
Oct 29, 2000
Just wondering if anyone is racin' a husky 250 in the desert at the expert level. I'm thinkin of riding one next year~~do you have suspension work? Is that rear shock evil? Do you trust it at high speeds? I raced one this summer at a GP and went over the bars in 5th, been kinda leary of it since.


Jun 29, 1999
I don't know if this will help since we don't have desert where I am... The factory riders here use stock bikes except for a custom shock which gives better stability on acceleration bumps. FBF might be able to give you some more useful info :).

the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
Depending on the year I think the rear shock can be evil if not adjusted a bit. I have a 1999 WR 125 and the rebound is so slow on the Sachs shock that I have to run it at full soft. Otherwise it will pack up badly - as I learned when I first got the bike. I was thrown off in a whoop section at a healthy 30 miles per hour or so. It was not pretty.

I have read about others experiencing similar problems with the '99 models in general. 2000 and up models should be better but may still suffer a bit ... it is a great bike once dialed in.
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