
Damn Yankees
Nov 19, 2002
I have this problem when I hit some jumps with a long straight before them. First of all, I dont technically clear them. I land right where the landing starts, and then usually bounce back up, then land past the landing, and keep going. Im still working on the balls to hit the damn thing in the next gear (usually 4th). But... Sometimes, when i hit these jumps, my back end kicks out, and I land really crooked, then bounce, then crash.. REAL HARD. This has happened 2 times so far, and I have done a lot of damage from it. What can I do to help my back end from going sideways, and not being able to fix it in the air? I want to hit these jumps in 4th, but Im afraid to hit them in 4th and clear them, because of my back end kicking out problem. Any advice?

I have my suspension set pretty stiff. about 85 mm Race Sag

Also... Everyone says they can clear these jump sin MABEY 2nd, but definately 3rd. I cant even clear them in 3rd pinned, with a BIGGER BIKE! Could thi sbe because of my really stiff suspension?

Thanks in advance! hopefully I dont eat any more dirt from jumping. :yeehaw:


Jun 7, 2003
Part of your problem may be your bike set up. You should set your sag at the recomended setting in your manual somewhere between 95 and 105mm. Less sag raises the rear of your bike putting more weight on the front wheel. This is good for corners but for the rest of the track you bike will be unbalanced. To stiffen your shock use a stiffer spring or add compression damping.

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
If you were clearing the jump and landing where it would be much smoother, being a little sideways wouldn't matter as much.

Squeezing the bike with your legs before and during takeoff will help keep the bike from kicking as far sideways.


Jul 19, 2002
The main reason for your needing to go to 4th to clear these jumps is the bike you are on. A KDX is not designed or geared for MX work. Thus you have to shift more and get to the next taller gear to hopfully accomplish what the other guys are doing in a lower gear.

listen to lord gomer and squeeze the bike with your knees, then get on the gas. I can always tell when I am not on the gas on a landing - I bounce - get on the gas at the landing and the rear wheel will drive you forward and not as much up from rebound.

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
You might try preloading your suspension by pushing down on the pegs as you are on the face of the jump to give you more lift. More lift will give you more time to correct a bad flight as well as extra height (if the distance is good). I have read that when the bike kicks out that you must let it expend it's energy before you try and bring it back. By simply trying to force the bike back (making it not kick out) that you will for sure be fighting a loosing battle. I'll look for the link and try to post it here.

Here's the quote
Pat: "You cannot stop a whip once it has begun. If you get scared and try to stop it you will crash. Once the bike begins to swing out you must let it go out, expend its energy, and only then can you attempt to bring it back."

Here's the link where I found it CLICK HERE


Jul 2, 2003
If you can't get the whip back you can rear brake tap and push the bars down, to get the front end to land first. This works best landing the down ramp of tables and doubles, where you are not in dire need of hard acceleration to absorb landing shock. With the front landing first the rear end will naturally come back into line, IF you are forward on the bike and stay relaxed. If you can't get the front end down in time, and you are still sideways, lean forward, pin it and pray. ;)


Apr 13, 2004
Kdx freestyle I used to have the same problem with my back end looping out, my fix came in the form of concentration if you really focus on the principles of your short flight from point a to point b and think about what body language you will need to give your bike to correct any mistakes then give the body english your bike will do what you tell it to however this is rather diffucult when approaching a large double or triple and everything in your head is telling you to stoooooooooooooooooop!!!!!!!!


Jul 29, 2000
South America
From your description I'd say you need to slow down the rebound. The rear end kicking around uncontrollably is usually due to too fast rebound. The screw is at the bottom of the shock and you should turn the screw clockwise. Try one full turn to start with and then fine tune from there. Have someone watch you land from jumps and tell you if its still rebounding so fast that the rear wheel bounces back up off the ground after landing. Also use 15W oil in the forks to get slow enough rebound for MX. Set the rear sag within 10mm of the front in order to prevent handling woes. Also 3mm longer unitrack tie rods will lower the rear a bit and smoothen out the handling at speed and make it less squirrelly.


Mar 1, 2004
If you are doing that kind of jumps then find a jump you feel ok doing and start learning how to do tail whips and then get the bike to land straight after doing a whip. So can you control the bike front end while in the air. Learn how to whip and adjust the bike for a landing. If you bounce when you land perhaps you also need to play with rebound settings also. Search Tail Whips on "Search Function" and you'll find some awsome info on learning how to whip. Good Luck! :thumb: Be Safe! :flame:

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