Broken Humerus Bone(upper arm)


Jan 17, 2001
I broke my Humerus bone(upper arm) at the Upland Enduro on 10/10/04.I have about a 2" break angled long ways right near my shoulder and several other cracks on the end of the bone nearest my shoulder.The doctor said I could use a sling and imobalize it myself or he could put me in a upper body cast,my choice.Of coarse I chose the sling vs the cast.The doctor was very hesitant on telling me how long to stay off my bike.My questions are to others that have had the same kinda break.How long should I stay off my bike?How did it feel when you started riding again?Have you had any other complications?
I was only 5 miles into it when I lost my front wheel in some exposed,angled roots.I slammed shoulder first into the ground.Blew my whole day!One of the clubs sweep riders rode my bike out of the woods for me and gave me directions back to the truck via the road.
THX rcers
Contact me via email if you want.


Sponsoring Member
Jun 8, 2003
broke mine in march 04 - 2x breaks - one just below ball, and again about 3" down (arm in 3 parts). my ortho used a nice titanium rod and screw to stabilize mine. was to have no splint after surgery (just a sling) but the bone split out at bottom of rod and he was concerned that a good bump would break below the rod and would have to remove and start over. the choice to use the rod over just a cast was that there is less shoulder/elbow immobilazation - thus, less chance for having a frozen shoulder or elbow. 8-weeks with cast w/o any movement versus 2-weeks in splint w/o movement if use rod.

after surgery for week had only sling (then he noticed the split below the rod) - i then started with a splint for 2-weeks (plastic thing on back/bottom of arm in L shape with ace bandages holding it on). i then had it on for another week with occasional removal to do some exercises and then as needed when going out to protect for 2 more weeks. total of 5 weeks messing with hard splint in some manner. (could remove to shower after first 2 weeks - ahhh)

why would he use an "upper body cast" as opposed to a sling? perhaps you got the term wrong?? ask about a splint versus a cast and if can be removed to do some motion exercises.

i liked the hard splint versus a cast as it was lighter (as one sided cast) and i felt that my arm was still protected. i still had to use a sling with this as it kept the weight of my arm from stretching (stressing) the shoulder and rotator cuff. also i could not hold my arm up for the first few weeks.

i did about 3 months of physical therapy 3x per week. also did same exercises at home on non-pt days (recommended). still exercising for range of motion and lifting weights.

there are times now that i don't think about or feel the result of the break however there is still daily muscle pain and the shoulder muscles have not yet fully tightened. i started casually riding after about 5-months on my play-bike, after 6-months i was back riding the crf450. note that i still don't have full strength and i am taking it easy (i don't make my living riding so there is no pressure that i go fast or high ever!)

range of motion (rom) in elbow at 5-weeks was about 80%, it is now 100%. rom in wrist was about 80% at 5-weeks, it is 100% now. rom shoulder at 5-weeks was about 45% - could not get straight out from body yet (moving with other arm - could not do with own strength), rom in shoulder is now about 95% under own strength - using a weight it is about 97%. note that the loss of rom was due to the immobilization in the splint. prior to the splint i had 100% in elbow and wrist (who knows about shoulder as i could not move at all)

good luck and don't rush the recovery - you really tear things up when this happens and you have to give the bones and muscles time to heal. nice thing is the bones heal stronger than before...
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