
Nov 22, 2002
The Figure 8 Drill. Seemed innocent enough. Accelerate, brake, turn around a marker, repeat. My rendition went like this: accelerate, brake, drop bike, stall, generally look like a fool, repeat. What a humbling and eye-opening excercise. Throughout my ungainly attempts, Dave was critical yet highly supportive. He'd point out all the things I was doing wrong (too numerous to list here) and encourage me to correct them. By the end of the excercise, I was turning tight (term used loosely) 8's and feeling better about my riding.

That's how the rest of the class went. We'd ride down a section of trail, stop, and Dave would teach us about cornering, whoops, up/downhills, etc... He is a very patient and qualified instructor that knows a lot about how to ride a dirtbike. On one particularly tough hill (for me), Dave waited at the top sending down instruction that must have fallen on deaf ears because it took me like 5 tries to make it up. And when I did, he yelled a hearty "Good job!" even though we both knew it was an ugly-:moon: attempt and I probably didn't do anything he told me to. (But I remember them, Dave.)

We went on some cool trails, did some more drills and really learned a lot about better riding technique. If any of you want to become a better, safer and more confident rider, I would highly recommend taking one of Dave's classes in the future. Because of his class, I can now go from the bottom of the C-class straight to the A's.:laugh:


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
ggoja said:
Because of his class, I can now go from the bottom of the C-class straight to the A's.:laugh:

Cool Jake! Me too! :cool:

Dave's classes are very demanding, I was sure in over my head on the Trail 6 class last May, but I managed to learn a few things that stuck. The other weekend at Clear Creek, I found myself riding a single track trail. To my right was nice deep rut not suitable to ride in. To my left was a steep dropoff/cliff. Dave Wood's words of wisdom IMMEDIATELY came to mind as I looked ahead and got through it. Whew!! :thumb:

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