The people that ignore lane closure signs on the highways. They always continue down those lanes till they can't possibly go any further and then cause more of a mess when they have to finally get out of that lane. I see this every day and it never ceases to amaze me that these fools are always in such a hurry. When it is safe, I will block the lane with my trailer just to screw them up!
Lemmings who insist on moving into the 'merge' lane for construction ect. at the very first sign. 10 miles from the actual place to 'merge' these folks think everyone should immediately get out of the lane that's closing. Thus creating a line of traffic backed up for miles and miles. This leaves a perfectly open stretch of road unused.
That's why some states are moving toward promoting the 'zipper' method of lane merging.
Originally posted by cr25096er
What bothers/distracts you the most when driving?
I am a bit of a traffic engineer and I can tell you that the........ only fair way to do it is to have a zipper.
Originally posted by gwcrim
So the next time you feel the urge to direct traffic with your vehicle, just remember that what you're doing IS NOT in the best interest of other motorists.
I wonder what a State Trooper might have to say on this issue? I'd wager that intentionally blocking lanes is illegal as well as rude.