Broken Femuer (Thigh Bone)

Oct 13, 2005
Just released from hospital after a nice two week stay for a broken leg. Femuer was shattered and broken in four different locations. After this crash I decided that I qm going to get out of the sport. Doctors say that I will be off my feet for at least six months :yikes: Looikng to sell all bikes and equipment. 04 honda 50 crf, 03 Yamaha yz250, 05Yamaha raptor 350. Thanks for all of the knowledge and good times. Please ride safely :)


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
Man, that sucks. Sorry to hear you got hurt so bad and want to get out. I never got a chance to ride with ya. It would have been a nice slow ride too. No bone breaking speeds to deal with. I hope you get well fast!


May 2, 2005
That really sucks man.Oneof my mates done the same thing a few years back(he had to get a titanium plate in his leg)and was out for about a year.Hope you get better.


Mar 15, 2005
I have a friend who broke his Femuer twice. Both were dirtbiking accidents. Im not sure how the first one happend, but he was off his feet for about 4-5 months (It happened in 2004). The second time, he went over a poorly placed jump at the local track. He rebroke the bone, but the break was slighty higher up then the first time. He got a plate and just got it removed a week or two ago. The accident happened in July or August of last year. He is also out of the sport now.

Good luck to you and I hope it heals quickly.
Oct 13, 2005
Thanks for the concern. The injury happened on a fairly large table top jump. I failed to clear the entire table area of the jump. When I landed I landed almost sideways . Due to the force of this landing I opened the throttle all the way and launched off of the table of the jump. The jump was about 13 to 16 ft high. The bike went straight and I went straingt down to the ground. The only thing that i could think of was to crawl away from the landing area of the jump. When I did this I relized that my leg was toast. Two rods and three plates in my leg was the prize that I have won! :uh:


Sponsoring Member
Jun 8, 2003
don't sell immediately. wait a little while for the emotions to die down. i felt the same way initially after breaking my arm too (got titanium for that trick). as a result i have modified my expectations. i know i will never ride with the big dogs (i have too much to lose and nothing to prove) so i just go out and have fun. but that "grabbing a handful of throttle" is always a scary thing - i did last week due to poor rider position over some small bumps - luckly i got back out of it though.


Mar 7, 2006
I crashed out at the 500 on Easter Sunday doing some lame low-speed downhill blue trail section. I landed right on my right knee and was pretty sure it was just a deep bruise. So I made the mistake of telling my wife before the x-rays that if it was broken I would sell my bike.....Well, it is cracked just below the knee. So now I am back pedaling looking for a loophole....Cracked isn't the same as broken ....right? right? :laugh:

The difference between being 25 (years old) and 35....25 just a bruise, 35 = a break....I mean crack.

We will see what happens June 1st when I get off these crutches...

Haycock Kid

Oct 15, 2005
Jerry - Sorry to hear about the leg, but tnrider is right - don't sell yet.

I was down in GA over Easter weekend. My brother who turned 30yo that wkend was out test riding a new trail on his mountain bike the week before we arrived. Cranking it in the top ring and the rear wheel caught the nose of a double on the FATS - Brown Wave (for you fellow mtb'rs). Saddle hit him in the thigh and over the bars he went. Broken collar bone and index finger, plus an eight mile walk out to the trail head by himself. At first we was so upset, and he had a good reason because he wasn't riding smart, he was going to quit riding. But after he watched my boys ride around my parents place he changed his mind. Now he's buying components off the internet and building a custom, full suspension mtn bike. Me - I followed the little one around on the 80 and left the 200 in the gargage that week. Shoot me yr e-mail; I'll stop by and see how y're doing if you want.
Haycock K

sick 96 250

Damn Yankees
Jul 16, 2004
Wow man, sorry to hear about the accident, I do agree to settle your emotions a little bit then decide if you really want to sell, but i know where your coming from. best of luck with the healing, was hoping to get a ride in with ya since your pretty local. Where were you riding at as well? Did you ever build that track you were talking about? best of Luck :cool:


Sponsoring Member
Jun 8, 2003
MHawkmx said:
Cracked isn't the same as broken ....right? right? :laugh: QUOTE]

that is correct, a crack is not the same as broken.

perhaps we should start a legal fund to defend you on this one?


Apr 25, 2006
my buddy just broke his femur yesterday.his throttle stuck before a jump and he git ALOT of hieght, he was so high he jumped of and broke his femur. it was funny in the hostiptal because he wouldent let the nurses cut his riding pants off but when they tried to take them off he screamed at them in pain.
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