
Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Well, all clouds have a silver lining, right? Steve and I were planning on going to the Idaho City ISDE qualifier, but a dislocated shoulder and broke down motorhome canceled our trip.

Instead we went trail riding (Steve’s shoulder was in good enough shape to chase me down the intermediate-level trails instead of screaming through the technical stuff) and FINALLY got my bike jetted and the suspension set up.


As cool as my bike was before, now that it isn’t so overly rich, it is twice the bike! Steve was worried about me twisting the throttle and hitting powerband and launching myself through the bushes so he didn’t lean it out when I first got it but I find it much easier to ride now that it isn’t so blubbery! The power doesn’t come on as hard as it did when it was running rich. I was in 2 and 3 gear, actually on the pipe in a lot of places, and riding better than I ever have before!

And with the forks slid up a little bit, the quicker steering makes it a lot more nimble and fun to ride. I felt more comfortable on the bike than ever and feel like I’m making progress and getting better.

KTMs are so cool! I love my bike!
Just had to share that with everyone. Thank you for your time. :)


May 16, 2001
Awesome FC22!! I really need to get my suspension and forks setup for me. I really have no idea how to do it, but congrats on getting your dialed in! luckily for me, the jetting on mine is excellent!!



Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Once you do, you'll be amazed at the difference it makes. On XRs, all these little fine-tuning techniques didn't really matter. On the KTM they can change the feel of the whole bike. Steve helped me as I don't know enough to do any of it but you'll need to put the bike on a center stand and measure the sag, and also measure it while it's on the ground while sitting and standing. That's how Steve did it anyway. There are lots of articles on how to do it and if you look through the archives in the suspension forum, I'm sure there is a wealth of info on the subject. I'm just lucky enough to have a built-in expert.

I am still shocked at how much better the bike is now. I may race my first mx race on it this Friday! We're going to open practice tomorrow to see what it's like. I've never started with a gate or really been in a race that put me in close quarters with other riders--the hare scrambles I did before were much more spread out. I love my bike. :cool:


Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
FC, you want to share what you ended up with for jetting on your bike?


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Umm, let me see if I remember. They come stock with a 45 pilot, 180 main, and "G" needle on the 3rd clip installed. They give you an additional 48 pilot, 185 main, and "H" needle. Steve and I tried a 42 pilot, 182 main and a Honda CR 1468 needle. It was too lean, had a slight stumble, so we went back to the 45 pilot. Still a bit lean on top but since I'm not revving it to the moon, especially that day since we were trail riding, we left it in. We're putting the "H" needle back in since it is leaner than the "G" but not as lean as the 1468.

It sure made a difference. Not a trace of spooge on the silencer--Steve was kind enough to wipe the old spooge off with his pant leg when he helped me out of a small ditch I fell into--and you could tell after that it was running 100% clean. I'm going to the organized practice tonight at Seattle International Raceway and (hopefully) race Friday night. Steve's trying to talk me out of racing what he calls "stupid-cross" but I really want to do it.


May 15, 2001
firecracker, I was wondering if you switched bars and riser positions?

If so, what did you do, and how did it improve the feel?

Also, how much did you raise the fork legs in the triple clamps?

I'm trying to get all this figured out so I can better set up my bike for me.

I'm having some difficulty holding a tight inside line, ( I keep cutting thru and over loose berms with the front wheel). :(


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
I haven't messed with bar position at all yet. We were going to cut them down but no time. We did raise the forks a little bit--couldn't tell you how much--and it made a difference. It felt like it cornered quicker.


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
Glad to hear you are happy with your bike! I love my Ktoomer too!
I raised my forks helped turns a bit, but I found I was getting head-shake when pinned in 4th+ Lowering them down to 3mm was much better.
"We dun need no stinkin dampers!" (in best mexican voice) :D


Apr 11, 2001

the cr 1368 needle should run a 195 main and not a 185, that is why is was running so lean..

my combo is 1368n needle/195 main / 42 pilot... awesome

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