleyball tournament. I iced the heck out of it for the first two days there (before the tournament) and by taping it up I was able to play (this was Florida sand NOT California sand don't think it would have been strong enough for CA sand). No permanent damage and we did pretty well in the tournament (but that was over 15 years ago and now I don't heal so quick plus I wasn't about to waste my trip to FL from AZ).

Some good ankle strengthening/flexibility work is to write the alphabet in the air with your foot - cursive really gives you a work out. ;)
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Formally known as RV6Junkie
Damn Yankees
Jan 8, 2000
what she said

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
I would just cut it off and go with a stub ;)


Nov 28, 2001
I sleeping the other night and I moved my foot and ouch!!!!

My father tells me to stay off it,(so does my wife)...what to do???


Aug 25, 2000
Originally posted by bbbom
If it doesn't hurt WALK ON IT! If it is weak be very careful when walking on uneven surfaces so you don't roll it again. If it hurts slightly, WALK ON IT CAREFULLY try very hard not to limp. If it hurts too much to walk on, don't!

I think this pretty much says it all and based on my experience is pretty accurate. Mine have been "popped" so many times now that they do it walking briskly down stairs :ugg: The Doc says the ligaments are so stretched that there is little I can do, but at least I never have to worry about "sprains" ;) (I hate old age) I now wear lace up type ankle braces while riding...or I limp home and for the next couple of days. They work wonders :thumb:


Aug 25, 2000
I bought mine at a local drugstore, where they sell other neoprene braces and such. The brand name on mine is Sweed-O, although I see that EVS now markets them under their brand as well (although likely more expensive).

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