Ever been KO'd while riding??

  • Yes

    Votes: 98 46.2%
  • No

    Votes: 114 53.8%

  • Total voters


Hot Sauce
Oct 28, 2001
TOday trail riding i somehow wrecked, got KO'd, im talkin lights out.. I dont know how i did it, they said i was out for about 3 minutes and didnt make sense till after about 5 minutes :aj:

Just curious who here has been KO'd on their bike :)


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
at least 3 times, last time my memory of the whole day was gone. friend of mine flopped over hard on some tennessee clay mud, laid there for a minute(out) then got up and said " i think i knocked myself out" as he was falling like a sack of potatos(back out) later that evening and to this day we get a laugh out of that one


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
I voted yes for Spider. He has been ko'd 2x this season and a couple in the past. This year it was first race of the season 2nd moto in the start straight. Going into the corner kid in front of him saw the pack and locked up his brakes, Spider was still on the gas and rear ended him which lifted hie rear tire. Bike behind him got the rear tire and completed the flip with Spiders feet stuck in the bars. Did a flip over the kid that hit his brakes went face first into the dirt which KOd him then the bike came over on him and at least 2 more bikes hit him. As he came to the bikes on the track were just finishing the first lap and he kept trying to get back on his bike and start it but since it was missing a rad and the tire pointed sideways we finally were able to pull him off of it.
2nd KO came on fathers day when on the forst lap about half way around he was in 2nd or 3rd and had the leader in his sites. He way over jumped a tabletop which involves a right hand corner, came down in the ruts in the corner and flipped the bike. He was thrown free this time but went down hard on his head and laid in the middle of the track out cold. Med staff gt there immediately and flaggers did a great job protecting him since he was out for about 4 minutes (2 laps) and still on the track being backboarding thru the entire moto. This time he had about 2 days worth of headache and we got very sick of answerring
Do I have to get ready for my moto soon?- No you are done you crashed out
Did I win? No you crashed out
How did I do in my other motos? 2nd in the 1st and crashed the second
Where is my bike I have to get ready! No you are done and it is now tuesday the race was Sunday
Oh OK did I get any trophys?

It was scary and after that I actually offerred to pay him each week what we would spend on racing if he was willing to quit but he wouldn't take the deal and as soon as he was cleared he was back out racing.


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
I think I've posted the story before..but I can't remember...
July 2001 Phil and I are out riding behind his dad's house (he had 80 acres). We were riding back and fourth in a wide open field area. We would take off like we were starting a race and just bang through all the gears until we hit the tree line, then turn and come back slower and do silly things. We would wheelie, ride no handed, no footed, stand on one side of the bike, etc...Well on my last (didn't know it would be last) trip I circled Phil and went started in a spot we had not used that day. Well took off like a bat out of hell, I was wide open 4th, just before I clicked into 5th I hit something. My front end started to shake back and fourth violenty. Suddenly the handlebars turned so sharp that they hit the tank. The bike started to pull left and I was bucked off to the right. I flew through the air and landed straight down on my head.
That's what I know from watching the video...what I remember was flying down the "straight" and getting ready to click it into 5th and the front end started to shake. Then I thought "I'm going to crash" then nothing...
Phil sprinted about 50 yards to where I was laying in a heap. My bike on it's side quite a ways from where I landed. He got to me and I was just opening my eyes. The first thing I asked him was "Where we riding" followed by "where are we riding" "why is my bike over there", "were we riding"...I guess I repeated these questions a lot.
My braces cut my mouth up. I had grass intertwined in my braces which was then glued to my teeth with blood. That scared Phil pretty bad. He was afraid I may have knocked teeth out. We had to walk half a mile back to the house. I guess it was a long, slow walk..I don't remember it though. When we got back to the house I remember I could not figure out how to take off my boots...
I ended up with severe concussion, bruises, and minor brain damage. I had to go to physical therapy to learn balance again. I kept getting really dizzy and it took docs 6months to trace it back to that crash...
I still shudder when someone wants to see that video. I wish we had me on video afterwards..I want to see how I was acting...


Hot Sauce
Oct 28, 2001
First off, glad everybody is alright :)

I think what happened (from what i was told, the way they found me and my tire marks were) i hit a small downhill jump, when i landed i had too make a sweeping left, and looks like i used too mch front brake too slow down and the bike slid out from under me.. Looks like i bounced the back of my head against the dirt.. Kinda the right side, my shoulder hurts too.. I was in 3rd, and a few minutes behind us were the girls on their quads.. The first girl came around saw my laid out stopped then about 3 minutes after she got there i opened my eyes.. her Boyrfriend is a EMT, he checked me out, after i awoke they started questions, i didnt know what day it was, where i was but i did know that Thursday was Thanksgiving :) I dont know how i got up, i remember somebody pointing out my tire marks, then somehow i was on my bike and rode the rest of the trail real slow (none of this i remember) i got too the pavement and started realizing where i was, what day it was etc.. Today just my shoulder hurts, i'll be fine, i will post some pics when i get them, one of the girls had a digital camera :aj:

I was thinking of wearing a under the jersey roost gaurd, but now im a firm beleiver in my CP w/my pcs neckbrace :cool:



Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
rickyd said:
but now im a firm beleiver in my CP w/my pcs neckbrace
Same here the ER doc kept insisting I HAD to have cracked something...I actually had to bring my CP with my PCS and my helmet to my PT to show him what I was wearing when I crashed. He said it was probably a good thing I was wearing that stuff :cool:


Nov 12, 2001
I voted no, but I used to ride alone alot and one time I crashed about 2 miles in the into it and remember seeing stars, jumped up (I think), then found a large puddle of gas under the bike as if it had been leaking for a while. The rest of the ride was a little weird.

2-Strokes 4-ever

Feb 9, 2005
Oh yea! When MXing at about 15 years old, tangled bars with another on the face of a jump. The resulting concussion caused an upset stomach. My brother still makes me laugh when he says I was barfing up dirt!
Apr 14, 2005
My bike bogged out as I was hitting a double and I came up short, nose first. The bike landed on me, with the exhaust on the back of my leg, but I was KO'ed and couldnt feel the hot pipe. It ended up giving me 3rd degree burns on my leg, and I have a nasty scar now from it

The last thing I remember is the bike nose diving... the next thing I remember after that is this:

Me: So... what happened??
My dad: You just wrecked your bike, I just told you like 20 times!! Are you sure you're ok???
Me: Yea, I'm fine... so, what happened??

I was seein crooked for a little bit but minus the nasty burns, I was alright. Got my BELL RUNG!! My CLOCK CLEANED!!


Aug 21, 2005
My boy got KO'ed @ the track once, well, the guy that got to him before me said he was out for a few seconds. It didn't happen on the bike though, he fell off first.


Mar 15, 2005
I fell really hard to my left side one time, smashed the side of my head. I was dizzy and seeing stars, but I didnt get KO'd. My neck hurt after though. I really should get that helmet checked, that wasnt the first time...


Timmy Timmy Timmy!
Sep 24, 2000
In 1991 I missed 4th gear over a table top, resulting in a trip over the bars at speed. I was knocked out for a few minutes and had a concussion and broke my right collar bone. I remember only bits and pieces about the night. Like, driving to the track and being pissed at my buddy for making us late for practice. While the EMT's were looking me over. I suddenly jumped up, picked up my bike, started it and took off on the track. The thing was, the class on the track was two classes after mine. I remember hitting a jump and landing with a very sharp pain in my shoulder. By this time, I was going very slow and my buddy runs out on the track and tackled me of my bike. :yikes: :ohmy: I was ordered to follow my buddy back to the pits, expect when we went through the gate from the track to the pits he went one way and I went the other. They had to come find me again as I had no idea were I was going! My wife and buddy both have told me for years I'm not allowed to ask two questions every again. What time is it? Did I crash? I don't remember going to the hospital or the two hour drive home. I do remember pulling up to the house and thinking, how'd that get there? Anyway the end result was a concussion and broken right collar bone. I also had some short and long term memory loss. The Bell moto 5 I was wearing had 3 large cracks in the shell. When I went back to work it was hard to remember peoples names that I had know for years. Scary stuff for sure.
Last edited:


Apr 4, 2005
I've never been knocked out while riding MX, but I had a good KO when I raced BMX, so I checked 'no'.

I was running practice laps before the race that day getting warmed up, and hit a small double that was before a berm. When I landed, somehow my bike slide out from under me to the right and I landed with full force on the left side of my head.

I'm not sure how long I was out for but when I came to I recall people standing over me, I got up and was seeing double, and my vision was very blurred.

I've never had a headache that bad in my life, and sadly didn't end up going to the ER afterwards, which was extremely stupid.

My thinking was definately effected over the next few weeks and it was like being stuck in a mental fog.


Feb 22, 2005
Been KO'd twice. The first was when I was riding my old kdx 200 in a dry canal and endoed it in 5th gear. I remember landing on my back and then looking up just in time to see the handlebar headed right toward me. next thing I remember was my buddy pulled up next to me laughing his :moon: off. I cracked my helmet, and busted the swingarm bolt on the bike. I had to push the bike home and puked like 15 times becuase I was so dizzy. When I got home I took 4 aspirin and went to bed. I woke up the next day at like 1pm and my mom was all worried about so we went to the hospital and they found that I had cracked my skull. :cool:

The second time was on my Banshee (yes I was confused in High school) we were at the sand dunes and I flew off a dune and the quad ran me over, resulting in a another cracked helmet and I was out for almost 5 min. I couldn't think staight for the rest of the 5 day riding trip.


Feb 22, 2005
by the way mxgirl, That is a cool story. It sounds scary but I bet Phil loves to brag to his buddies about that story. I always thought it was cool when chicks had good crash stories.


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
cnielse5 said:
by the way mxgirl, That is a cool story. It sounds scary but I bet Phil loves to brag to his buddies about that story. I always thought it was cool when chicks had good crash stories.
:) Thanks! He does now that I'm mostly okay. I still have problems from that crash.... If I knew how to take it from VHS and put it on here I would...but I have no idea..

I have several good crash stories with a couple of them on video :bang:
If you're not crashing you're not trying! :nod:


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
vhs can be saved onto one of those video ipods or similar device then its ready to be uploaded into computer


Formally known as RV6Junkie
Damn Yankees
Jan 8, 2000
Yes. And I had a stroke a few weeks later. The doctor now believes that the two events were related (she doubted it at first).

I was riding with my son at our home track. Were were just goofing around. I came up to a little kicker jump (that is now GONE) and figured I'd just hit it nice and easy. Well, I hit it too easy. The back end of the bike came right up and I landed right on my head. I remember doing the rag-doll thing too. The next thing I remember is Connor saying "Dad, you OK?" I told him yes, but I wasn't.

I was KO'ed for about 30 seconds or so, and I knew I had a concussion. The helmet went into the garbage and I was out of sorts for a few weeks. Right about the time that I started to feel good I suffered a TIA stroke, a mini stroke, if you will.

I must have hit my head hard enough to cause a small bleed in my brain, that clotted. The clot let go and I had a stroke. The doctor said if I wasn't in such great condition (I run about 25 miles a week and lift weights) that it could have been a "major event".

It took me about 6 months to get over being tired all the time and almost a full year to really feel recovered.

Scarry stuff.

My advice, if you do get KO'ed, go to a doctor and get a CT. Your life may depend on it.


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
My brother is 16 and was goofing off on a quad and not wearing a helmet (he knows better on both)). He was wheeling it up and down the subdivision. Well it flipped over backwards and his head slammed onto the road. I guess you could hear the thud up at the house that owned the quad..so like 30yards away. After he opened his eyes (no one knows how long he was out :think: ) They sent him home...when he got there no one was there. So he calls my mom she rushes home and dad gets there shortly after. For some reason they were just like oh concussion...and didn't take him in.
We get over there a few hours later for dinner and I notice he's acting really goofy. Goofier than usual. I was like you guys need to get him in NOW. So they are like are you sure? I was like uh yeah I've had enough concussions to know this...
They take him in and find out that his brain was bleeding and he had to spend the weekend in the hospital to make sure everything would be okay. Luckily it was and he was fine. He doesn't wheelie without a helmet anymore...
Actually he had to spend the last 6 weeks of his summer walking everywhere. No driving, bicycle, no dirt bike..nothing...I guess the injury was just above the top of his spinal cord. So the doc didn't want him to chance hurting it again.


Hot Sauce
Oct 28, 2001
CaptainObvious said:
My advice, if you do get KO'ed, go to a doctor and get a CT. Your life may depend on it.

I'm estimating i was out cold for about 4-5 minutes, took another 5 minutes too realize what happened..
I will go in this week, thats why i have medical, i should use it,
Thank You,


Jan 17, 2001
At least twice that I can remember.......... Can't really remember though..

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