
Sep 27, 2001
Has anybody used a product called a chain scrubber? It is a little plastic box with nylon bristle scrubbers on the inside, you put it on your chain and run it through. Questions I have are; can it be used on regular as well as o-ring chains? and is their any other maintenance necessary to get the chemicals off afterward?

Any opinions are appreciated :D


Master of None
Jul 31, 2000
the ones I have seen are o-ring chain safe as they use nylon bristles (you might want to check that out though). The chemical is merely a degreaser, similar to simple green (in fact you can use simple green in it). I can't comment on its effectiveness as I've never used it, but it certainly looks like a good idea.


Mar 20, 2000
I have one. It has nylon britles. It works ok, not great and not bad. If I could go back I would not have bought it though. If you have a non o-ring chain like I do, I've found the best way to clean it with a wire brush. Or when you wash the bike spray some extra Simple Green on the chain and spray it off after about 5 minutes. If you have an o-ring chain do the same but with a nylon bristle brush. Anyways, what I'm saying is that the chain scrubber works ok but not really any better than you can do with a 99 cent brush you can buy from the hardware store.
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