
Aug 8, 2001
Well, I raced my first enduro this past weekend - the Fools Gold in Georgetown. WOW what a fantastic race and one of the best set of single tracks I've ever ridden!! The course was so well marked it was easy even for a begginer to follow. I remember thinking over and over again - " what a great trail - I wish i knew how to get back to this spot!" I started riding the first section of sigle track as fast I could ride - watching my computer (still trying to figure out how to use the damn thing) and I was determined to make my min. at the first check - where ever it was - kept pushing -past some slower riders - I was running just over my min. by a few sec.s - couldn't seem to brake into my min. know matter how fast I went. I pushed even harder and then saw the check - full speed twards the check - My computer read I was just on my min. but the check guy said I JUST missed my min. - DAMN. Well thats kind of how the rest of my day went. Got caught over my min. twice on the slow sections - I knew I was ahead of my min. but my impatients got the better of me! Learned a lesson there!! Those two cost me 9 points. I felt my speed and endurance were good but my lack of knowledge of how to race an enduro were my weak points - MUCH TO LEARN ! At mile 18 I saw I was catching another rider on a single track and glanced to my left to see where he was - at the same time I was making a left turn and didn't notice the small tree to my left behind the leaves of another tree and BAM - the left side of my bars smash into it and over the bars I go. My thumb was killing me. Sprained it bad and felt bad all over. I though it was over for the day! Climbed back on the bike and went on my way very slowly - just feeling it out to see if I felt good enough to race. After a mile or two I was able to get back up to speed and ate lots of motrin at the first gas stop!! Today I have two big brueses on the inside of my thighs and forarms - all is well though! I felt fine the rest of the race and just kept pushing. After the last gas stop (64 miles) I decided to push hard - felt some other racers may not be able to push at this point and I might make up any lost time. I was determined to finish on my min.!! Close to the finish I cought up another racer and followed for a short while - came to a spot where I felt he could pull over but he wanted to race for the fininsh I guess and just raced on. I saw a spot ( single track) that I might be able to pass and when we got there I made my move and at the same time he lost control ( I think he cliped a tree on his right side) and went flying right next to me - I have know idea how I missed him. I stoped and asked if he was OK and he said he was fine. I pushed hard to get on my min. - got to within about 8 sec of my min. and came into the last check - 8 sec. late - DAMN - again!! Well, I never made my min. all day but had one of the best trail rides of my life. WHAT A GREAT PLACE TO RIDE!! Found out today I got a 6th place in 4 stroke c class. That was a real accomplishment. Actually it was a real accomplishment to finish the race. I've never ridden 80 miles of single track and wasn't sure I could run at race pace for that long. Sure feels good and I'm hooked on racing know. It took 45 years to get here but now I'm in for good!!



Jul 1, 2000
Good going dp400 :thumb: I ran the Fools Gold last year as my first enduro and had a great time also. It was interesting this year working it and seeing the enduro from another perspective. The 1 rode crossing I worked I could of used a billboard sign to direct traffic into the tiny woods opening, seemed like riders just wanted to blast up the road. We should put a small Georgetown ride together this summer on a cooler weekend(no helicopter).


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
Great report on your first enduro dp400! :thumb: Now I want to check out Georgetown, I have not ridden there yet. Sounds like a great place from what I'm told!  So it wasn't dusty?



Aug 8, 2001
Thanks all!
The guy in front of me went up the road - that was an easy pass:-) -

We DO need to put a ride together sometime soon there - love that place!!


Dec 15, 2000
Dan to me you looked pretty fresh at 73.4 miles check 9 where Les and I were working. Good job. I wouldn't mind riding with you but without Les because your rides are to intense for me.



Apr 6, 2002
be thankful you can ride enduros! around here there are only harescrambles that are like 2 hours away, seeing as how i dont have my liscense yet i cant get a ride there, all of my friends ride MX so its not like i can get a ride there...

Good luck on your next one!


Jan 22, 2002
dp400, great race report and congratulations on finishing the Enduro!
I love riding in Georgetown, too. I rode some of the trails for Fools Gold Enduro at CERA work party in April. They were awesome!
fremontguy, please let Buddy and me know when you want to do the ride! ;) I hope your knee is healing well.


Jul 1, 2000
Originally posted by FireLily
fremontguy, please let Buddy and me know when you want to do the ride! ;) I hope your knee is healing well.

FireLily, I might have set my knee recovery back a few weeks by riding this weekend but I'll be back and ready for Georgetown in a few more weeks. Everyones inbox must be quiet these days :laugh:


Dec 3, 2002
fremontguy, I'd love to go on another ride with you and show you my new supply of survival gear. Please make sure your cell phone battery is fully charged next time.


Mar 22, 2000
This was my son's and my first full enduro as well. We started the day out with 2 goals: 1) finish the race without houring out and 2) not get hurt. We accomplished both, we did rack up a lot of minutes, but it was a great experience.

I was pretty proud of my 14 year old son riding the entire course as his first enduro. He rode a KX 100 and actually spent a good deal of time waiting for me every 5 miles or so. I quite frankly do not know how he made it up some of the hills on the little bike, they were shredded by the time we got there. Even more impressive was making it through the "slate mountain(?)" area, those stair steps were bigger than the wheels on his mini! After 80+ miles he actually had energy left... again, a very proud Dad.

Great course and BIG thumbs up to CERA. Too bad about the training wheels being postponed, Foresthill would have been like a freeway compared to some of the Georgetown trails!


Dec 15, 2000
Dennie I remember Jared coming though check 9 at the 73.4 mile mark and me asking him where's your dad. He said he's coming and about a minute later here you came. I remember Jared looking fresh, I don't remember you looking as fresh. Good job to the Dennie and Jared team!!!



Aug 8, 2001
Wow - you must have been very proud of your son! I banged my cases pretty hard many times during the race - can't imagin doing it on a 80!!



Mar 22, 2000
Originally posted by RetSenior
I remember Jared looking fresh, I don't remember you looking as fresh. Good job to the Dennie and Jared team!!!


You are being way too polite, I was delirious from the heat and exertion. Kaput. Pooped. Finito. Dragging butt. Wrung out... by the way, we're going back this weekend to re-ride some of the trails (short memory!)


Sep 20, 2000

What are complaining about? Missing your minute by a few seconds, here, there! The only time I've ever been close to being on time is during a family enduro.

Having ridden with you down at Clear Creek it is not surprising that you did so well. What you need to do is move up to the "B" class, and ride with Bigbird. He can show you how to use those fancy computers you guys have.

Congratulations to Dan, and Jared on doing so well :thumb: . Dennie good job on being out there.

I was sitting at home psyching myself up for the TW. I know my limitations. :silly:


Jan 22, 2002
I might have set my knee recovery back a few weeks by riding this weekend but I'll be back and ready for Georgetown in a few more weeks. Everyones inbox must be quiet these days
fremontguy, that's too bad.....but don't worry! Buddy hasn't bought new helmet and chest protector yet. That means he is not going to ride so soon, either. You guys just have to take a good rest before the big ride in Georgetown! ;)

LocoCD, congratulations on finishing your first Enduro with your son!


Aug 29, 2000
Jonala, thanks for the vote of confidence. DP400, I too hit a tree, but I wasn't as fortunate. I ended up with a broken right index finger, and a sprained left thumb. I caught one of those 5-6" trees in the dust on a corner that I didn't see. Smacked right into it. It bent my bark buster into the bar, tore my right radiator and shroud off the bike, and made me sit down on the trail and contemplate my racing career. I was able to remount the radiator and shroud. The radiator, thankfully, was still attached to its hoses. I then rode on to the second gas check, and called it a day. In one race, I went from 1st in my class for the B series to third. Rats! :| Well, at least there's the summer to recover, and four more events to make up the points.

BTW it is harder than h*ll to pull up your pants when that opposing thumb doesn't work. :o


Sep 20, 2000
Originally posted by Bigbird
BTW it is harder than h*ll to pull up your pants when that opposing thumb doesn't work. :o
:) :)


Sorry to hear about your misfortune. Do you think it can have any thing to do with selling the 300 and going over to 4 strokes?

Try dealing with personal hygenie matters when you can't move your entire right arm. :moon:


Aug 8, 2001

That really sucks about the points - and your fingers and bike - BUT the points , thats rough! You'll get them back after the summer. BTW This was the first chance to try my Watchdag Comp. and it worked great! I'm now reading the manual to see how I can use more of the other functions to get me one of the trophies! :-)


Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001
Originally posted by Bigbird
... It bent my bark buster into the bar...
Curious, what brand bark buster, and did the crash collapse it directly into the handlebar grip, or twist/spin it on the mounts?



Aug 29, 2000
John, it is hard to compare riding speed from one to the other, but I was prepared for a period of acclimation to the 4-stk having been on 2-stks for almost thirty years. I'm sure I could go a little faster in the tight stuff on my 300, but I was also totally wiped out at the end of the day. On the 4-stk, I still feel pretty good, so maybe there's more speed to be had. I just have to get the technique down.

dp400, I really like my Watchdog. I have used both the ICO Pro Comp and Checkmate, and personally like the Watchdog better. It is very logical, and therefore easy to use. My prediction is in two or three races you'll be enjoying the strategy of enduros as well as the riding.

Smit-dog, the bark buster was/is an Acerbis Pro Rally. The one with the aluminum center, and I made mounts to attach the inner point directly to the triple-clamp for a more rigid mount. It bent about three inches from the inner mount directly in, rotated my brake resevoir down and was about a half inch from the handlebar. I don't think many, if any barkbuster would have faired better as I hit the tree straight on, no braking, in third gear and accelerating.
Last edited:


BETTER LATE THAN NEVER. Dan so does this mean we will be seeing you at more enduros? 4 years ago I rode my first enduro and I have loved them ever sense. I never had to ride behind row 19 before the wild boar enduro ,where me and my son Joey(10years old) rode it together we were on row 68 .WOW, what a nitemare its alot different story back there .He almost finished ,he made it to second gas but his clutch went out .He still got 2nd in the C -200 class(thanks doug). We also rode the sawmill or should I say we swam the sawmill . The water crossings were more than his little bike (ttr125l)could handle ,not to say he was frezzzzing.(thanks ron)Sowe called it at the first check.Next was the polecat (hes hasnt finished1 yet but I still was very proud of him) The polecat was a hard enduro not just for him but for alotof people at gas he was tired real tired I told him that his already done all the hard stuff here so the second loop will be easyer .He went on and finished getting him 2 nd in the C-200 class . Now the fools gold he rode GREAT rode hard and smart, After second gas his bike locked up just after the first check after gas ,we stoped (not by choice) he says it just locked up he was pissed . We waited a minute and tryed to start it ,it fired up Itold him to baby it to the finish meanwhile my clutch line was leaking so I lost it . Now I am having a hard time staying with him then I get a front flat . There no way Ican stay with him now. So now hes gone ahead without me ,I thinking to my self I hpoe he doesnt ride trough the free time coming up.This what Iwas even more proud of him about . He actualy stoped when he saw everyone else stopped and then knew to leave 60 count after the guys on the row ahead of him and nearly zeroed the last check ,and didnt burn it to get2ndin the C200 class.. I know Iam rambeling but I am SO PROUD of you Joey I love you and keep it up and I Belive you can reach all yor goals!!!Dan I hope you have the same kind of enjoyment your riding/racing. To Dennie & Jared goodjob hope you had fun see ya in Oct.

ride hard and take chances
Mike Pascarella


BETTER LATE THAN NEVER. Dan so does this mean we will be seeing you at more enduros? 4 years ago I rode my first enduro and I have loved them ever sense. I never had to ride behind row 19 before the wild boar enduro ,where me and my son Joey(10years old) rode it together we were on row 68 .WOW, what a nitemare its alot different story back there .He almost finished ,he made it to second gas but his clutch went out .He still got 2nd in the C -200 class(thanks doug). We also rode the sawmill or should I say we swam the sawmill . The water crossings were more than his little bike (ttr125l)could handle ,not to say he was frezzzzing.(thanks ron)Sowe called it at the first check.Next was the polecat (hes hasnt finished1 yet but I still was very proud of him) The polecat was a hard enduro not just for him but for alotof people at gas he was tired real tired I told him that his already done all the hard stuff here so the second loop will be easyer .He went on and finished getting him 2 nd in the C-200 class . Now the fools gold he rode GREAT rode hard and smart, After second gas his bike locked up just after the first check after gas ,we stoped (not by choice) he says it just locked up he was pissed . We waited a minute and tryed to start it ,it fired up Itold him to baby it to the finish meanwhile my clutch line was leaking so I lost it . Now I am having a hard time staying with him then I get a front flat . There no way Ican stay with him now. So now hes gone ahead without me ,I thinking to my self I hpoe he doesnt ride trough the free time coming up.This what Iwas even more proud of him about . He actualy stoped when he saw everyone else stopped and then knew to leave 60 count after the guys on the row ahead of him and nearly zeroed the last check ,and didnt burn it to get2ndin the C200 class.. I know Iam rambeling but I am SO PROUD of you Joey I love you and keep it up and I Belive you can reach all yor goals!!!Dan I hope you have the same kind of enjoyment your riding/racing. To Dennie & Jared goodjob hope you had fun see ya in Oct.

ride hard and take chances
Mike Pascarella

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