
Jul 20, 2004
I came across an old interview with the guy from Cannondale a few years ago and it got me thinking about that project. The technology was sold to ATK, I believe and sure enough, I see that their 450s are still fuel injected and eStart. I've been on here fairly regularly the last year or so, and I don't recall much of any mention of or attention to ATK. With a fuel injected 450 and 700cc and 620cc 2stroke bikes, I'd think they'd get a little more play. Are these bikes just that bad that no one talks about them? Does anyone own one? I see a lot of interest and discussion on this site about fuel injection, and every CR500/KX500 thread seem to get a lot of play, but no mention of the ATK 450 or their big bore 2strokes ever. Just wondering...why not much mention of them.

Also, does anyone have a Cannondale? I know they were riddled with issues...has ATK worked (m)any of them out? What is the long term test looking like?


Nov 12, 2004
From what I have read the major issues with the 450 have been worked out and its an excelent bike, though probably not quite as good as the current offerings from japan and europe. The 2-strokes are a pretty good reputation for reliability, though the big ones are not all that practicle. Once cylinder size gets too big you quickly loose rpms and efficency and end up with a difficult to use motor that is not much if any, faster than a smaller one. IMHO this is the situtation with the 700, though I have heard that the 620 is rather nice:) I think ATK is a commited company run by serious dirt riders and should not be overlooked.


Mar 25, 2005
The quarter liter two strokes was discontinued because rotax killed the engine they was using. Its sad because these engines was seriously overlooked and underated. The new two strokes are Maico based. There was talk of smaller models but they've never materialized. Frank White CEO is concerned over the up coming EPA rules concerning two strokes so they've been moved to the back burner for now and more focus has been put on the 450's.
I do think they need to increase thier product lines and work on delaer base. Theres rumors that theres a deal in the works for a big bore bike based around the Bombadier 650 engine but thats stil hush hush.


Dec 10, 2002
I intially owned a pair of cannondales, and traded them in on my '05 ATK
I feel confident that the real issues with the engine have been resolved, this does not grant anyone rights to disregaurd the maint as suggested in the owner's manual.

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