
May 8, 2004
I have seen some post around on here about a Draper lake ride, but have yet to see a time or date. So lets get the ball rolling with this post.

How does a two day ride sound to everyone? Was thinking the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving day? Does anyone have a better idea or would anyone be interested in showing to ride, if so let's here it.

If the weather is good it might just be the last time anyone gets to ride that area before it closes. I will be getting a room for the night somewhere close. Anyone who does not snore loud is sure welcome to bunk for the night. So let's see if we can't get one last big ride together. Would be a blast to have 12 or more riders show up. Hope to hear from you folks on this.....Thanks Lee


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Sorry Lee, I'm out with a chest cold, probably broncitus. I'm going to lay around the house and complain this weekend!:(


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
He said Firday after thanksgiving swift, you'll be well by then. me on the other hand...... :(


May 8, 2004
Good to hear from you Justin, think you might make this ride with us if the weather holds out? Let us know, sure we can find a bed for you.


Apr 28, 2001
I'll come out again.. probably not Friday. Maybe this time we can get a little more miles in. The last time the guy on the CR230 got his bell rung for him and we didn't finish my favorite loop.


May 8, 2004
Ya, he did take a good fall. He won't be with us this ride though, he sold his bike. I agree on the miles though. Let's just hope the weather is nice for us.


Apr 14, 2002
I'll try and make it.


May 8, 2004
Okay found out some info today about a race that I had forgot about, so let me pass it on. The River Side race is the Sunday after Thanksgiving, 11/28/04 as it has been posted on here. Now I just picked up the flyer for this race today. The race is a Iron Man race, 100 miles!!!!!!!!!! I just got a call tonight from a friend who wants to race. I think I will go for it and see how well I do. I figure if I just finish I will be doing great. The loop is just a hair over 10 miles, spent the day riding the loop. It's not that bad at all, think it will get worse on race day due to the way the race is being done. Quads will be racing on Saturday and bikes on Sunday. But some of the course, about 3 miles is just for the bikes on Sunday. If anyone is interested in the team event let me know, I may be looking for a partner in crime on this one. Keep in mind I am "SLOW", but I can at least finish though.

The fee to race is $25 and the race starts at noon on Sunday. They have classes for all, but I found out that alot of folks ride the team event. So are there any takers on coming this way to ride the race??? If so here is the web site to go check out the info, Sorry to bug out on the Draper ride that weekend, since I was the one to post it....sorry But I'm not sure it would be wise to ride Draper then come back Sunday to do this long race. I'm not 20 I think I will ride the course again the Friday before the race, then rest on Saturday.

Now as for a two day ride, looks like I will get to do that this coming week. Derek and I have been talking about riding this next Saturday at the 500. I just got off the phone with Mike Ward, some of you met him when we rode at Draper Labor day weekend. Great guy, he just finished up riding the Black Jack enduro's. Think we plan on getting a room and riding two days. So if anyone would like to ride with us it would be great to see you all again. We plan on meeting at the 500 around 10am Saturday, 11/20/04. Derek said he should be back around that time. If anyone would care to stick around Saturday night we plan on finding a good place to eat and see who can tell the biggest lies. Maybe Derek or Craig can point us in the right direction about a place to eat.

Hope to see everyone there, have a good week. And Swift, get well soon won't be the same without you. Mike said he wanted a chance to ride with you since he didn't get a chance last time. Thanks.........Lee


Apr 14, 2002
Hideaway Pizza. Unfortunately it sounds like we have a chance of rain every day through Thursday. We don't need it! It's been long enough since I have ridden so I might be up for it regardless of how muddy it is.


May 8, 2004
I'm like you DWreck, don't care how muddy it is. Hell they call them DIRT BIKES for a reason. I figure a few dollars at the car wash afterwards will take care of any mud that decides to try and hitch a ride home. DWreck you think you can ride on Sunday also? I will call you on Thursday night to see how the weather has been up that way. So far we have had just a light sprinkle here. Think they said 20% chance up till Thursday. Talk to you soon.......Lee

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