my friends 91yz125 has a notched basket but they arnt too deep. what should i use to file it? also how to measure it? i figure go little by little till its smooth, but what do you use?
me being ridiculously anal when it comes to rebuilding clutches, I mark one clutch basket tang, using a mill file as Dave stated I take one smooth smooth full file swipe down the side, clean the file, smooth swipe down the next tang,clean file, etc. etc. Keep the file clean if the teeth get loaded it will leave a ragged cut, I doubt if it is true but as a good feel factor for me I don't file one tang until it is smooth then move to the next because I think it will throw off how the clutch plate contacts it<file too much off one tang and the plate won't contact it notching up the other tangs quicker and possibly braking plates>So I only take one swipe at a time around the whole basket until smooth.
also keep the angle of the file as it sets on the tang proper so it wont form a knife like edge in relationship to the how the clutch plate contacts it.
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