Anybody went hunting this weekend...?


Jul 5, 2001
I went in Runnels County,Texas.Around 50 miles south of Abilene.Got me a 7- pointer that was around 110 or a little more pounds.It was pretty good.We got a good lease this year and plan on going back around Thanksgiving and get me a real big one.;) Would go more often if it wasn't a 5 hour drive.:scream: :ugg:


Sep 15, 2000
Me and my dad haven't made it out this year yet. He's got a bad back and a hernia, so it doesn't help. Last year we got a 14point, 304lb buck, the thing was a monster. The bonus part, was that we were hunting on a island and had to jury rig some ropes to get it into the boat. Boy, I hope I never do that again. I'll try and get a pic scanned of it hanging in the garage...


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
We aren't open yet

But tonight after work I took thekid out target practicing to decide which gun he is going to use. Settled on the rem mod 742 308cal since out of 20 shots 17 were solid kill zones. It is amazing the differance 1 year makes- last season he was only able to accurately shoot the 30-30 but this year all guns were in his ability but the 308 was the top one (at 75 yds). Now we plan to get out shooting every other night for the next 10 days- our season starts nov 17th
forgot to mention he went pheasant hunting with his granpa Fri and the kid got 2 roosters, Granpa got one, and the dogs got 1 each.:cool:


Sep 15, 2000
For what Canadian deer make in size, Texas deer make up in numbers.

Might be smaller, but you got alot more :)


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
Originally posted by Hucker
For what Canadian deer make in size, Texas deer make up in numbers.

Might be smaller, but you got alot more :)
Same here in Wisconsin. DNR figures we have 1.6 million in the state but it is typical where we hunt to get 1 every other year. Nice thing is even the doe weigh in over 180 usually and 225 lb bucks are common.


Jul 5, 2001
Thats probably true.After hunting one evening and one morning I saw 3 bucks and probably around 12 does.:think


Sep 15, 2000
I'd probably rather have numbers, than size. Where I live in Southern Ontario, everything has dwindled, except for maybe the number of wild cats(thats why I ALWAYS bring the .22 along). Grouse, Pheasants, Deer, even the coyotes have taken a big hit. I have to travel atleast 12 hours to go moose hunting, its insane (compared to what it was). My dad usually goes over the border for the deer hunt, and is amazed at the numbers over there. A 45 min ride, and the amount of deer compared to over here blows my mind. They are smaller, but spooking up 15 deer at a time is not uncommon. You can pick and choose over there, nah that one's to small, nope thats a doe with a fawn, nope that one looked at me weird. :)

I have to compliment the US on the way they protect and govern their wildlife/hunting, its great. I wish Canada would follow suit.


Jul 5, 2001
What I would give for a chance to shoot a deer you explained above.:think :scream: Ah what I would give.:eek:


Mar 20, 2001
There ARE deer that big in Texas, the problem is, they're too derned smart!
I think they're psychic too, they always jump out right when your gun is out of your hand cuz you dropped your flashlight and the stupid bugs are eatin' ya so your pulling your shirt over your head :confused:


Jul 5, 2001
If there are...there must not be that many of them...:think I still would give many of things to get a shot at one, but I would probably be doing what you said...taking my coat off...sleeping:eek: :confused:


Jul 12, 2000
Well my elk season officially closed this weekend without even seeing a bull. I saw a bunch of cows but nothing with antlers, except for a nice 5 point we chased down the road with the pickup on the wway into camp the day before season opened. Deer hunting has been better, so far I've passed on 4 mulie bucks. One tiny spike, a big 2x3 that will be good if he gets the time to grow, a 3x4 about 26 inches wide that should be a super buck next year, and today I passed on a 3x3 thats about 24 inches wide. I hope I haven't been making mistakes. The muley season closes next friday so I'll give them another run then and see if I can find a big one. After that its whitetail season and I think I'll actually get to put in some time at chasing them around.


Ready to bang some trees!
Jan 4, 2000
Ours opens on Nov 17 as well. Went out and cleaned up around the stands yesterday.

Have had a couple good duck and goose hunts this year so far.


Jan 10, 2000
I upland or duck hunt almost every weekend. Sighted the rifle in for deer season this weekend(NOV 15).Looks to be a good onejudging buy the amount of buck sign I have been seeing.


Ready to bang some trees!
Jan 4, 2000
Ben, killing any ducks up there? This warm weather has really slowed us down.


Apr 13, 2000
I was pheasant and duck/goose hunting this weekend, and man was it unreal! We snuck up on a little 4 acre pond in the back of a farmer's field, and scared up about two to three THOUSAND ducks off this little puddle. The guys I was with had never seen that many sitting on such a small area. Saturday was the first time I've ever limited out - 8 ducks and 8 geese.

I'll be mule deer hunting up in Northern Alberta for five days starting Thursday. My Browning .300 Win. Mag is a littttttle large for deer, but they usually don't run too far after getting hammered.

mmmm.... deer meat...


Jan 10, 2000
Ben, killing any ducks up there? This warm weather has really slowed us down.
Yep, Even with the warm weather the season is going good. I have been mostly jump shooting mallards and woodies on a beaver pond at my camp, but I have hunted Bay de Noc twice. Each time we hunted the bay we limited on Mallards and pintails.I would hunt the bay more often ,but its a 5 hour drive.My friends that live in the area have told me that they have not seen many divers this year( weather related).I plan to make another trip to that area this weekend so hopefully the wind and cloud cover will pick up. BTW Have you tried a Mojo Duck. They work awesome in big water situations. Almost forgot,The geese are everywhere .To bad the seasons over


Ready to bang some trees!
Jan 4, 2000
Hopefully you will get some weather to push a few our way!

Our goose season reopens Nov 17, can't wait as I seen about 5-700 flying around the area that our pits are located yesterday.

The group of us that hunt together have 7 roto ducks total. We don't head out with less than 3 :)
Last edited:


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
I got skunked again for elk this year, but we did see a pretty nice moose! I may have to put in for a moose permit next year. :think

Now I can get serious about deer, and I know there's a big ol' 5 point out there! (that's counting them the "right" way, you goofy easterners!)


Ready to bang some trees!
Jan 4, 2000
Originally posted by XRpredator
(that's counting them the "right" way, you goofy easterners!)

You mean the B & C or P & Y way??


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Okay, here's the primer:

A four point buck has four tines on each side -- it's not an eight-pointer you goofy bahstuhds! :confused:

As far as B&C or P&Y, don't they score 'em the same, just whether you got 'em with a bow or gun? :think


Feb 26, 2001
my dad runs a hunting camp and he went in sunday, im going in tommorow night (tuesday) then hunting wednesday, thursday, friday. better not be like last year when the weather was good monday and tuesday and they got a bear and buck those days, then rained all the rest of the week from wednesday on, ( giving me one hunt!)

if you guys have never been in an organized hunting camp before, try it!! it is so fun! and the hunting is just amazing, especially with the dogs going in the morning, nothing better than a howling dog on something pushing it your way at 630 in the morning with temperatures at -10.;)


Ready to bang some trees!
Jan 4, 2000
Originally posted by XRpredator
A four point buck has four tines on each side -- it's not an eight-pointer you goofy bahstuhds! :confused:

As far as B&C or P&Y, don't they score 'em the same, just whether you got 'em with a bow or gun? :think

Your ar correct on the difference on the two orgs. But you are incorrect on the point measurements.

From the B & C website

A. Number of Points on Each Antler: To be counted a point, the projection must be at least one inch long, with the length exceeding width at one inch or more of length. All points are measured from tip of point to nearest edge of beam as illustrated. Beam tip is counted as a point but not measured as a point.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Ah, heck! We'll just agree to disagree. :)

Points is points, we just don't count 'em all over here to make 'em sound bigger! ;)

HERE is a pic of a 4-point I took two years ago. He scored about 125 B&C after deductions (only about 5/8, if I remember right).


Ready to bang some trees!
Jan 4, 2000
Hey nice 8 pointer! :confused: Looks like about the one I shot last year
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