Check this out!


Aug 8, 2000
Why is everyone against drum brakes? Twenty years ago people raced with drum brakes in motocross (well, maybe more than twenty). I don't see why women complain, they aren't forbidden to ride the same bikes men ride, they may be shorter but so are some men. If you can't ride a full size bike but want the same performance, try out an 80 or KX100. I can ride an XR100R just as fast as most guys can go on their 250 on the trails. The CRF150 and 230F are improvements, so quit whining. As stated above, why don't you guys rag on the other manufacturers, Honda isn't the only one who doesn't make a high performance minibike.:debil:


Mar 27, 2001
Originally posted by SpeedyManiac
I can ride an XR100R just as fast as most guys can go on their 250 on the trails.
Uhmmm.....errrrr,.....ahemm.....cough! :p

J/K I realize you did say "most guys."

We're not whining or complaining, we're just having fun! :)


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Originally posted by SpeedyManiac
Why is everyone against drum brakes? Twenty years ago people raced with drum brakes in motocross (well, maybe more than twenty).
Drum brakes are outdated. They don't work as well. That is why we are against them.
I don't see why women complain, they aren't forbidden to ride the same bikes men ride, they may be shorter but so are some men.
We are complaining because it is very difficult to find a bike that fits us well. Of course some men are shorter and they usually have the same complaints, but they are also 90 percent of the time more muscular. I work for the best-known four-stroke minibike specialty company in the nation and half or more of our customers are women, despite the price tag. Of course we're not forbidden to ride full size bikes and many of us do, but they're not ideal.

If you can't ride a full size bike but want the same performance, try out an 80 or KX100.
Those aren't ideal either. The zippy powerband and temperamental nature don't fit all of our riding styles or terrain.
I can ride an XR100R just as fast as most guys can go on their 250 on the trails.
Um, right.
The CRF150 and 230F are improvements, so quit whining.
We're not whining any more than you do in your constant posts about wanting a newer, larger bike but not wanting to spend enough money to buy it. Please don't come into the women's forum where we are discussing the pros and cons of a new model and tell us to stop whining.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Ouch! Did that hurt, oh Maniacal Canadian?:p

Gotta be careful around these gals, they can get tough!

And FC, just out of curiousity, how many bikes do your bosses put out a year? :think


Mar 27, 2001
Originally posted by XRpredator
Gotta be careful around these gals, they can get tough!
Damn straight! We could show him the TRUE meaning of a "bitch-slap." :p J/K :)


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Originally posted by XRpredator
And FC, just out of curiousity, how many bikes do your bosses put out a year? :think

+/- 150? Or so? It varies. It's certainly growing, every year. The aftermarket parts division is growing even faster--exhausts and billet parts keep us way too busy.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Originally posted by firecracker22
+/- 150? . . . It's certainly growing, every year. The aftermarket parts division is growing even faster . . .
JAY-ZUS!! :eek:

Are they selling any stock? If so, I may be interested. :cool:


Dec 16, 2000
Have to agree w/ Firecracker.

Susan started with an XR200 - loved it's even power, can't kill reliability - but hated it's size, weight, and oingo-boingo suspenders.

When we bit the bullet and bought the BBR200 ..... ahhhh... all prayers were answered. Yah, we spent a lot. But it really has been worth it. Susan's enjoying riding and racing more and more.... and I get to spend less time picking her up off the ground! (really big grin....)

I was wondering if the new CR230F was going to be Honda's version of a BBR - but sadly no. The E-start will be wonderful - but everything else seems the same.... but with just more weight. dang.

Actually, the big 3 could assemble some pretty cool mini-4s just by matching and mixing out of their parts bins for all the different bikes they've done over the years. But until they do..... we be BBR'ing...!

Cheers! - E-Ticket


Dec 29, 2001
E-ticket you've given me hope! I have an XR 200 as well and I'm very frustrated with everthing that Susan was! I'll take my old XR100 any day but my husband can't understand that. He keeps talking about that CR230F too! I'm in awe of the ladies like Firecracker and bbbom- maybe someday I'll get there!;) Happy New Year
Ginger (Ray's wife)


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Nothing to be in awe of here, but thank you. I spend more time on the ground next to my bike cussing than I do riding it. Will you be in Reno? Check out the Reno trip thread in the Places to Ride forum--I'll be there, maybe with 2 bikes.


Dec 29, 2001
The Reno trip sounds like a blast! The idea of a road trip with my 2 and 4 year olds already gives me a headache though! Maybe when they are a little older. They got a PW50 for Christmas-, we'll keep practicing. I hope your knee gets better soon!


Dec 16, 2000
Hang in there, Rayclub! As most experienced riders will tell you - it only gets easier and easier... the more you ride.

The best way to get better quickly is to find an "easy" riding area that you can just ride over and over. It can be a local track that has a practice day or a riding area with a very easy loop. The trick is to just ride that one area a LOT. With it being easy, your confidence will just get better and better. And you'll spend less time in the "white-knuckle-panic-zone" and more time in the "wow!-that-worked-great...let's-try-this-now...!"

And if you really feel that the XR100 is a better bike for you right now... Well, we still have Susan's BBR120 frame/engine/tank package for sell. And we're willing to deal!

This was Susan's first BBR. It had a new XR100 engine - bored out to 120cc - with the CR80R-Big Wheel chassis and suspension. It weighed approximately 170lbs.!! We used the suspension off of it to put on Susan's new BBR120 but used-good-condition CR80s are prettly plentiful and priced right.

If you're interested - drop me a line and I'll post the details. Or if there is enough interest, I'll post here on this forum. (just don't want to intrude if it's too much...<grin>)

Here's links to Susan's BBRs --- first link is her BBR120, second is her BBR200

Cheers! - RandyB


Dec 29, 2001
Thanks for your advice- we're lucky enough to live out in the middle of nowhere so I've been doing just what you said. I'm feeling more and more comfortable but still have many "white knuckle" moments. I've been spending a lot of time on that BBR website since you mentioned it. I'll PM you about the package. Thanks again for the encouraging words!


Dec 16, 2000
way to go, Ginger! That's the way to do it!

When they asked Eddie Merckx his secret to 8 World Cycling Championships, he stared up at the reporter and said, "Ride lots."


You can reach us at: (Randy) (Susan)


Mar 27, 2001
Originally posted by Raycub
E-ticket you've given me hope!
E-ticket has given me hope as well!!!!! I am definitely very intrigued by all of the BBRs, I am just not sure which one is for me. :think The Gas Gas Pamperas intrigued me very much also because of the full-size rear tire, but the suspension is what's scaring me away from that bike.

I am looking for a good desert-racing bike that will make me up all the hills, yet be low enough so that I can dab my foot through all the technical stuff. The one thing that bothers me about the BBRs is that they have that small-back tire that may not work out so well for me through the deep sand stuff, and may just bury me even deeper?????

I am definitely not getting rid of the KTM though because I am a speed freak on the flat lands and fast, single-track trails.

As I've said before a million times, "Decisions, decisions, decisions.....and yet more decisions!"
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