
Jan 28, 2001
My dad got this liability insurance for our motorcycles is it really worth it have any of you heard of cases when a motorcyclist is sued because he hurt another ride in an acident.. I think that it is stupid. what if that person that is suing goes out and hurts someone else doing the same thing. I think that people just need to learn to relax accidents happen.


Aug 1, 2001
??? I dont know that liability insurance is really necessary. Seems like all the places I've been to ride made me sign a liability waiver that stated I understood that motorcycle riding is a dangerous sport and that I am participating at my own risk and if I feel the situation is dangerous, that I will report such conditions and not race/ride under such conditions.
Maybe he's worried about you/him riding on private or public property??? well, I'd think you would have to prove negligence or deliberate intent to injure someone. Seems like that would be his word against yours. Hard to prove and win I'd think...but i'm not a lawyer and NOT giving legal advice here. If it's not expensive, then why not let ur dad live with a little peace of mind??


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
Originally posted by Slack_505
have any of you heard of cases when a motorcyclist is sued because he hurt another ride in an acident.. I think that it is stupid

let's say you are at your favorite riding area. some geek comes through the pits wide open and runs over you. should he be let off because "accidents happen"?

in order to get theft and fire protection on my bike, i had to get liability too.

AJ Waggoner

Crash Test Dummy
Nov 5, 1999
Liabilty insurance isnt a bad idea.
Someone I know was run into by another rider from behind.
that rider got hurt and in return sued my friend that was minding his own businews on the trail.
A year later and its still not settled in court...nor are his legal expenses covered until after the case is or lose.
I'm sure he wishes he had the insurance.
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