
Sep 24, 2002
Ok, I have gotten myself into excellent shape, very little arm pump, no cardio issues, but my hands are really limiting me....

I have tried those gloves that go under your gloves...they felt really wierd...

What do I do next.....

Decatur, Texas

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
I think I'm in worse shape than I've ever been but that's a different story. On the other hand, no pun intended, my right hand has caluses at the 1st joint on my thumb from riding. The skin cracks and bleeds making it hard to do anything. I think it may be from the safety wire on my grips, thinking about taking it off and see what happens (of coarse I'll glue the hell out of the grips)


Mar 15, 2001
You may want to try some different grips, maybe a softer compound or something? I know a few bikes ive riddin, the grips will just rip my hands apart wether im wearing gloves or not. My current grips are Scott mx2 and they seem to be working pretty good as far as blisters go. Dont forget to "release the death grip" :D but thats more for armpump.

Superglue works for me when they get too tough. Just try not to use it on joints (like the tops of knuckles), or the glue will break apart and do more hurting than fixing. Just in case anyone is wondering, superglue kills all bacteria, so dont go off on me about using superglue on a cut please!


May 16, 2002
i say live with it. just peel the skin off and it will heal then after it happens a few more times the skin will become tough. i barely get blisters from riding anymore

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
Originally posted by toalco-kdx
i say live with it. just peel the skin off and it will heal then after it happens a few more times the skin will become tough. i barely get blisters from riding anymore
I don't get blisters, my skin is hard as a rock. It cracks and bleeds.


May 3, 2003
Soft grips, glove inserts, and good fitting gloves. That's about all that you can do for blisters other than ride, ride, ride. This should get the skin calauesed and toughened where blisters aren't an issue.

Jeff if you are doing these things and your hands are persisting to crack and bleed I expect that you have something else going on that isn't ride related. It may only be aggrivated by riding. Were I you I would try some lotion pretty regularly. "Corn Huskers" brand should help prevent all of the cracking and bleeding.

I'm no doc or anything but I spend a lot of time outside in temperature extremes. This will usually rob the moisture from your hands. Especially with things like wooden shovel handles and such. I went through what you are describing. Started using "Corn Huskers" and wearing gloves almost all of the time. Work, Play, just whenever. This pretty much eliminated the cracking and bleeding.



Mar 3, 2003
Just get out there and ride more. It used to happen to me in the first few years of riding but eventually went away. If that dont sound right try some lotions and get some vitamins in ya......

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
I think part of my problem is some cleaner I use at work that takes the moistier out of my skin. I use lotion several times a day but I only have problems with my right hand. I've playing guitar for years so I know about toughning up the shin, that's not my problem. It's like the skin gets real thick but doesn't wear off. It gets to a point that it cracks and then bleeds. I've used corn huskers before and it helped but it's a lot worse than that now. I have no problems with my left hand. To give you an example how thick the skin is on my right hand, I can change hot light bulbs, grab a hot pan out of the oven or off the stove and not get burned. It's not a matter of toughning up I promise.


Sep 24, 2002
I have been riding for 15y and I ride tons (2x per week) minimum.

I already have caluses on my hands. The problem I have is that I get blisters under the caluses. It sucks.

Will go with new gloves and some softer grips.......



Sep 18, 2001
I have been through this and there are several things that work.
1. Try new grips, I am now using Renthal, medium compound, full diamond
2. Different gloves, not always the problem, but try it
3. Baby powder in the gloves to keep hands dry, that is also why you get blisters on your feet, 2 pair of thin socks help that too.

It is not fun to ride when you are in pain, and it just seems to get worse if yuo are trying to ignore it and keep going.


May 23, 2000
One of the best things I ever did was invest in a pair of glove liners. I think they are called Under Ware and come in several sizes. Get some of those and make sure your gloves aren't too loose. This combo keeps most of the severe blisters and callouses away.


Jan 7, 2003
Are your gloves a little loose? because if they are they are the inside of your gloves are rubbing against your hand. Wearing gloves that are to big is almost like not wearing gloves at all. Try to find a pare of gloves that fiot close to perfact with your hand. Also those waffle grips may offer more grip but the full dimond kind is much more better on your hands.


Apr 17, 2002
This is rather unconventional but vasoline helps. Its gets rid of the "friction" that cause blisters to form. The constant rubbing of gloves on skin is hard on the hands. It sounds weird yes and feels funny at first but I did this for basketball. I put it on my feet and the blisters stopped. My foot didn't slip around becuase I had good fitting shoes so the same idea applys with gloves. If they fit good the vasoline won't make your hand slip around.

Also a bandaid or tape like said above helps if the blister has already formed. Just change the band-aid after each moto to keep the area covered.


Apr 28, 2003
I've found that the single most important thing for me is gloves. Different gloves cause me to get blisters in different places, so I go with the gloves that cause blisters in places that quickly build tolerance to blisters (ie on the nuckles at the top of my palm). The next best thing are good grips. I also use the Renthal medium compound full diamond and find that they reduce my blisters. Lastly, taping where you can works wonders. After the first few rides of the season the blisters usually go away and don't come back until the beginning of next season.

I need all the help I can get b/c I'm employed as a professional mouse pusher (no natural calouses here!)


Dec 4, 2002
i used to get blisters a lot. when i had scott grips and stock ones . i even tried pro taper ones. i heard good things about the tag metals custom mx grips so i bought some and man what a difference. no blisters no calluses i even stopped using the PC racing underware gloves( which did nothing to help me anyway) i never have and problems with my hands...
next task .. jetting.. sigh....


Sponsoring Member
Aug 15, 2002
If your hands are hard and dry and crack alot (I have the same problem) Use a good moisturizing lotion religiously. The softer and moister your skin is, the less likely it is to crack and bleed. I used to work with concrete all the time and the lime did that to my hands. Keep moisturizing the skin at night and in the morning, even during the day if you can, you will eventually form "soft" callous, or callous that flexes to some degree. It will take some time, a few months before it (the skin) stops tearing. While it's in the cracked and bleeding state, Keep it clean, and disinfected, then use "Corn Huskers" brand Lotion (Very icky stuff, but very good), OR there is a product called "Udder cream" which believe it or not was originally inteneded for farmers to put on the udders of cows that get miked all the time to keep their cows udders from cracking and bleeding from repetitive milking. This product works really well if you can find it, and smells ok, and absorbs into your skin in unlike the corn huskers. In's a link for ya! It really does work.. I am not a spokesperson or anything for the company, just a devout user of the product.

Good luck!



Mar 28, 2002
I've noticed getting sore hands way more than usual lately. I Switched gloves twice with no help. I have come to the conclusion that it must be the heat and humidy we've been experiencing in DFW over the past few weeks.
See ya at the track.
#13 YZ250
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