May 5, 2007


Dec 31, 1969
Can anyone can explain how 5 wepons of mass destruction are flown across the country accidentaly?
They got put on a plane that flew across the country.


Crash Test Dummy
Jul 18, 2006
Amo, IN
Besides, they usually fly them to the target..

Too bad they didn't keep going and store them somewhere in the desert in the middle east.. Say Iran, at about 500 ft above Teheran.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 1, 2001
During the cold war, B-52’s flew around the clock 365 days per year armed with nuclear weapons. From what I understand, there were three major routes, all of which would allow them to be over Soviet air space within a short period of time (thank you History Channel!). I believe we even lost one plane in the Mediterranean and had to scramble to recover the unexploded nukes before anyone else could.

My guess is that we have been closer to nuclear weapons, during our travels, than we would ever want to know about. They can’t all be stored in some secret dessert facility in the middle of Nevada or in some sub in the middle of the Pacific.

Just another reminder that the world is a dangerous place.


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
Hey,who remembers the stupid bomb drills in school? Like we had the time,or covering your head and sucking on the floor would do any good! I believe we did it till 68?


Jun 19, 2007
derek the 2 stroke said:
Can anyone can explain how 5 wepons of mass destruction are flown across the country accidentaly?

Okiewan said:
They got put on a plane that flew across the country.

They passed security because they were properly stored in quart baggies between the gel bombs and the cheese bombs. :debil: and they took their shoes off properly before going to the gate. :rotfl:
May 5, 2007
No one should like nukes,and they should never be used or have even been made for that matter.I believe the bombs were headed to where our wepons are loaded up before being sent to iraq.I think its gonna be a detterent for when Irans nuclear program is finished kinda like the cuban missle crisis exept this aint gonna be no bluff.Iraq neighbors Iran and having nukes that can reach them is probably a precausion for when they decide to throw more threats around.
But i guess they could have really been moved by accident but it just doent seem likely to me.


Oct 17, 2006
Sounds to me like you have a good mind and heart. Keep reading and learning...remember there is more than one side to every story.
In so far as Nukes being good or bad, clearly that is a matter of perspective....Nobody really "wins" if those bombs are used.
My father would have argued that the bombs dropped on Japan saved millions of American and Japanese lives...including his own. Don't get me wrong, he did not "love" nukes,and he hated war! My dad was a 17 year old Navy Corpsman assigned to the Marine Corps during the Pacific Campaign of WWII...his life expectancy was already demonstrably proven short by military statisticians and by virtue of the nature of his mission... it is true that the Japanese would focus fire on corpsman [aka medics] in the course of attending to wounded GI's. He survived to raise a family and he credits the bombs for making his return possible. So, was it bad to drop the bomb so that my dad and many other fathers might come home?
Indeed, we live in a cruel world....I for one am thankful to be living in the land of the free and the home of the brave...Not perfect, but better than anyother place on earth...and I will not apologize or feel sorry for anything my country has done to protect that freedom...nor should you.Likely, your teachers have a different perspective on Nuclear arms than me... I hope you continue to ask good questions and seek other perspectives regarding such lofty topics...after you've got all the facts, then and only then, follow your heart. :cool:


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Unusual topic for this forum.
Badgerman was referring to "Operation Chrome Dome". President Ronald Reagan saw the importance of nuclear weapons. Detante or the concept of "mutual assured distruction" prevented the USA and the USSR from having a conventional war for many, many years. The arms race was more of a bankruptcy race and the Soviets went bankrupt first, thus failing economically and colapsing.
The fact that the Manhatten Project produced two functional nuclear weapons in the 40's is simply evidence that nuclear weapons were going to exist. It is far better that the USA was first and not the Nazi's.
Having been taught physics by a man that participated in the experiments at Oakridge, TN, I'm very confident that the weapons within the US arsenal can be safely transported without any need for the general public knowing. A person is smart but people are stupid. People live there lives only because they don't know of the potential horrors that are near them on a daily basis.


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
BadgerMan said:
A quickie search produced this hit..........interesting reading:

How's your comfort level now?

I'll sleep as well as usual. The weapons are a necessary evil. I wouldn't mind living next to one of these bases or facilities. I'm much more likely to be killed or injured by a drive-by shooting than a nuclear weapon accident. In either case, it will make for a bad day, so why worry about it.
If you have watched the TV show, Jericho, you have Hollywoods interpretation of life after a nuclear war. The show does not come close to what the reality will be. Rational people will become irrational in their quest for survival and I don't blame them. However, the inevitable contamination from a nuclear exchange will cause world wide destruction due to inability to produce uncontaminated food. So I remind you that assured mutual destruction is the best deterant and yes, accidents can and will happen. I did not read the entire list of reported accidents in the link but I will try to do so. The potential for catastrophic disaster existed in every case but safety measures did perform in most cases. Just yesterday, a worker was crushed by a trackhoe, moving at 2 mph and weighed 10 tons. You would think a person could see that coming? A nuclear blast will come in the blink of an eye but the result will be the same, a very bad day.
Knowing that this topic can get a wide variety of veiw points and emotionally charged, this will be my last post in this thread, not because I'm afraid of the debate. I will gladly debate it via PM's or email. I appreciate the fact that this thread is still open and hopefully it will stay that way.
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Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 1, 2001
The potential for catastrophic disaster existed in every case but safety measures did perform in most cases.

That’s what I took away after reading through it. There were numerous mishaps but relatively little serious damage. What struck me were some of the locations including Peru, IN and Dayton, OH………some pretty ordinary places where most folks would not expect nukes to be moving around.

Yep, I agree, necessary evil in a dangerous world.
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