Boycott Fox Racing Inc.!!!!

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Oct 21, 2001
ya well i have no simpathy for you or your situation mostly for the fact that one of my friends well he was before was a excellent rider i had a cr250 and he had a xr100 at the start of the summer he could ride my bike like his life depended on it he really had potencial so i talked him into getting a cr80 and racing it well he only raced once and it was in the 80cc pro class he ended up first and 2 weeks after he said he couldn't affort to race anymore so we all know why his pot bills were getting so high we couldn't affort maintemence so he sold and i am left with one less ridding bud:(


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
and he registered here just so he could make his complaint.

isn't anyone going to defend this guy?


Hot Sauce
Oct 28, 2001
Hopefully the guy will learn from his situation and give up the dope for good.. Learn from his mistake and move on.. My .02$


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Originally posted by Jaybird
Aaron, In your case I feel it is a simple matter of youth and the hasty way youths tend to deal with certain subject matters. From what I know about you so far, you aren't even in the same league with this numbskull.

Look, Mikey...Here in American we can make choices. You can choose to continue and toke doobie and take your chances with continued employment, or you can give up the herb and make something of yourself. It's a freedom of choice thing.
When you work for someone, they are the ones that make the rules for that job. If you can't learn to live by their rules, then they have every right to can your sorry hide. It's just sad they had to wait until you had an accident before finding out you are lame and care about only yourself.

I will now go out and buy a Fox shirt, because I applaud Fox for making rules and standing by them. Besides no honest business wants to be jeapardized by some punk kid toking herb while handling their valuable merchandise. Nor does their insurance company.
Dry up and get with the program, hillbilly.

Beat me to the punch, Jaybird.  Everyone has a choice.  Use any ILLEGAL drug and run the risk of discovery, disability, or death.  Discovery leads to lost jobs, broken families or incarceration.  Disability leads to lower income, less likely ability to reach your life's goals.  Death, well, no further explaination needed. 
I'm not trying to be "on a high horse" about this, just presenting the facts.  I came of age in the 70's and know all to well the realm of the underworld of drugs.  I am not where I am today without leaving the underworld and conducting my life within the parameters of the acceptable conduct within our society.


Big Pig
Nov 20, 2000
lost in the deserts of NM
Originally posted by bscottr:
"Know what makes it worse? He's no kid: His birthday July 10, 1973. He should know better by now :think: . "

No matter the age they should know better.
The older potheads are just proven to be all the less intelligent.
I told my son about drugs the same way daddy told me:
"If i EVER catch you doing drugs.......(knuckles cracking)"
get the drift???? :eek:
Besides Mickey, think of all the dirtbike parts you could have bought -w- all that pot money!
Or by the sounds of a guest house......... ;)


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
I found this on the web and found it appropriate... just remember the last line... eat in moderation

Bud Brownies
2 Eggs
3/4 c Sugar
1 ts Vanilla
1/2 c of marijuana butter or margarine; melted
3/4 c Chocolate; ground
2/3 c Unsifted flour
1/4 ts Baking powder
1/4 ts Salt
1/2 c Walnuts; chopped

Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Using a spoon, stir eggs with sugar and vanilla; add butter. Sift Ground Chocolate with flour, baking powder and salt. Stir into egg mixture; add nuts. Spread into greased 8 or 9" square pan. Bake at 350 degrees F for 20-30 minutes. For extra chewy brownies, use 8" pan and less baking time. For cake like brownies use 9" pan and longer baking. Cut into squares. Eat in moderation!


Jan 27, 2000
Originally posted by Truespode
I found this on the web and found it appropriate... just remember the last line... eat in moderation

Yeah right! :) :) :)

This thread even beats gcoopers thread for an all time 'open mouth, insert foot' thread. :scream:


Feb 1, 2001
You have choices in life, learn from them!!! :eek:



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Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
Every time I think I'm the dumbest guy in the world, someone comes along and proves me wrong.

Were you stoned when you started this thread?


Sponsoring Member
Jan 2, 2002
maybe the guys not whinning about losing his job but how fox kept a rider on who got caught with pot but when he got busted he got the boot.

BUT im still not saying that hes in the right, i think that if you smoke pot then you should know the concequinces(sp) that can come with it and gettting fired is a main one, so yea man you need to suck it and deal with it.


Resident mental case
Dec 1, 2001
Somebody call the wwwwaaaaambulance for this guy. Time to put on my FOX hat and jersey BTW Cycle Gear has FOX SFX jerseys fo 20$.



Nov 14, 2000
Personally I make it a point not to work for a company that does random drug testing. I don't use anymore its been 5 yrs but I still strongly feel its an invasion of privacy. Not to mention UA drug tests are only 80% accurate at most they have pretty high mis diagonosis rates look it up you'll be amazed. Untill like 3 yrs ago you could increase the failure rate by like 30% if you had taken ibprofean cause it was coming back as positive for marijuana use or if you take dietry supplements that containt hemp. Sure its easy to poke fun at someone who uses drugs, but next time don't be so qwick if you drink or smoke cause peeps say the same thing about that. But don't ask me for smyphany cause you screwed up. don't tell me you didn't know better cause you signed a damn waive form when you got hired! By law they have to tell you your can be drug tested they just don't have to say when.

sfc crash

Human Blowtorch
Jun 26, 2001
i'm with mikey, swear to god. fight the power bro. if they let a rider stay on that tested possitive, well then, hey, keep mikey too.btw, i'm taking you at face value mike, that you were not some dirt bag that got popped on the test and that was the last straw. i don't buy fox anyway so can't help ya there dude. ever since the turned into a mall shop product, i see the fox too many places. OK, listen, they make good gear, i just feel strangely about stuf. as for the dope thing.get your head down mikey boy, they're gonna blast us in place for this one. F- it, nobody said"hey, lets all smoke dope on lunch then jump the fork lifts" just like nobody said"hey lets drink some wild turkey then jump the fork lifts" problem is, i can get hammerted out'a my mind on sat night, by the time i show up monday i'm alcohol free, toke it up sat night and you'll pee hot monday morning when in fact studies have been done that show alcohol is more physically and mentally debilitating than weed, even that really gooey green dripping with gold buds ya get.the only way the congress was able to pass anti weed laws was illegall anyway. it's expost facto that you must have a tax stamp to be legal, but they will not sell/regulate to give tax stamps. that's bad law gentlemen, and were it done on any other type of activity it would be overturned in a split second. ok, let me responded to all you reactionary types, i do not want-children-pilots on duty-surgeons operating on pot, do any of you,that belive it's ok to consume acohol figure it's ok for pilots,children, and surgeons to be drunk on duty?ofcourse not. but pot heads are bad because they break the law. bad law. ok, now it's trendy to say "buy drugs and fund terrorists" oh yeh, those damn colombians have been blowing up or stuf for years, or better yet, those good ole boys out back in thier pickups and have american flags in thier rear window, yeh, they're some hijacking fools they. weed growing was so prevelant down in a southern state, can't remember, you know, i somked a joit once, but the story was on 60 min or something. the county fired the old sherrif because he was busting all the local farmers that turned to growing weed. wanna stop suporting terrorist, stop driving an internal combustion engine vehicle.terrorists aint funded from soybean money! dope makes ya stu, wait stewpid, that's it. i won't argue that. i don't smoke pot because it takes away what little ambition i have in life. were i to tho, i'd grow my own. just a self supporting kinda guy.there it is. mike, you got popped, sorry dude, you knew the rules, if in fact fox has a double standard..yikes, welcome to the real world dude, life aint fair. but i'm with ya on the dope thing dude, fight the power. damn fed goverment,states are passing legal laws and the feds are stepping in. what ever happend to the 10th amendment. oh i forgot, we rally for what we like, all others be damned, but don't you gore my ox. according to the 10th amendment if your state passed different emision laws, it would be good to go. the fed epa is illegal in that sense also. equall protection and self determination? not in this US and shame on all of you that pettition you states for riding areas and moto realated stuf against an illegall over bound jurisdicting epa then come down with all this "pot is illegal dude" i know none of you ever break the law. come for me folks. first one that never speeded, which by the way affects the safety of others, smoking dope on fri night and showing up to work on mon does not affect anyones safety. shame on you all, all you hypocrites know who you are.!


Thinks he can ride
Dec 2, 2001
I don't agree with that. I for one have never tried drugs and never plan to. SFC I think that speeding and doing drugs are on a different level of violation of the law. Never mind though, that is just my opinion. :0


Hot Sauce
Oct 28, 2001
Originally posted by sfc crash
studies have been done that show alcohol is more physically and mentally debilitating than weed,
I agree w/you on this.. I bet if the Gov't could tax it, it would be legal too.. Mikey though, you knew the rules and got caught.. I myself am not a pothead..

sfc crash

Human Blowtorch
Jun 26, 2001
no,that's cool stud. you're thinking, you have not engaged in some hyperbole trying to make a point.i can ,i belive, effectivelly argue that a person smoking dope in his house is less dangerous to society than speeding. also any law imposed on a free man shall have in it's heart, the act that regulates any act that ,through it's immediecy or fruition, would most likely bring harm to another. i believe that a free man shall not be regulated in activities that have no dirrect effect on another, negative affect ofcourse. one could argue, "hey dude, but he's making himself stupid, thusly impacting on his responsibility to society as a whole to be a productive member" this type of logic is what the nazis' used. we get into the psychological debate on ones responsibitlities to society. fine, but buy extension, any action, that through its fruition, would dimminish, or at the very least, not add to society. well then, we would also be required to use the same ,stronger logic, that if through inactivity, society is not betterd, then we must argue that any innactivity that dirrectly harms society would also be illegal. as one from the other actually has greater consequences. using this logic, it would be illegal for you to stand by, watching a house fire, knowing someone was inside burning alive. we don't even have to debate level of threat against ones person here as it would be mute. you, walking down the street seeing the kitchen on fire, be rquired by law, to run in and render assistance. mills argued that a society that inacted such laws would become a totalitary type of goverment requiring activities of it's people. these very activities taking away their freedom to be detachted or at the very least,inactive in the society. i beileve this strongly, free men should be allowed any freedom that,doe's not through it's action, impact dirrectl in a negative manner on society. with out such freedoms, religious wars are wagged. get some!

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
I just placed an order for FOX 360 pants because the company was smart enough to can your dumbass.

If you EVER find another job make sure and let us know who it's with so we can boycott THEM for being ignorant enough to hire a rockhead like YOU.

sfc crash

Human Blowtorch
Jun 26, 2001
but Mr Rich, the greater question,did you get a good deal, or through your protesting, impact the free market by setting a innacurate standard of value +desireability = value :eek:

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
I got a good deal on a great product.
PLUS I get the satisfaction of knowing that this dumbass who KNEW THE RULES AHEAD OF TIME and is whining like a jilted prom queen when he got caught breaking them will be annoyed :)

I could give a rats ass if ADULTS want to drink or smoke or do drugs, as long as your choice of recreation doesn't impact anyone else, have fun. But by the same token don't come bitching when you get caught breaking a known rule. It reminds me of the guys crying about DUIs. If you DRINK YOU DON"T GET TO DRIVE, clear enough dumbass?
Guys like this LOAD are the same types of dillweeds who always have a reason to blame someone else for their stupidity. Maybe that's why he's 30 years old and still working a high school kid warehouse job. I'm guessing his ignorance extends far beyond his choice of basic recreation.

Yeah this is America and you are free to whine till your lungs hurt, and we are free to remind you that you are an ignorant slug and NO ONE GIVES A DAMN ABOUT YOU OR YOUR STUPID CAUSE. :moon:

Bill Hibbs

Aug 25, 1999
<Mr. Mackey Voice from South Park> Drugs are Bad, umm kay...drugs....they're bad....umm kay....


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
As long as someone's drug use does not interfere with me then I have no problem with it. It is against the law and any drug user (alcohol, pot, speed, whatever) has to accept the repurcussions and be accountable for their action whether they agree with the law or not.

I disagree with the laws on speeding but if I get caught I do not argue my way out of it. I get the ticket, thank the officer for doing his job and pay the fine. Even if I feel I did nothing wrong by going 10 or 20 over.



Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
Damn, Ivan. Stop bogartin the brownies. :think:

Funny you should mention speeding tickets. I just sent the state of Alabama a check for $167, but you won't hear me whine about it. I was going 74 in a 55, and never saw the UC Trooper until I was right on top of him.

If you can't follow the rules, don't complain when you get busted. (Unless you're stoned.) ;)
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